
Thursday, June 30, 2011

The hidden problems of ovarian cancer

Dr. Christiane Northrup has some interesting ideas about the problems and emotional energy associated with ovarian cancer. Although it is impossible to generalize emotional and energetic responses, highlighting the problem of rabies in ovarian tumors. She described the ovaries as "balls of a woman", meaning that relate to active participation in the world in a way that expresses our unique creative potential, as women, on an individual basis.

Says:"... We as women need to be open to the uniqueness of our creations and their own energies and impulses, without trying to force them to default. Our ability to yield to our creativity, recognizing they can not control our intelligence is the key to understanding ovarian power. "(P187, women's bodies, women's wisdom)

It is said that the problem of anger that comes from being in an abusive relationship - not necessarily physical, but of course this could be thecase. And not necessarily a personal or intimate. It could be the work, society, or even spiritual. However, it embodies a way of relating and dealing with something or someone, where you feel controlled by the situation and the woman in question does not believe in their ability to change or herself. This is a denial of their innate power and self-sovereignty. A denial of the innate dignity of women, creativity, spirituality, and complexity.

Interestingly, Dr. Northrup saysovarian cancer is linked to a diet high in fat and dairy products. Dairy products in oriental medicine, is associated with the liver meridian. Meridians conduct energy, and even if they have a specific anatomy, not necessarily identified with the organs of the same name, as understood in conventional Western medicine. The emotion associated with the liver meridian is out of balance, is the anger and rage.

Oriental medicine believes that diseases begin in our energy bodyfirst, then proceed with the physical body. And certainly not all women who have a diet rich in dairy fat and high in ovarian cancer. Dr Northrup suggests that women take care of her ovaries and uterus can try and express what this is for their creative energy deep. He suggests taking the time to do this every day.

A recent scientific study found that consuming two or more cups of tea a day may reduce the risk of ovarian cancer by 46%. This studytook place in Sweden for a period of 15 years. Sweden is a country where there is an increased risk of ovarian cancer, like other countries with high consumption of dairy products (Denmark and Switzerland).


[Http: / /]

Dr. Christiane Northrup, a woman's body, the wisdom of women (Piatkus, 1995)

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

What are symptoms of cervical cancer that every woman should be treated?

Well the symptoms of this disease typically aren't conspicuous and the symptoms may still happen even if you doesn't have cancer. You must be careful enough in watching the signs of cervical cancer and its symptoms. However there are some cases that unfortunately, the cervical cancer symptoms are not noticeable enough until the cancer is in its advanced stage because early cervical cancer is usually do not give any of its symptoms. That's why there is proper screening for it because it is so important. These are the following symptoms and the signs of the more advanced cancer of the cervix:

Abnormal Bleeding: experiencing the abnormal vaginal bleeding where there is a heavy or a light bleeding during the menstrual period. Also after sexual intercourse there is an abnormal bleeding occurrence. There may also be new bleeding even if a woman had stopped having menstruation (menopause).

Pelvic Pain: the pain of the pelvic that is not connected from menstrual cycle. These may be having the sufferings of dull ache to a pain that is so sharp that will last for a couple of hours. This cervical symptom may be severe or mild.

Pain during urination: the bladder pain or the ache during urinating can be the symptom of an advanced cancer of the cervix. This is typically the occurrence of cancer because it had spread out to the bladder. There is blockage of the kidneys or from the ureter that causes trouble in using the restroom. You may notice that there is a matter that is fecal in you vagina. These is because of the abnormal bleeding happens to the rectum, vagina, or bladder.

The bleeding between regular menstrual periods, after sexual intercourse, douching or pelvic exam: during these activities there is bleeding of the vagina. This is due to the cervix that is irritated. There are many situations that bleeding may occur like after doing sex, but a cervix that is healthy just had a small bleeding amount. If there is unusual bleeding, this may be one of the symptoms of the cervical cancer.

Unusual heavy discharge: the increase of the vaginal discharge may result to a symptom of a cervical cancer. This may have mucus that is so very thick, sticky, watery, and have a very unpleasant odor that may found to the vagina.

Cancer symptoms have some common symptoms like the abnormal bleeding. Noticing the bleeding on odd times of your menstruation or anything that will contact to your cervix will bleed there is a possibility of a cervical cancer.

