
Monday, August 30, 2010

Menopause Symptoms and Naturopathic Treatment

Symptoms of menopause vary. It may be due to hormonal imbalance or can be emotional. The most common factor of menopause is aging, which is natural. Naturopathic treatment is found to be very effective in the treatment for premature menopause. Let us dig deep into the symptoms of menopause.

Blood Vasculature
Nonsmoking women have a virtual immunity to coronary heart disease before the menopause; unfortunately, after menopause the incidence of heart and vascular complications rapidly approaches that of men. During menopause, such temporary symptoms as hot flashes, night seating, and tension or migraine headaches contribute to the overall irritability and insomnia that normally occur during this time. Depending upon the severity of these symptoms, hormone replacement therapy, using estrogen and sometimes progesterone, can be used as treatment. The years preceding the climacteric may be filled with patterns of irregular bleeding, heavy in some instances or frequent enough to produce anemia. Postmenopausal bleeding is a signal to seek immediate medical attention, because the incidence of uterine or cervical cancer after the climacteric ranges from 15 to 30% of women.

And increased laxity of ligaments as well as reduced muscle tone and strength contribute to many of the symptoms occurring after ovarian failure. Backache and pain in the shoulders, elbows, knees and joints of the hands often occur. In addition, decreased muscle tone affecting the pelvic floor muscles, the bladder, and the urethra results in urine leakage and need to urinate frequently. Urinary tract and vaginal infections are more likely to occur because of the changes from a protective acidic environment to one that is less acidic.

Emotional Status
Anxiety or depression or, usually, a mixture of both may not result directly from the menopause; more importantly, these may be symptoms arising from the personal life of the individual. Many situations seem to coincide with the age of menopause, such as adolescence crisis in a child, departure or marriage of the children, declining sexual activity, the husband's own frustrations and anxieties, parental loss or parental dependence, or loss of the husband. Psychiatric therapy and help from an understanding sexual partner and family can be the most beneficial remedies. Hormone replacement therapy or anti-depressive drugs are not the solution for such emotional problems; in fact, this type of treatment present more difficulties, rather than relieving the situation.

Sexual Activity
About 20 to 25% of menopausal women experience dyspareunia, which is pain or discomfort during intercourse. In most instances, this problem arises from thinning of the vaginal wall and a lack of vaginal lubrication, both due to estrogen deficiency. This problem can be solved by applying a lubricant. The involvement of an understanding sexual partner can relieve emotional problems that cause declining sexual activity in some women. On the other hand, many women experience heightened libido because of such factors as a loss of the fear of pregnancy.

Sunday, August 29, 2010

Summary of Cervical Cancer

The cervix is the organ that connects the uterus and vagina in a woman's body. Cervical cancer is a cancer that forms in the tissues of the cervix. Cervical cancer may not have symptoms that can be detected easily and is a slow growing form of cancer. It can be detected with regular Pap tests. A Pap test is a procedure in which scraped cells from the cervix are examined under a microscope.

It is estimated that there are now 11,150 cases of cervical cancer each year in the United States. It is also estimated that approximately 3,670 women die in the United States each year from cervical cancer.

Risk factors may be any number of things that will affect the chances of a person developing a disease greater. Protective factors are elements that affect the chances of a person developing a disease less. A person may be able to avoid some risk factors while others cannot be avoided. You can choose to stop smoking. Smoking is a known risk factor for many forms of caner. However, you cannot control inheriting specific genes from your parents that could be deemed a risk factor for a form of cancer. Genetics is an uncontrollable risk factor. Avoiding known risk factors and increasing known protective factors for cancer development is cancer prevention.

Avoiding risk factors does not offer assurance that a person will not develop cancer. Research has found some people may be more sensitive to cancer causing factors while others are not at all sensitive to the same risk factors.

By studying patterns of cancer in the population it can be learned what factors may contribute to cancer development and what may aid in the prevention of cancer. Meanwhile it cannot be explained why some people develop cancer while others do not.

It is best to discuss with your health care provider about cancer prevention methods. They will be best qualified to advise you about cancer prevention methods that would be suited for you.

