
Friday, July 8, 2011

Cervical Cancer - precancerous stage

Cervical cancer symptoms

Precancerous condition - Pap

We will discuss the precancerous stage of cervical cancer.

What is the cervix?

The cervix is ​​the part of the uterus that connects the top of the uterus (womb) and vagina.

What is cancer?

Cancer develops when cells in an area of the body grow abnormally. The growth of body cells is normally controlled and limited to a particular area in cell growth. Cancer, if unchecked, will spread to otherareas of the body and causes damage.

What is the pre-cancer?

These abnormalities in cells that have the potential to develop into cancer. Precancerous lesions are not cancer. Precancerous lesions can return to normal, but can progress to cancer. The cancer can develop after years or more, 10 -20 under 2 years.

What causes pre-cancer and cervical cancer?

The main cause of cervical cancer is a virus calledHuman Papilloma Virus (HPV).

What is human papillomavirus (HPV)?

HPV is a large group of viruses that are related to abnormal cell growth in humans. There are over 100 types of HPV, but types 16 and 18 are identified as the main cause of cervical cancer in 99.7% of cases.

HPV is spread skin to skin contact of the genitals. Sexual intercourse is not necessary to be infected. Up to 80% of sexually active women are infected with HPV at some point in theirlife. Fortunately, most HPV infections go away naturally and effectively destroyed by the body's defenses (immune system). Persistent infection with HPV types that cause cancer is the necessary cause of cervical cancer.

What are the predisposing factors?

HPV types 16 and 18 are common
-More sexual partners.
The plaintiffs, sexually transmitted diseases.
State -Hereditary/Immune
Folic aciddeficiency

What are the symptoms of pre-cancer?

Rarely, symptoms such as a direct result of the pre-cancer and what is dangerous.

The pre-cancer control

Cervical screening programs aimed at early detection, diagnosis and treatment of precancerous lesions associated with HPV infection that can develop into cancer. There are several methods.

1) Pap (cytology)

This is a collection of cellstaken from the surface of the cervix in the laboratory to determine the presence of anomalies. When abnormal cells are detected in the Pap test can be repeated, although HPV, colposcopy (examination of the cervix extending through devices) or possible biopsy (removal of tissue or laboratory analysis), measures are taken by a gynecologist. Abnormal biopsy can be reported as CIN cervical neoplasia intraepethelial. Neoplagia means an abnormal growth of cells.

2) Visual inspection withAcetic acid / Venegono (a).

3) Visual inspection with Lugol's iodine (VILI)

Preventing HPV infection

Prevention of HPV infection reduces the rate of 90% of pre-cancerous. There are vaccines for optimal prevention of HPV infection, the vaccine should be administered before sexual contact. Girls and women will benefit.

The pre-cancer treatment

Most abnormal cervical cells disappear over time. So these are strictly lessmonitored. However, a severe abnormal cells are removed to prevent the development of methods for cervical cancer to cancer.

1) The cone biopsy - the removal of small conical section of cervical tissue for examination.
2) ection loop electrosurgical procedure (LEEP) - an electric current passes through a cable is used to remove suspicious tumors.
3) carbon dioxide laser uses a laser beam of light to vaporize (turn into water vapor) the abnormal cells.

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