It is important to report any unusual vaginal discharge to your doctor. Other cervical cancer symptoms include changes in your menstrual cycle. Having excessively heavy, exceptionally light, or bleeding at odd times during your cycle can all be cervical cancer symptoms. These are the symptoms that you have a cervical cancer and most of the women who suffered these symptoms causes lose of weight. These cancer symptoms are one of the big signs that you have been the deadly disease that is so very risky.

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Cervical Cancer and Juanita's Story: The Power of the Pap

Juanita was a 48 year old Hispanic who noticed vaginal bleeding after she and her husband had had sex. This symptom had occurred off and on for about 6 weeks when he decided to be evaluated in the clinic of the local health department. Juanita had not had a gynecological examination and Pap smear in the last 5 years. She had been pregnant 5 times, children 3 and 2 miscarriages. He had a history of hypertension, but was in good health. ItsExamination revealed a 3 cm mass in the cervix. The gynecologist has obtained a biopsy of the mass revealed squamous cell carcinoma, cancer of the cervix.

After her diagnosis, Juanita had a CT scan of the pelvis showed no clearly visible disease in their lymph nodes or elsewhere outside of the cervix. A chest radiograph was negative. Gynecologic oncologist, Juanita made a radical hysterectomy, which revealed a squamous cell carcinoma of the cervix withoutevidence of spread to surrounding tissues, and negative surgical margins. However, there is microscopic cancer cells in 6 of 8 lymph nodes were removed from the left side of the basin. He also had over cancer cells invade the lymphatic system and blood vessels near the cervix. Juanita has been subjected to a radiation oncologist recommended postoperative radiotherapy and chemotherapy together (chemoRT). Received 5.5 weeks of radiation treatment that uses intensity modulatedtherapy (IMRT), in order to minimize the dose of radiation absorbed by the small bowel and bladder neighbors. Concomitant chemotherapy with cisplatin was delivered by weekly gynecological oncologist. He had a difficult time in your chemoRT due to fatigue and severe diarrhea. It had to be hospitalized for three days towards the end of treatment to receive intravenous fluids because of dehydration. However, within a month after finishing chemoRT, Juanita had fully recovered from the effects of treatment.Four years after the completion of its chemoRT, disease-free or long-term side effects.

Cervical cancer is the most common cause of death among gynecologic cancers in women during much of the world. However, deaths from cervical cancer are less common in the U.S. thanks to widespread use of Pap tests. According to the latest NCI's SEER Cancer Statistics Review, survival at 5 years after diagnosiscervical cancer for all stages combined is 70%. If the disease is localized, the 5-year survival is 91%.

The human papillomavirus (HPV) are present in almost all squamous cell cancers of the cervix. HPV infection is the major risk factor for developing cervical cancer. Two strains of HPV, types 16 and 18 are most often associated with cervical cancer. The two vaccines that were created forprevent cervical cancer are designed to protect against strains of HPV. The vaccine is approved in the United States to women ages 9 to 26 (and now the kids!). Available vaccines do not eliminate the HPV infection in a woman who is already infected. Most women who develop an HPV infection is cleared by themselves within 1-2 years and do not develop cervical cancer. Activities that put women at risk of HPV infection (such as having multiple partners sex)Also put them at risk for cervical cancer. To the surprise of many young women, including snuff smoke has been clearly linked with increased risk of developing cervical cancer. Therefore, most (but not all) Risk factors for cervical cancer can be modified or changed by women who make the effort to protect themselves.

Signs and symptoms
The classic symptoms of cervical cancer arevaginal bleeding, most notably following intercourse, called post-coital bleeding. Some women may visit their gynecologist with complaints of pelvic pain without bleeding. Those patients who present with significant symptoms and are found to have more advanced cancer, usually haven't had routine gynecological exams including Pap testing. The Pap test is an extremely effective screening tool for the prevention and/or early detection of cervical cancer.

Most women are diagnosed with cervical cancer following examination and biopsy of the cervix by their gynecologist. Patients should then be referred to a gynecologic oncologist, a surgeon specializing in the care of patients with gynecologic cancers. Roughly 80% of cervical cancers are squamous cell carcinomas.

Historically, the primary staging system for cervical and other gynecologic cancers was based on the FIGO system. Patients with very early stage disease have smaller cancers limited to the cervix. Locally advanced disease includes large cervical tumors that invade into the nearby tissues within the pelvis, as well as those that involve pelvic lymph nodes.