Saturday, August 28, 2010

What Do Genital Warts Look Like?

Genital Warts are most common sexually transmitted infection. The infection is also called condyloma acuminata or venereal warts. The condition can be prevented only by using barrier contraception while having intercourse. If you doubt you are suffering from genital warts or have had a sexual relationship with someone who has been recently diagnosed with genital warts, the following information might help you.

Genital warts are caused by a virus called the Human Papilloma Virus. This is an extremely contagious virus and is transmitted by sexual contact of any nature. The condition usually manifests as warts or bumps. The virus favors the moist genital tissue. It infects the topmost layers of the genital region. the infection causes the cells there to proliferate abnormally causing warts to form.

As mentioned above, genital warts are usually seen in and around the genital area. In men it is common to find them on the tip and the shaft of the penis. The warts may also spread to the scrotum and the anus. In women, the warts are usually seen on the external genitalia also called the vulva, the vagina and in the area between the between the vulva and vagina. The warts may also appear in the mouth and throat of persons who have engaged in oral sexual contact with an infected person.

The warts are flesh or grey in color. They may be single. in some cases genital warts look like cauliflower shaped masses. The size of the warts is around one millimeter. Occasionally the warts may be very big in size. The warts are seen as flesh colored lumps. In some cases they may have a bump like appearance and may also be colored gray. The warts are also associated with irritation or itching in the genital area. You might also bleed while having intercourse. this is because of the erosion of the wart tissue. In some cases the warts may even be asymptomatic. if you are infected and have become pregnant, latent infection may flare up due to pregnancy. Pregnancy also tends to worsen an infection that is already existing.

Genital warts look like bumps in some cases. This does not mean you ignore them. the Human Papilloma Virus has shown to be a cause of cancer. This is especially true for women, where the virus has shown an association with cervical cancer. if you are pregnant and due for delivery, it is very important to seek treatment. The genital warts look harmless, but may transmit infection to your baby during her or his passage through the birth canal. This can have serious complications in the long run.

If you do not know what genital warts look like, you might still want to go to a qualified medical practitioner if your partner has been diagnosed with the infection. Always use protection when you are having intercourse with a person whose sexual history you don't know. You might not know the person's history of sexual disease, in this case it is very important to use precautions. You can also ask your health care provider for information on what genital warts look like. This will help you and your partner.

Friday, August 27, 2010

Information About Cervical Cancer

When cells in an area of body grow abnormally, cancer can develop. Cervical cancer is abnormal cell growth in the cervix. The cervix is the part of the uterus that connects the upper part of the uterus (the womb). Cervical cancer is a serious condition that can be life threatening. It begins when women becomes infected with certain types of Human Papillomavirus (HPV). If the immune system does not clear the infection, normal cells can begin to grow abnormally and turn into precancerous lesions. If not discovered early and treated, this abnormal cell growth can become cancer. Most often this can take a number of years, although in rare cases it can happen within a year.

Women who have been infected with certain types of HPV and have not been to clear the virus can get cervical cancer and pre-cancer. About half of all females diagnosed with cervical cancer are between 35 and 55 years old. Many of these women were most likely exposed to cancer causing HPV type during their teens and 20's. Most of the women who get cervical cancer may have never had a Pap test.

HPV is a common virus that affects both females and males. There are more than 100 types of the virus. Most types of HPV do not cause any symptoms, are harmless and are cleared. About 30 types of HPV are known as genital HPV since they affect the genital area. Some types can cause cervical cancer or abnormal cells in the lining of the cervix that could turn into cancer. Other types of HPV can cause genital warts and benign (noncancerous) changes in the cervix. HPV has also been linked to other rare disease including vaginal and vulvar cancer, as well as RRP (recurrent respiratory papillomatosis), a disease of the throat that makes breathing difficult. Because people who have HPV may not show any sign or symptoms, they can transmit the virus without even knowing it. Anyone who has sexual activity involving genital contact could get genital HPV, even if there is no sexual intercourse.

