What is libido?
Libido or low sex drive in women is also known as HSDD or hypoactive sexual desire disorder. It is a deficiency or absence of sexual fantasies and the desire for sexual activity, as defined by APA or American Psychiatric Association.
What is the cause of a low libido in women?
Low libido varies from one individual to another. Some of them are fatigue, pregnancy, medications (eg antidepressants, birth control pills, mood stabilizers), depression, age and anxiety disorders. It is also sometimes related to a reduction in naturally produced estrogen.
What is cervix cancer?
It is a malignant cancer of the cervix uteri, the lower part of the uterus or womb, or cervical area. The uterus is a hollow, pear-shaped organ in the lower abdomes and is connected by the cervix to the vagina.
A passageway where blood flows from the uterus through the canal into the vagina during menstrual period is known as cervical anal.
Women with high risk factor of contracting cervix cancer are:
early sexual intercourse
multiple sex partners
human papilloma virus infection
cigarette smoking
long-term use of oral contraceptives
infections, sexually transmitted disease
How do you identify the symptoms the cervix cancer?
Some of the symptoms are:
post-coital bleeding
foul and blood stained vaginal discharge
irregular bleeding after intercourse
In the advance stage of cervix cancer, woman can experience pain and swelling of the legs.
However, women will not have any symptoms during the pre-cancer stage.
Treatments available
The type of treatment is dependent on the stage of the disease, the age group and the tumour type. Treatment includes surgery, chemotherapy, radiation therapy or both.
Treatment for Early Stage- Either radiation/chemoradiation or surgery
Treatment for Advance Stages - Systemic chemotherapy or chemoradiation
Do you know that surgery will include the removal of the cervix, uterus, fallopian tubes, vaginal cuff and pelvic lymph nodes? High-energy rays are used in radiation to kill cancer cells.
There are two types of radiation - External Radiation and Internal Radiation or Intracavitary radiation.
External Radiation comes from a large machine outside of the body. Outpatient treatment is usually required.
Internal Radiation or also known as Intracavitary Radiation, implants containing radioactive material substance are left in the vagina for a few hours.
Cervical cancer and low female libido - How are they connected?
Any woman who has cervix cancer will definitely experience stress, fatigue, emotional effects and general poor health. These issues will generally affect a woman's sex drive and desire.
Cervix cancer patient may feel nervous about having sex after treatment. They will be wondering if it is safe to have sex. Just remember that having sex with your partner even though you are suffering from cervix cancer will not make the cancer comeback. Nor will it make your partner catch the cancer from you.
Most women will need to take more time over sex the help their vagina relax. Relax and enjoy your intimacy with your partner. Start gently and slowly the vagina will become supple again and you can experience usual sex life after a few weeks.
It also helps if you and your partner discuss things. Talk it over. Share your fear, concerns and apprehension. Make your partner understand what you are going through. You will be surprised that by explaining you make your partner understand you and the situation better. Suddenly you will realize that you are not alone.
A woman's emotion can be affected during this time. This is normal. There is no wrong or right way to handle such a situation. Two way communication with your sex partner do really help. The faster you come to terms with your situation the better and more calm your life will be and the faster you will start to more forward with your life.
Any cervical cancer patient will experience low persistent sex drive and will definitely experience personal and emotional distress. Some of the signs are:
Vaginal dryness
Decreased genital sensation
Difficulty to achieve orgasm
Genital pain with or without sexual contact
Lack of sexual interest
History of abuse
Pelvic surgery eg hysterectomy, pregnancy, straddle injuries
Hormonal problems
Blood flow problems
Whatever the situation is, low libido should never impede your sex drive and desire. Many of the above effects can be eased by hormone creams, skin patches, tables, or libido enhancer.
If vaginal dryness is a problem, get your doctor to prescribe creams or you can get lubricating gels. If low libido is a problem, female libido enhancer liquid or creams are available which you and your partner can apply directly to the vagina before or during sex.
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