Patients with early stage cervical cancer should be treated surgically by a gynecologic oncologist. The standard surgical procedure is called a radical hysterectomy, which differs from what most people think of as a hysterectomy. In addition to the uterus, the fallopian tubes, ovaries, parametria (tissue on the sides of the cervix), ligaments and tissues that support the uterus, and upper portion of the vagina are all surgically removed by the gynecologic oncologist. Cure rates exceed 80% overall. Potential acute side effects of radical hysterectomy include bleeding, infection, urinary or bowel injury, sexual dysfunction, and rarely life-threatening blood clots to the lungs.

Certain patients will benefit from post-operative radiation therapy (RT) to their pelvis. These groups include patients with cancer cells at the edge of where the surgeon removed the tumor (positive margins), involvement of lymph nodes, parametria, or within lymphatic and vascular channels. Post-operative concurrent chemoRT improves survival over RT alone and is the standard of care for these patients at high risk of cancer returning within the pelvis.

Locally advanced cervical cancer is fortunately becoming much less common throughout most of the U.S. due to the widespread use of Pap testing. The standard treatment for these patients is concurrent chemoRT. This regimen usually includes both external and internal RT. External RT is delivered over roughly 5 weeks of daily treatment. The internal RT may be delivered in the hospital over 2-3 consecutive days usually after completion of external RT, or as an outpatient once per week beginning midway through the treatment course. Medications are given to minimize discomfort.

The most frequent acute side effects of RT to the pelvis include irritation of bladder and bowel causing frequency and/or discomfort with urination or bowel movements. Fatigue and decreased blood counts are also common side effects of chemoRT in this setting. Approximately 5-10% of women will have chronic bladder or bowel problems that affect their quality of life long-term. Rarely, RT may cause permanent bowel or bladder injury requiring surgery to repair. There is also a small but real risk of vaginal stenosis, scarring at the top of the vagina, that may cause pain. The risk of this scarring can be minimized by using a medical dilator to keep the tissue healthy.

Cisplatin is the chemotherapy drug most commonly delivered during RT, usually in low doses once per week. The common acute side effects include decreased blood counts, poor appetite, fatigue, and nausea and vomiting (which are usually very well controlled on current anti-nausea medicines). Uncommon but serious long-term risks of cisplatin include possibility of damage to the kidneys and nerves, as well as loss of high frequency hearing.

Monday, June 27, 2011

Cervical Cancer: Is it fatal?

Cervical cancer is a malignant tumor that forms in the reproductive organs of the cervix, a woman, that connects the uterus and vagina. It is usually considered a slow-growing cancer that may not have signs and symptoms at first, but can be detected by regular Pap tests, a procedure in which cells are scraped from the cervix and viewed under a microscope. And "mainly caused by a virus called human papillomavirus, or HPV, can be twotypes.

Squamous cell carcinoma arising in the epithelial cells lining the cervix.
Adenocarcinoma, which appears in the glandular epithelial cells.

Data for cervical cancer:

There is no certainty in this type of cancer.

This is one of the most preventable of all cancers.
Getting a Pap smear every three years, is the best way to protect a woman. There is also a vaccine available, ask yourdoctor.
And the cases are caused by human papilloma virus.
It is said that about 90 percent of all cases of cervical cancer are caused by human papillomavirus, or HPV, a common sexually transmitted infection that most people are able to acquire at some point of their lives.
Only persistent infection caused by four types of HPV if it turns into cervical cancer.
There are many types of HPV, but only caused by persistent infectionfour HPV types will become cervical cancer if the infection is not treated.
There are several symptoms of this cancer.
Symptoms include bleeding or spotting between and after a menstrual period and after intercourse, persistent pain in the pelvis and pain during intercourse and vaginal discharge changes color, can be heavy and foul odor.
Treatment depends on the stage of cancer.
Treatment depends on thestage of the tumor. This may include surgery, radiation and chemotherapy.

Sunday, June 26, 2011

Cervical Cancer Symptoms: What You Need To Know

The cervix is part of a woman's reproductive system. Doctors cannot explain why some women develop cervical cancer while others do not. What we do know is that there are risk factors which make some women more vulnerable, to develop cervical cancer, than others.