Because HPV usually has no sign or symptoms, most people infected with HPV don't know they have it. Most HPV infections are first discovered as a result of abnormal Pap test. A Pap test is part of a gynecological exam and helps detect abnormal cells in the lining of the cervix before they have the chance to become pre-cancer or cervical cancer. Many cervical pre-cancers (changes that could lead to cancer) are related to HPV and can be treated successfully if detected early. That's why early detection is so important.

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Ovarian Cancer - The Importance of Early Detection

It is important for women to educate themselves about ovarian cancer and the risk factors for this disease. In the past, the belief was that this condition would strike without symptoms. But now the medical community is aware of the early warning signs. Women can protect themselves and dramatically increase their chances of surviving this disease by paying attention to their bodies and by knowing the symptoms.

This form of cancer is more prevalent than once thought. Recent estimates suggest that one out of every 55 American women will develop the disease. The reason that it takes the lives of so many women is they do not detect the symptoms during the early stages. Often, they find out that they have it when the chances for survival are slim.

During the early stages of ovarian cancer, a woman's ovary contains cancerous cells that begin multiplying abnormally. At this time, there are some warning signs. However, these symptoms are often dismissed as being normal feminine conditions such as menstrual cramps.

The early symptoms include pain in the pelvic region, rapid weight gain or loss, and pain during sexual intercourse. Other warning signs are a lack of energy, nausea, unusually heavy bleeding during the menstrual cycle, or extremely long periods.

A woman may experience one or more of these indicators. Anyone who experiences these symptoms for an extended amount of time should see a physician in order to find out if the discomforts are caused by the early stages of cancer. This is especially important if the symptoms last for more than one week.

A physician will do a biopsy along with a pelvic examination on a woman who may be experiencing the early symptoms of ovarian cancer. This will help determine if there are any abnormalities or cancerous or pre-cancerous cells. It will also reveal if treatment is necessary and which type of medication would be best in order to prevent the problem from advancing.

Detecting the disease during the early stages dramatically increases the chances that a patient can be cured. Unfortunately, many women do not become aware of their condition until it has progressed to the stages. By this time, it may have spread to other areas of the body, which lowers the chances for survival.

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Have Ovarian Cancer and Not Even Know It?

Growing up as the youngest of five with two great parents, was the best experience I could have ever had. There was a time that I did recall for about six months that I just did not feel like myself.

I was on my third month of having a constant menstrual cycle, with a lot of discomfort. I began to have really sharp pains throughout the lower part of my body, my stomach started to protrude and I had severe nausea 24 hours a day. I refused to tell my Mom because for some reason I just thought that it would go away. Well, it got worse and I had no choice but to tell her. I must mention that I was extremely obese, at 13 years old I weighed 230lbs. I will never forget the time I went to my weight loss MD and my blood pressure was 200/110...yes! At age 13 years old, I was already a ticking time bomb!

My Mom scheduled me for an appointment to see our family doctor, who I could still kick in the rear today for the snide comments made on the day of my first visit, he said, "There is nothing wrong with this child except that she is greatly obese and needs to lose weight, if anything she has a kidney infection." He never ordered any test to confirm that diagnosis nor did he care to. He prescribed medication that I did not need, which made me feel worse. The incorrect medication caused the situation to get even worse.

It was determined by a wonderful man and Gynecologist, who was at the time one of the best in New York. Unfortunately, he no longer practices medicine as I really never had the opportunity to just say, "Thank You for being appointed as one of Gods' Angels" sent to correctly diagnose me and perform the surgery on me that would save my life.

I remember everything that went on as if it were yesterday; the pain, discomfort, the comments about my sudden weight loss. I had to convince everyone that knew me that I was still a virgin. I had to stop attending school for the balance of my 10th grade school year and was home schooled for my entire 11th year of high school. It was a mess! But my spirits were high and I just wanted to get this all over with in order to get to my normal way of life.

Time was moving so slow for me, the pain was increasing, my weight dropped by 135lbs. and I looked like I may have been nine months pregnant. I was weak at times but never stopped my home schooling and passed all of my exams in order to qualify as a senior in the upcoming and last year of high school.

