
Saturday, July 9, 2011

Find the risks of developing cancer of the cervix

Cervical cancer symptoms

Risk factors for cervical cancer are well known. There is now a vaccine to protect young women from the chains of human papillomavirus (HPV), which is what causes most cervical cancer, and with regular Pap tests, early stages can be identified easily. This virus is spread from person to person by skin to skin contact during sexual activity.

So, what are some things that may put at risk? Note, this isThe list is not exhaustive and more research has been done forever. But for now, some things that may increase the risk factor for cervical cancer are:

Sexual activity at an early age, because young women are more susceptible to infection by HPV in cervical cells that are undergoing rapid change at puberty.

Having multiple sexual partners. Women who have multiple partners or sex with partners who have had many couples have a higher probability ofHPV.

HIV infection is another factor that the immune system of a woman infected with HIV (the virus that causes AIDS) is less able to fight HPV and cancer early.

Having a weakened immune system, such as women with chronic fatigue syndrome, women who have had organ transplants and women who are taking steroids are less able to fight HPV infection.
Smoking appears to be a contributing factor, along with HPV in the causedysplasia, which can develop into cervical cancer.

These factors can be easily avoided by taking proper precautions and be smart. Remember, the road to the prevention of cervical cancer starts with you!

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