These risk factors increase the possibility of developing cervical cancer and they may act together to increase the risk even more.

HPV (Human Papilloma Viruses) is the most significant risk factor for cervical cancer. The HP Viruses affect the cervix directly and can be passed from person to person through sexual contact. In fact, most adults have been infected with HPVs at some time in their lives.

The HPV viruses can cause changes to our body cells which is why various problems including cervical cancer can occur.

I will be brief and present the most worth mentioning Cervical Cancer Symptoms. It is very importand to know that most of the cervical cancer symptoms may not cause any kind of pain.

So don't wait to feel pain before seeing a doctor or performing the regular tests (e.g. pap test)

Women with Cervical Cancer may notice some of the following symptoms:

- Abnormal Vagina Bleeding

-- Bleeding between regular menstrual periods

-- Bleeding after sexual contact.

-- Bleeding during menstrual periods that last longer

-- Bleeding after menopause

- Increased Vaginal discharge

- Pelvic Pain

- Pain During Sexual Intercourse

These symptoms may be caused by other health problems, not just cervical cancer. Only a doctor can tell for sure.

Women should pay a visit to their doctor as soon as they notice such symptoms. The doctor can and will diagnose and treat the symptom accordingly. Again, it's importand to perform regular tests and visit your doctor every now and then.

Saturday, June 25, 2011

Food for Ovarian Cancer Stage 3

People who are sentenced to suffer ovarian cancer sometimes feel hopeless; they felt a small moment of his life expectancy. Such feelings should not be done. By doing things like that will reduce the spirit of life and spirit to come back healthy.

The first thing done for patients with ovarian cancer is to follow the doctor's advice, and carry out all procedures for healing. Conducting health behavior, stay away from cigarettes, alcohol, enough exercise, eating healthy foods that are natural and nutritious.

There are certain foods that have been believed as many foods that can lower cancer risk. But if the food is effectively working as a food for ovarian cancer stage 3? It is still to be proved by in-depth research.

The FDA has acknowledged that eating tomato sauce or tomato juice twice a week can reduce the risk of this disease. Substance lycopene in the tomatoes consumed in the form of tomato juice can be taken 2 times a week. Potatoes are believed to reduce the risk of this disease by absorbing carcinogens that enter the body with food. Consumption of potatoes with the skin is highly recommended for better results. Carrots contain carotenoids which can help reduce the risk of this disease. Eating carrots on a regular basis is a healthy habit that needs to be done. Ginger contains antioxidants that can fight cancer growth. Ginger contains curcumin and gingerol are believed to make cancer cells to destroy themselves. Tea contains polyphenols that fight free radicals. Free radicals work as a barrier to the growth and spread of cancer cells.

Consume food as an antidote to ovarian cancer would not give instant effects, but needs to be done continuously. The success of this business is highly influenced by other factors that help one another, including belief in the patient, the confidence to be able to recover, this is also a healing medicine. If the cancer is already in phase 3, the effort to consume foods as an antidote to this disease can still be done.

Friday, June 24, 2011

Know the Cervical Cancer Symptoms

Women should know the importance of cervical cancer is a danger. And the most dangerous disease that begins in silence with symptoms. Early recognition of symptoms is the only way to start treatment early before it gets worse. Before treatment, the greater the likelihood of a cure. But how do we know the symptoms of cervical cancer? Cervix is the part that connects the uterus to the vagina at the bottom of the womb or uterus. And "the cervix that spreads narrowed during childbirth. Understanding of cervical cancer and its phases is essential for a woman to take away from the dangers of this disease.

With regard to treatment should be the importance of knowing the stages of cervical cancer. There are tests and examinations to discover the stages of this cancer.

These are the different stages of> Cervical Cancer:

Tis - is the cancer cell, in which only the detection of it detected on the surface of the cervix, but in the deepest parts of the tissues.

Stage 1 cervical cancer (T1) - the growth of cancer cells in the uterus and attaches deep in the tissues of the cervix. Cancer in this condition is not fully entered into the cervix and uterus.

Stage 2 cervical cancer (T2) - can be more dangerous becauseCancer cells are beyond the uterus and cervix and is a great opportunity to further damage the vagina. During this stage the distribution of which is attached to the pelvic wall or bottom of the vagina.