My friends were concerned and puzzled by my condition. Rumors were flying around about me being pregnant and putting the baby up for adoption. I had just about enough of the doctor appointments, tests and false accusations.

It was December of 1981, I remember the night before I was to be admitted into the hospital, my Mom was on the phone crying and praying so much that I thought something had happened and that we were going to hear bad news about someone else. I listened to her conversation that consisted of more tears than words and finally I fell asleep. I was admitted to the hospital the next day. The surgery was performed immediately after wards. I woke up to a flat stomach, killer hips and a wonderful waistline.

My medical doctor and his team were coming in to visit me every hour. I became so popular in the hospital and never knew why. On the day I was discharged, my Gynecologist paid me a visit and we had a very nice heart to heart, he said, "You are a very strong young lady and you are here for a reason. Take good care of yourself. You must understand that in the future you may not be able to have children due to your past problem but remember that you can always adopt and will be a great mother." At that time, the thought of having a child was the furthest thing from my mind. Time went on and in February of 1982 I was admitted into the hospital to have my right fallopian tube and right ovary removed.

I was now in my mind, Fabulous! I went from a size 24 to a 14. I felt better than I ever did and I looked great! I was always very insecure about my looks as a young girl but my family always made me feel good about myself. So to experience this "Extreme Makeover" was a blast for my confidence level.

About eight weeks after the second surgery, I was scheduled for a follow-up appointment at New York Hospital.

It was on a Monday evening and after taking several tests earlier that week, my parents and I were sitting in this small office with a very nice MD, who gladly informed us that every cell and tissue tested were normal and there were no signs of anything ever being there. My parents broke down in each others arms and the MD even had a strange look of amazement on his face.

Twenty one years later, I was at work and while eating my lunch I called my Mom and we were talking as usual and she asked me if I would give one of the physicians that worked on my case, who is now a Professor in one of the NYC Colleges' permission to use my case as a study for his students. That is when she told me that I am an Ovarian Cancer survivor. I actually had Ovarian cancer and did not know it. I get chills every time I think about it.

My entire family, friends and physicians agreed that it would be best that I not know any details of my illness at that time of my life. They just wanted me to be a kid with a zest for life. Could mind be over matter? I never had radiation treatment or chemotherapy and still no signs of any cancerous cells in my body, determined by taking an annual CA-125 Blood test.

I have been blessed with two beautiful (biological) children, a wonderful husband and a family of heroes to be so thankful for.

Now being that I am considered high risk, my Gynecologist recommended that I have a total Hysterectomy to avoid any recurrence. I was willing to have the Hysterectomy and did so in 2008. It was the best thing I could have ever done, so far no negative side affects and I feel great mentally, physically and spiritually.

I truly feel that this was Gods' way of giving me another opportunity to live even longer while not having to worry about or deal with that illness as my family, friends and physicians did when I was a young girl.

Most of all I have to thank God again and again, for using me to perform another miracle.

Please schedule a regular Gynecology exam for you and your loved ones' annually. Take care of yourself. Be wise, be well.

Monday, August 23, 2010

Need to Know Types, Causes and Symptoms of Cancer?

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Cancer is a disease where normal cells in the body grows abnormally. These cells divide uncontrollably. It can develop in almost all organs in your body. These are the colon, lungs, breast, skin and even bones. It also goes with gender because common cancer in men is prostrate, lung and colon cancer while in women it is breast, colon and lung cancer.

Cancer is caused by pesticides used in agriculture and homestead, such that as you protect yourself from malaria you are causing more harm in your body. Other causes are radiation, sunlight, smoking of tobacco (first hand or second), benzene, some virus and poisonous mushroom mostly found in the peanut plant. But the causes of some cancer still remain unknown.

Diet plays a big role because you find gastric cancer very common in Japan, also in part of Africa where most people consume fast food chicken that is injected to mature in a month. However a report shows that the most fatal one globally is lung cancer. Recently studies and reports show how our society as a whole has grown heavier and chubbier, this being one of cause of cancer.

