Growing up as the youngest of five with two great parents, was the best experience I could have ever had. There was a time that I did recall for about six months that I just did not feel like myself.
I was on my third month of having a constant menstrual cycle, with a lot of discomfort. I began to have really sharp pains throughout the lower part of my body, my stomach started to protrude and I had severe nausea 24 hours a day. I refused to tell my Mom because for some reason I just thought that it would go away. Well, it got worse and I had no choice but to tell her. I must mention that I was extremely obese, at 13 years old I weighed 230lbs. I will never forget the time I went to my weight loss MD and my blood pressure was 200/110...yes! At age 13 years old, I was already a ticking time bomb!
My Mom scheduled me for an appointment to see our family doctor, who I could still kick in the rear today for the snide comments made on the day of my first visit, he said, "There is nothing wrong with this child except that she is greatly obese and needs to lose weight, if anything she has a kidney infection." He never ordered any test to confirm that diagnosis nor did he care to. He prescribed medication that I did not need, which made me feel worse. The incorrect medication caused the situation to get even worse.
It was determined by a wonderful man and Gynecologist, who was at the time one of the best in New York. Unfortunately, he no longer practices medicine as I really never had the opportunity to just say, "Thank You for being appointed as one of Gods' Angels" sent to correctly diagnose me and perform the surgery on me that would save my life.
I remember everything that went on as if it were yesterday; the pain, discomfort, the comments about my sudden weight loss. I had to convince everyone that knew me that I was still a virgin. I had to stop attending school for the balance of my 10th grade school year and was home schooled for my entire 11th year of high school. It was a mess! But my spirits were high and I just wanted to get this all over with in order to get to my normal way of life.
Time was moving so slow for me, the pain was increasing, my weight dropped by 135lbs. and I looked like I may have been nine months pregnant. I was weak at times but never stopped my home schooling and passed all of my exams in order to qualify as a senior in the upcoming and last year of high school.
My friends were concerned and puzzled by my condition. Rumors were flying around about me being pregnant and putting the baby up for adoption. I had just about enough of the doctor appointments, tests and false accusations.
It was December of 1981, I remember the night before I was to be admitted into the hospital, my Mom was on the phone crying and praying so much that I thought something had happened and that we were going to hear bad news about someone else. I listened to her conversation that consisted of more tears than words and finally I fell asleep. I was admitted to the hospital the next day. The surgery was performed immediately after wards. I woke up to a flat stomach, killer hips and a wonderful waistline.
My medical doctor and his team were coming in to visit me every hour. I became so popular in the hospital and never knew why. On the day I was discharged, my Gynecologist paid me a visit and we had a very nice heart to heart, he said, "You are a very strong young lady and you are here for a reason. Take good care of yourself. You must understand that in the future you may not be able to have children due to your past problem but remember that you can always adopt and will be a great mother." At that time, the thought of having a child was the furthest thing from my mind. Time went on and in February of 1982 I was admitted into the hospital to have my right fallopian tube and right ovary removed.
I was now in my mind, Fabulous! I went from a size 24 to a 14. I felt better than I ever did and I looked great! I was always very insecure about my looks as a young girl but my family always made me feel good about myself. So to experience this "Extreme Makeover" was a blast for my confidence level.
About eight weeks after the second surgery, I was scheduled for a follow-up appointment at New York Hospital.
It was on a Monday evening and after taking several tests earlier that week, my parents and I were sitting in this small office with a very nice MD, who gladly informed us that every cell and tissue tested were normal and there were no signs of anything ever being there. My parents broke down in each others arms and the MD even had a strange look of amazement on his face.
Twenty one years later, I was at work and while eating my lunch I called my Mom and we were talking as usual and she asked me if I would give one of the physicians that worked on my case, who is now a Professor in one of the NYC Colleges' permission to use my case as a study for his students. That is when she told me that I am an Ovarian Cancer survivor. I actually had Ovarian cancer and did not know it. I get chills every time I think about it.
My entire family, friends and physicians agreed that it would be best that I not know any details of my illness at that time of my life. They just wanted me to be a kid with a zest for life. Could mind be over matter? I never had radiation treatment or chemotherapy and still no signs of any cancerous cells in my body, determined by taking an annual CA-125 Blood test.
I have been blessed with two beautiful (biological) children, a wonderful husband and a family of heroes to be so thankful for.
Now being that I am considered high risk, my Gynecologist recommended that I have a total Hysterectomy to avoid any recurrence. I was willing to have the Hysterectomy and did so in 2008. It was the best thing I could have ever done, so far no negative side affects and I feel great mentally, physically and spiritually.
I truly feel that this was Gods' way of giving me another opportunity to live even longer while not having to worry about or deal with that illness as my family, friends and physicians did when I was a young girl.
Most of all I have to thank God again and again, for using me to perform another miracle.
Please schedule a regular Gynecology exam for you and your loved ones' annually. Take care of yourself. Be wise, be well.
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