Stage 3 cervical cancer (T3), at this stage, it is the spread of cancer cells to pelvic wall and / or bottom of the vagina. There is a great opportunity to block the ureters and the tube that urine from the kidneybladder.

It causes great pain to the sufferer, abnormal bleeding can be light or heavy during monthly menstruation. No bad smell, watery mucus, thick in the vagina is unusually heavy burden. The pain of acute pain during the menstrual cycle and can be mild or more severe. Painful urination is painful urination often give uncomfortable. And periods of menstrual bleeding after sex and extremereport. A person suffering from this dangerous disease can cause anemia due to extreme vaginal bleeding and pelvic pain going back and legs. While you will be using the bathroom noting that there is stool in the vagina due to obstruction of the ureter or kidney. This is the result of an abnormal opening occurs in the rectum to the vagina or bladder. Most people who have suffered from this disease lose their appetite for weight loss from cancertreatments.

Know the symptoms of cervical cancer is the best choice to be free from the dangers of this deadly cancer risk. The awareness of this silent disease, which could be fatal should have the right information, knowing the appropriate steps to maintain free this disease, know the signs and stages of the disease, and specific treatment for it. With this information you can know how to be free of this diseaseand gives awareness of everyone how deadly cervical cancer is.

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Symptoms and signs of cervical cancer - Lessons to learn from Jade Goody

Cervical cancer symptoms

Jade Goody of death from cervical cancer has taught us that we must be careful about this deadly disease. There are lessons to be learned from this episode that Jade Goody is to be followed carefully for possible symptoms of cervical cancer, signs and possible cure.

Cervical cancer ranks first among cancers in women in most developing countries. Constitutes 34 percent of cases of cancer for all women.The estimated overall incidence of women suffering from cervical cancer each year is 500,000. If women of all ages are at risk for cervical cancer seen in women aged 30 to mid 55 with a median age of 47.

Most people are woefully ignorant about cervical cancer. It has nothing to do with the spinal cord or neck. It is a disease in which cancer cells are in tissues of the cervix. The cervix is ​​the lower part of the uterus, vagina connects the uterus to the body. The cervix is ​​pink. Y 'covered with squamous cells, which are on a scale similar in appearance. The cervical canal is lined with another type of cell called columnar cells in the area that these two types of cells called T-zone meeting or the transformation of the area is the most likely to cause abnormal cell growth.

How I can know if I have> Cervical Cancer: In the early stages, it is very difficult to determine if you have cervical cancer, since no obvious symptoms. Irregular bleeding, bleeding or pain during intercourse or vaginal discharge, chronic back pain are symptoms that may be associated with cancer of the cervix, offers an advanced look.

Who is at risk of cervical cancer?

Those who have unprotected sex, mostsexually active women have the opportunity to carry an HPV virus is transmitted by skin to skin contact with an area infected with HPV. Sex at an early age, unprotected sex and multiple sex partners increases the risk of infection of a woman against HPV. In other words, HPV can cause cervical cancer. The use of condoms due to unprotected sex, can not help because the virus can be transmitted through skin to skin contact in the genital area, which is notcovered by the condom. But this does not mean you should not use condoms, it is very important to protect against AIDS and sexually transmitted diseases.

Smoking: Smoking increases the risk of women with cervical cancer. Chemicals produced by the snuff smoke can damage the DNA of cervical cells, making them cancerous.
Chlamdiya infection chlamydia, which is bacterial in nature is also a Cayuse, caused by sexualcontact.
Diet low in fruits and vegetables:. Women who do not eat enough fruits and vegetables lose their antioxidant properties that keep cancer phytochemicals are known as vitamins A, C, E and beta-carotene to prevent cervical cancer .
HIV: Women who have a weakened immune system from diseases such as HIV (Human Immunodeficiency Virus) can also suffer from cervical cancer.
Oral long-termContraception: Long-term use of contraceptives to say 5 or more years may increase the chance of a woman developing cervical cancer.
Family history of cervical cancer: women with a family history of cervical cancer are at risk. A person who has a family history of genetic disease may be less equipped to fight HPV infection better than other women.