Other types of cancer are kidney, skin, brain, bone, cervical, intestinal, leukemia, liver, ovarian, pancreatic and Hodgkin's lymphoma cancer. Symptoms of cancer vary with location the of the tumor, like lung cancer causes coughing, shortness of breath or even chest pain. Colon cancer on the other hand causes diarrhea, constipation, and blood in the stool.

Did you know some cancers may not have any symptoms at all? While others like gallbladder cancer, symptoms often do not start until the disease has reached an advanced stage? Common general symptoms are unplanned weight loss, malaise, loss of appetite, fever, persistent fatigue, sweating at night, change of skin and chills.

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Natural Treatment Ovarian Cysts - Crush Symptoms With Natural Methods

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Almost all women paid visits to their doctors when they have ovarian cysts issue; well this is the normal thing to do. It is also advisable that you acquire a bit of education regarding cysts. For example, the problem with most Doctors is they will not tell their patients that there are natural treatment ovarian cysts. Talking about benefits natural treatment far outweighs medical treatment when it comes to dealing with ovarian cysts.

Findings show that natural treatment ovarian cyst works much quicker and yielded better result. Most of the natural processes are much easier to work out compare to the medical ones. They are also more effective than the medications normally prescribed by Doctors. Doctors will encourage women to take pills with no lasting results because such pills only cover the symptoms. Just covering the symptoms only means temporal solution or no solution

For example, unusual weight gain is a symptom of ovarian cyst, if you take some pills and lose weight; the pills helps you to lose weight but will not prevent the further growth of more cysts.

On the other hand, natural treatment ovarian cyst will focus on the symptoms. While pills cover up the symptoms, natural treatment will uproot the symptoms. Hormonal pills will do nothing to prevent the ovarian cysts from developing in the near future. Surgery might take care of any cysts that are currently in the ovary but will not prevent any future cysts from developing in the ovary.

Natural treatment will focus on the causes of the cysts, once these causes are in lime light; it will be easy to get rid of them. One of theses causes is suffering from unnecessary pressure, pain and inflammation in the lower pelvic area. These pains and pressure will vanish by the application of heat, the use of a heating pad or having a warm bath.

Too much pressure on the reproductive organ through surgery means causes the development of cysts and makes it very painful; this is the reason why dependence on surgery for either short term or long-term relief is not advisable.

The right application of simple rules to living a healthy lifestyle, making changes in certain habits, making wise decisions when deciding on food can all rescue you from the dependence on surgical operation and help to alleviate worries from the side effects of medical treatments.

Saturday, August 21, 2010

What Are the Options on Cervical Cancer Treatment?

The cervix is the lower, narrow end of the uterus that leads to the vagina or birth canal. Like many organs in the body, the cervix can develop cancer. Cervical cancer usually develops very slowly over time. Before cancer appears in the cervix, dysphasia happens. Dysphasia is where the cells of the cervix go through changes and the cells that are not normal appear in the cervical tissue. When this happens, cancer starts to spread around the cervix and to other surrounding areas. Since the cervix is an important organ in the female body, it is important for us to know what are the options available on cervical cancer treatment.

Cervical cancer is often treated by a hysterectomy where the entire uterus and part of the vagina is removed surgically. If the cancer in the cervix is at an advanced stages, lymph nodes may also need to be removed. However, since many patients want to remain fertile, other more gentle cervical cancer treatment methods need to be considered. One of such gentle treatment is the loop electrosurgical excision procedure or LEEP.

There are many advantages to a LEEP, which include low cost, a high success rate, ease of use and often only requires the use of a local anesthetic. Another such surgical procedure is the cone biopsy. In a cone biopsy, only a cone shapes sample is removed from the mucous membrane. Radiation therapy is given as external beam radiotherapy to the pelvis and internally as brachytherapy. However if the cone biopsy does not produce much positive results, there is another procedure called a trachelectomy. With a trachelectomy, the doctors will try to remove only the cancer while keeping the uterus and ovaries intact. This treatment option is particularly ideal in condition whereby the cervical cancer has not spread to other areas inside the uterus. The limitation with this treatment method is that there are only a few specialists available who are qualified and skilled enough to perform this delicate procedure. Radiation therapy is another treatment option. Radiation therapy is administered as external beam radiotherapy to the pelvis and internally as brachytherapy. However, when dealing with cervical cancer, the biggest issue besides survival is the ability to have children in the future.

