
Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Here Are Ways to Help You Overcome Ovarian Cancer

Cervical cancer symptoms

There is a reason why one gets ovarian cancer because the rate is rising and its specific factors are our modern day living which is responsible. Pinpointing the reasons is the key to solving the problem. 100 years ago ovarian cancer was unheard of; today it's a common disease. It has been described as a silent killer because there are very few symptoms and by time it is diagnosed it is well advanced.

While our orthodox medical system does have its share of successes with some leukaemia's and lymphomas, unfortunately the most common cancers including ovarian cancer are as resistance to their treatments today as they were 40 to 50 years ago.

With this information in mind, when my wife was diagnosed with ovarian cancer in 2001 our approach in overcoming the disease was to apply a strict natural diet. She was operated on within a week of diagnoses and was given a total hysterectomy. Unfortunately by this time the cancer had spread to her surrounding organs and we were informed that nothing more could be done.

Prior to this we had both been great advocates of the Gerson diet so it was with this diet that we turned to, starting it as soon as she was able to eat again. She regained her appetite very quickly and the cancer never advanced any further. 2 years later she was declared totally cancer free and today, 7 years on she is still in good health, her cancer long gone.

What most people fail to realize is that the human body possesses a superb system of natural defences against all diseases including cancer and when one applies this strict natural therapy the body has the ability to heal and regulate itself.

It is said that the causative factors of ovarian cancer are acrylamides in food which are produced by baked, fried or roasting food, or by the use of talcum powder, especially when it's applied around the genital area but I'm sure those factors didn't apply in our case.

You may be told that your ovarian cancer is genetic and has been caused by a change in your genes, but those changes will probably have been brought about by one's lifestyle, the toxic environment and bad diets. Our diets today have a huge impact on why there is now so much cancer.

Healing of cancer is quicker and more effective if the person takes central responsibility for his or her own health and has an active involvement in the healing process. The appropriate diet and lifestyle changes are your first line of defence.

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