How is cervical cancer diagnosed? As mentionedFirst, pain or bleeding during sex or otherwise, vaginal discharge are some signs, but does not mean you have cervical cancer. And you better if you see a doctor who asked to go a Pap test

The Pap test, a speculum or a standard device used to examine the cervix is ​​the vagina. The cells are skimmed from the surface of the surface of the cervix with a cotton swab then smeared on a microscope slide. Another example is the T-zonewith a plastic spatula. There are new test techniques known as liquid-based Pap test, which gives greater accuracy. The slide is sent to a laboratory where a Pap smear (a person who looks at the slides) and a pathologist examines the sample for abnormalities. The Pap test is usually accurate and can be used to detect cervical cancer, even in the early stages. To increase the reliability of the Pap test, ask your doctor two weeks after the lastmenstrual period and refrain from sexual intercourse, douching, vaginal swab, or creams, powders, suppositories, aerosols, etc. at least 48 hours before the test.

A report of the abnormal Pap test does not mean you have cancer of the cervix. This just means that you have some kind of cellular changes in cells lining the surface of the cervix. The Pap test is a screening tool only, there are other tests that are important to confirm the abnormal Pap testsdiagnose the disease. You should have some type of monitoring, repeat the test after a few months. Depending on the degree of abnormality, the doctor may also recommend a biopsy, colposcopy (magnified view of the vagina and cervix) and curettage.

What should the Pap test:

Screening should begin three years after a woman starts having sex. It is advisable to go for a Pap test every two or three years. The combination of HPVtest with a Pap test should be considered for routine screening for women over 30 years of age. Go to my blog below to learn how to treat cancer of the cervix.

Monday, June 6, 2011

Early symptoms of ovarian cancer - Listen up, Lord!

Cervical cancer symptoms

The problem with the diagnosis of ovarian cancer at an early stage is that women may not have symptoms until the cancer has advanced, or symptoms that are mistaken for something else. Even when women go to doctors with symptoms, it may be months before the cancer is diagnosed. It is often spread to other parts of the body since.

Ovarian cancer is the fourth leading cause of death in women. number E 'murderer of women in all gynecologic cancers. These are the symptoms of ovarian cancer and how (and) will explain:

Swelling in the lower abdomen - the jeans are too tight. Explanation: The gas and water retention due to menstruation.

Pressure. Explanation: gas, fluid retention, constipation can.

Gastrointestinal problems - gas, change in bowel habits, pain. Explanation: unhealthy food, IBS, "stomach"

Urinary problems -burning, cramping, the urge to go frequently. Explanation: UTI - Urinary tract infection

Fatigue and / or fever - Are you exhausted with fever. Explanation: the flu. You need a vacation. Along with urinary problems? IU

Back pain - low back pain. Explanation: tore a muscle. Also raised. Kidney infection.

Difficulty breathing, chest tightness, trouble breathing. Explanation: asthma, allergies, heart or lung problems.

Vaginal bleedingdrain. Explanation: irregular periods, yeast infection

Pain during intercourse. Explanation: The pressure of the swelling.

Of all the symptoms, the two that most often lead women to the doctor are abdominal swelling and pain during intercourse. Even when women of other symptoms important enough to make an appointment, the symptoms are often considered indicators of something else. Often, it is not until the other possible diagnoses have been excluded that the approach isdirected to the ovaries.

Of course, any or all of these may be symptoms can be explained by any of the foregoing. The best guide to go by is to pay attention to how many you have and the passage of time. If you experience any or all of these initial symptoms for more than two weeks, consult your doctor about ovarian cancer possible. Here are the tests you should ask:

a bimanual) pelvic exam

b) the CA125 blood test

c)transvaginal ultrasound

Sunday, June 5, 2011

More information about the symptoms of cervical cancer

Cervical cancer attacks the cells of the cervix, gradually changing them. Since abnormal cell changes of the cervix seldom cause symptoms, it is important to have regular checkups. If cervical cell changes progress to cervical cancer, symptoms may develop.

Cervical cancer symptoms may include:

- Abnormal vaginal bleeding or an unexplained significant change menstrual cycle of women.
- Bleeding when something comes in contact with the cervix, for example during sexual intercourse or insertion of a diaphragm.
- Pain during intercourse.
- Abnormal vaginal discharge containing mucus that may be bloody.