It is important to explore all the treatment options available for cervical cancer and to discuss with your doctor, friends, family and husband on the best cancer treatment for you. Do get a second expert's opinion before proceeding with any cervical cancer treatment involving surgery.

Friday, August 20, 2010

Bronciolitis Causes Symptoms Information With Treatment

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Bronchiolitis starts out with signs and symptoms similar to those of a common cold but then progresses to coughing and wheezing. However, in babies and toddlers whose bronchioles are smaller and easier to plug, these viruses often cause bronchiolitis when inhaled. The illness affects infants and young children most often because their small airways can become blocked more easily than those of older children or adults. Although it's often a mild illness, some infants are at risk for a more severe disease that requires hospitalization. Babies who attend day care are less likely to get bronchiolitis than those who stay home with a parent who smokes. RSV infections are responsible for more than half of all cases of the illness and are most widespread in the winter and early spring. Other viruses associated with bronchiolitis include influenza and adenovirus.

Causes of Bronchiolitis

The common Causes of Bronchiolitis:

Mycoplasma pneumoniae

Chlamydia pneumoniae.




Influenza virus

Symptoms of Bronchiolitis

Some Symptoms of Bronchiolitis:

Intercostal retractions.

Fever (variable).

Cough, wheezing, shortness of breath, or difficulty breathing.

Nasal flaring in infants.

Rapid breathing (tachypnea).

Bluish skin due to lack of oxygen (cyanosis).

Treatment of Bronchiolitis

If a baby is very distressed, and having trouble feeding, he may need to be admitted to hospital where he can be closely observed, given oxygen and sometimes fluid through a drip (intravenous therapy).

Often the illness is mild, and does not need any special treatment.

Intravenous (IV) fluids if your child is unable to drink well

Bronchodilating drugs are often used but efficacy not proven. If there is no clinical response after one treatment, use should be stopped.

Vaporisers, humidifiers, or using other ways to put steam into the air, have not been shown to be helpful for babies with bronchiolitis.

Bronchiolitis 'looks like' and 'sounds like' asthma, but the treatments that work for older children with asthma usually do not help with bronchiolitis.

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Cervical Cancer Symptoms

Cervical cancer symptoms are hard to be distinguished from normal female reproductive processes. However, the much larger danger with cervical cancer symptoms is that they often go unnoticed because they mimic so many other common conditions such as PMS and ovulation pains. These common symptoms that most females have at one time or another are written off without ever being reported to a doctor. At other times cervical cancer can have no symptoms at all. Unfortunately when symptoms present themselves, it usually means that the cancer has already progressed into a more advanced stage.

Some of the common symptoms are abnormal bleeding during the month or an unusually heavy discharge that may be foul smelling, watery or contain mucus. Both of these symptoms can be symptoms of other conditions common with females. Any change in cycles or discharges should be reported to your doctor immediately.

Some of the other symptoms that can occur, but are seen less frequently are:

Pelvic pain unrelated to the normal menstrual cycle that range from dull aches to severe sharp pains lasting for hours. As with any abnormal pain, this should be reported to your doctor immediately.

Pain during urination. This includes pain that is in your bladder and kidney areas. Bladder pain which can be an indication that the cancer has spread to the bladder.

Bleeding between cycles or after sex. This is caused by an irritation of cervix. This can also include bleeding when douching, having a pelvic exam, or when inserting a diaphragm.

Pain during intercourse or pain that lasts for more than 30 minutes after an orgasm.

Leakage of urine from the bladder to the cervical area. This includes becoming incontinent or having pools leak out when you cough or sneeze.

Since abnormal cervical cell changes rarely cause any symptoms at all, it is vital that women have regular pap test screening (even women who have stopped the normal cycle). Regardless of how small the problem seems, it is a wise choice for all woman to report any changes to your doctor. Early detection can be your best choice chance for a complete recovery. It is of utmost importance that woman of all ages have regularly scheduled pelvic examinations including a Pap smear.
