
Thursday, December 9, 2010

Signs and Symptoms of Ovarian Cancer

The signs and symptoms of ovarian cancer often do not appear until more advanced stages of the disease. And even then most of the typical symptoms are not extreme enough to suspect a condition of such magnitude, unless a woman has a genetic predisposition for it. Yet, women should still be knowledge of ovarian cancer. Perhaps if they go to the doctor right as they are noticing their bodies going awry, they could increase their chances of survival, even if such an increase is very slight.

So, what are the most common signs of ovarian cancer? Ironically, most of them will be in the abdominal area. In fact, one of the most infamous signs involves swelling of the abdominal region. This is swelling is due to the increased fluid production that occurs in response to the ovarian tumors that are developing; it is not fat. However, since abdominal swelling is associated more with gaining weight than a sign of ovarian cancer, many women won't think anything of it. But if the swelling is accompanied by other abdominal symptoms, such as indigestion, bowel changes or abdominal pain, a woman should get herself screened for the condition.

Then there are the signs and symptoms of ovarian cancer involving the reproductive region. For example, a woman could have painful intercourse despite being adequately aroused and lubricated. Women who have undergone menopause may get unexplained post-menopausal bleeding. And if a woman is not menopausal, she may have bleeding in between periods. Of course, menopausal women may be more alarmed at vaginal bleeding, so they would be more prompted to go to the doctor. Yet, pre-menopausal women may think their bleeding is from wild hormones rather than a sign of cancer.

If a woman has any of the above-mentioned ovarian cancer symptoms, she should discuss them with her doctor. If the doctor suspects ovarian cancer, he or she will perform a variety of tests. The most common is called a transvaginal ultrasound, where doctors can get a visual picture of what is going on in the ovaries. There are also blood tests that may be taken, to determine if the body is producing some of the proteins that are created by cancer cells.

In conclusion, the signs and symptoms of ovarian cancer are not excessive, but are still vital indicators of whether or not a person has the disease. Don't overlook them. Remember, that each of the signs and symptoms of ovarian cancer are still abnormal, even if the cause is something less serious. You will still want to go to the doctor to make sure that everything is functioning properly. Either way, scheduling the doctor's appointment and getting yourself seen will put a world of pressure off of you, because you will know officially what is going on. So, don't delay; go on and discuss these symptoms with your doctor.

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