Symptoms that may occur when the cervical cancer has advanced include:

- Anemia, due to abnormal vaginal bleeding.
- Ongoing pelvic leg or back pain.
- Urinary problems due to a blocked kidney or ureter.
- The loss of urine or feces contained in the vagina due to abnormal opening has developed between the vagina and bladder or rectum.
- Sudden loss of weight.

It should be noted that often these symptoms are caused by other medical problems or infections, cancer. The tests are necessary to make a diagnosis.

Note that these symptoms can and can have a good amount of time to develop fully. Sometimes you may have> Cancer does not even know it because there are no symptoms. The solution for the early diagnosis and treatment is to get a regular Pap test. Therefore, if anything, you can find it and keep pushing further.

Saturday, June 4, 2011

Cervical Cancer - HPV - sex and relationship

Cervical cancer symptoms

The acronym for human papilloma virus HPV. HPV is a group of viruses of which there are over 100 different types. Can cause tumors known as benign papillomas or warts, which tend to grow in areas such as hands, feet, throat or genital area. The causes of warts vary. The HPV virus that cause warts on the hands and feet are different from those that cause warts in the throat and genital areas. Some of these HPV is thought to lead to cancer.

Only 30HPV types are contagious. That leaves 70 guys that can not be transmitted from person to person. HPV is sexually transmitted, but the actual time of infection is generally unknown. Most times, HPV can exist in the body without changing any of the cell structures and its course without any medical intervention

Acurninatum warts or genital warts are caused by two different strains of HPV HPV6 and HPV 11. Usually, people see the warts a couple of weeks afterhave sex with an infected partner. Some people get HPV and genital warts do not appear for months or years. Others never warts. You can have HPV and have no idea, as may be asymptomatic.

HPV is also a major cause of cervical cancer is a devastating disease that kills thousands of women around the world.

Along with the HP11 HPV6 and there are 14 of HPV that can lead to cancer. Sexual transmission of HPV are called high-risk benign. Benign HPV that cause genital warts are easy to see, but HPV that cause genital warts do not only produce slightly raised growths that makes it hard to see, and then diagnose.

When it comes to HPV infection and susceptibility to cervical cancer can be increased by several factors. multiple sexual partners increases the risk of cervical cancer. Being a high-risk HPV increases the likelihood that the virus that leads to> Cancer of the cervix. Women who smoke or who have many children increases the risk of developing cervical cancer if they acquire HPV.

All sexually active people should be aware of HPV. Most of the people that the virus have no symptoms or effects, but a small percentage will be at risk of developing cervical cancer. In order to avoid completely the risk of HPV is necessary to abstain from sex completely. Aquite realistic expectation for most people, however, be in a mutually monogamous relationship or maintaining a low number of sexual partners, the risk can be reduced drastically.

At present there is a vaccine approved by the FDA that may help prevent HPV16, 18, 6 and 11. HPV 16 and 18 are the main causes of cervical cancer. Adolescents and women under a certain age are eligible for vaccination. Ask your family doctor for information.

Visit your doctor or gynecologista Pap smear every year, this is the best way to maintain a healthy cervix. If the Pap test shows abnormal cells HPV test can be done to see if present.

With respect to health, the best defense is a strong attack.

Friday, June 3, 2011

Risk factors for ovarian cancer

Cervical cancer symptoms

Ovarian cancer forms in one or both ovaries lie on either side of the uterus. The ovaries are only the size of an almond, and are responsible for the production of eggs and release them into the fallopian tubes.

The ovaries produce estrogen and progesterone, two female hormones. If these levels are too high, before and during ovulation, may cause ovarian tumors to form.

There are basically two types of ovariantumors, a type is not a carcinogen and the other is cancerous. If tumors are cancerous, which will cover the ovaries, and eventually spread to other parts of the body.

Only about 20 percent of cancers are discovered before they have begun to spread beyond the ovaries. This is mainly because the early symptoms of ovarian cancer is often misdiagnosed because the symptoms are similar to many common ailments such as indigestion, gas,nausea, bloating, constipation and bladder problems. The only difference is that the symptoms of ovarian cancer symptoms will not disappear after a few days, but gradually deteriorate and the cancer continues to spread.

So who's at risk?

Those who are overweight and obesity. Obesity is associated with ovarian cancer is more serious, and increases the risk by 80%. Help fat cells produce high levels of estrogenthat is bound to cause ovarian cancer.

Usually develops after menopause, but may also occur before menopause. With age, the risk increases.

Women who have had children or had their first child after age 30 are at greater risk.

Women who began menstruation at an early age (before 12) and had a late menopause (after 50), are also at greater risk.

Those who have difficulty conceiving, but researchers do not know if this is becauseinfertility or infertility due to drugs given to patients.

Hormone replacement therapy also plays an important role.

A drug called danazol, has been linked to ovarian cancer. This is a male hormone (androgens), which is used to treat endometriosis.

A diet high in fat also largely increases the risk.

Those who have had breast cancer are also at higher risk.

Family history, if someone in your family has had, the riskincrease of 10-15 percent.

Mutations in the gene (or so they say).

To eliminate some of the risk of developing ovarian cancer, you can stick to a plant-based diet to help maintain a healthy weight, and keep the inside of the body clean and free of toxins.

Thursday, June 2, 2011

You can recognize the signs of ovarian cancer?

Because there are no symptoms to warn women with ovarian cancer, known as the "silent murderer." Research has shown that there are some warning signs that were observed several months before this type of tumor was identified in patients. Sometimes women can get to the next stages of this disease and yet have no symptoms. In fact, some women with symptoms that may be associated with ovarian cancer are alsodiagnosed with it.

The odds of death increased for women diagnosed with this disease as they age. Ovarian cancer deaths that occur in women between 35 and 54 is about 25 percent. In women between 55 and 74 the rates of death from this disease increases to fifty percent.

Often not detected signs of this "silent murderer" until the disease is advanced. Women need to know what are the signs of ovarian cancerand are able to recognize them.

Seeking signs of ovarian cancer are:

Weight loss or increased weight gain in your life that can not be explained
Shortness of breath, abdominal or pelvic pain
Even if you have eaten what you feel full V
Vaginal bleeding or discharge that is unusual in that the bleeding menopause or menstrual flow
gastro intestinal problems that can be so vagueindigestion, bloating, gas, loss of appetite, bloody stools, nausea and vomiting, prolonged diarrhea or constipation
Discomfort in the absence of intense sex and frequent urination
Cramps or burning sensation when urinating

These symptoms may be a sign of many minor ailments and other diseases. If you live more than a couple of weeks and worsened with time should be tested for ovarian cancer. Your doctor may perform tests andif necessary, a biopsy can be performed.

Women should maintain a healthy lifestyle to prevent this disease and many others. An annual review to detect ovarian cancer before it has a chance to spread must be part of women's health care system after 35 years of age.

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Ovarian Cancer Information

Cervical cancer symptoms

Ovarian cancer is actually more a form of cancer, but they are all cancers that begin in the area of the organs of the female organs called the ovaries.

Unfortunately, ovarian cancer often has no obvious symptoms in its early stages, allowing them to grow and develop for some time before the victim realizes it. When this type of cancer begins to show symptoms, the symptoms tend to be things likePeople get tired easily, with the bloated stomach, feeling sick a lot of time and is in the process of either diarrhea or constipation.

Although other problems can cause the same symptoms, it is important that a woman should be examined by a doctor to find out what the problem. Can not be this type of cancer, but again you can and before being captured and treated, the better.

Women who have had breast canceror have a family history of certain cancers are more likely to have ovarian cancer than women who have had breast cancer or who have a family history of cancer.

E 'was also found that women who have had children, especially those who have had their babies, are less likely to develop ovarian cancer than those who had no children.

Most women who develop this cancer are those who in high early years, fifty years old.

Due to the nature of ovarian cancer show no symptoms in its early stages, in most cases the presence of ovarian cancer requires what is called a total hysterectomy ie the complete removal of the ovaries. After this, the person is treated aggressively with chemotherapy, ie, chemicals that kill cancer cells.

Rarely, radiation is also used after surgery for this> Cancer. This treatment is what can be done very quickly if it is determined that you need.

The treatment for this cancer is often followed by medications given to help people to maintain their femininity.

Unfortunately, these drugs often have their own side effects, so it is important that the person using them only for as long as necessary and keep your doctor believes that any changes or problems observed.

After being treated for this cancer,the person is able to live a normal lifestyle and active. It is important that you eat a healthy diet and plenty of exercise.

Each year a large number of women are victims of this type of cancer, but many women are also more aggressive treatment of the corners of ovarian cancer.
