
Monday, November 7, 2011

Ovarian Cancer and Oral Contraceptives

Ovarian cancer is an especially deadly form of cancer because it often goes undetected until it spreads to a vital organ and disrupts the organ's functioning. Thus, it earned the name "silent killer." While an estimated 13,580 women have passed away in 2010 due to cervical cancer, this number is gradually decreasing. Doctors and researchers believe that the increasing use of oral contraceptives plays a role in ovarian cancer's decrease.

Ovarian cancer can begin with three different tumor types on and around the ovary. These small, almond-shaped organs can mutate and develop tumors in the epithelium, which is the thin layer of tissue that covers the ovaries. This accounts for 85-90% of ovarian cancer cases. Two rarer forms of tumors begin in the actual egg-producing cells, or germ cells, as well as the supportive and hormone-producing tissue, called stromal tumors.

From here, ovarian cancer can spread in two different ways. It can leach into nearby tissue, such as the pelvis, cervix, and lower digestive system. Additionally, pieces of the tumor can break off and spread through the circulatory and lymph systems. From here, the tumors can anchor themselves anywhere in the body and begin to grow again.

In a study conducted by the Harvard Medical School, researchers found that even using oral contraceptives for one year decreased a woman's risk of developing ovarian cancer by 10-12%. After five years of using oral birth control, the risk dropped by half. At first, doctors found that this reduction in cancer rates occurred no matter the hormone in the oral contraceptive. However, a more in-depth study found that a higher level of progestin decreased the cancer risk better than low-progestin pills.

While many women turn to oral contraceptives solely to prevent unwanted pregnancy, it also has the proven benefit of protecting you from ovarian cancer as well. Frustratingly, though, not all birth control pills are created equally. Some, such as YAZ, Yasmin, and Ocella, have been linked to devastating side effects such as stroke and heart attack.

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Treatment and Cures For Ovarian Cancer

Cancer can be a difficult disease to treat and cure fully. Due to the different types of tumors that comprise of cancer as whole, no single type of treatment is fully effective after a certain stage. After one has been diagnosed with ovarian cancer, there are different courses of treatment that one can choose from. There are no sure fire cures for ovarian cancer, but a combination of surgery, chemotherapy and intensive medication work very well for almost all patients. Depending on which stage the cancer has advanced to, treatment can be decided. There exist three main types of treatment for ovarian cancer, namely surgery, chemotherapy and radiation treatment.

The most common treatment for stage I and benign tumors is the removal of all cancerous tissue through surgery. This can be limited to removing only some pieces of tissue or the entire ovary and fallopian tube altogether. In severe cases, the uterus may also be removed. This is known as a hysterectomy and is common when there is no risk factor for recurrence of any cancer. If the tumor removed is high grade in nature, then some chemotherapy may also be given in accordance to the type of the tumor. Surgery is also helpful in making an exact diagnosis about ovarian cancer to start with and is seen as the safest method of treatment due to low chances of any risk.

For those patients whose cancer has entered Stage II or III, chemotherapy happens to be the best option. Chemotherapy uses fast acting drugs to kill off all the cancerous cells in the body. the only problem faced by those undergoing chemotherapy is the fatigue, constant nausea and other such problems suffered due to temporary decrease in the body cell count. Chemotherapy can be combined with surgery even in stages II and III of the disease. For those with malignant tumours, a combination of radiation therapy is suggested since it can be quite useful in removing all traces of the affected tissue in the body. However, by stage III there are chances that the cancer may have spread to other parts of the abdomen and so treatment can be ineffective to a certain degree.

For stage IV patients, radiation treatment is used in combination with surgery or chemotherapy. This is a rarely used and risky treatment, where high energy x-rays are used to kill the cancer cells. The treatment at this stage mainly involves removal of as much cancer as possible by all different means. At stage IV, cancer has most probably spread to other parts of the body and has a high chance of recurrence even with intensive treatment to prevent the same. However, the use of radiation therapy is useful to a large extent in removing cancer from most parts of the body and allowing other methods to take out the benign tumorous growths. For those who suffer from drug resistance during chemotherapy or radiation sickness, the best recourse is to go in for a full hysterectomy and salvage chemotherapy with stronger drugs.

Saturday, November 5, 2011

Breast Cancer - Medical Symptoms, Causes And Treatments

Cervical cancer symptoms

Breast cancer is a malignant (cancerous) growth in the breast that can spread to the lymph nodes, lungs, brain, and bones. One in eight women will be diagnosed with breast cancer over the course of their lifetime. This article takes a brief yet concise look at the medical symptoms, causes and treatments for cancer of the breast.

Breast Cancer Symptoms And Causes

In the early stages of the cancer, symptoms usually do not appear. As the cancer grows, symptoms can include: a lump in the breast that may or may not be tender and/or an enlarged lymph nodes under the arm that may feel hard and have uneven edges but typically does not hurt.

A woman may also notice changes in the size, shape or feel of the breast such as an indentation of the nipple or a fluid discharge from the nipple; or redness or dimpling of the skin.

Men can get breast cancer yet women are 100% more likely to get cancer of the breast than men. In a man, symptoms will likely present as a breast lump, pain and tenderness.

The cause of cancer in the breast is unknown but the risk increases with a family history of this type of cancer, in women who have not had children; or in women who reached their menstrual cycle before age 12 or went through menopause after age 55.

Some cancers of the breast are sensitive to the hormone estrogen, that means estrogen causes tumors of the breast to grow. These estrogen sensitive cancers are called 'estrogen receptor positive cancer' or 'ER positive cancer'.

Breast Cancer Diagnosis And Treatment

Monthly self-exams of the breasts should be performed to detect any changes early. A baseline mammogram is recommended by age 35, then follow-ups every 2 years up to age 49, then every year after age 50. If a lesion is detected, a biopsy (tissue sample) may be needed to make an accurate diagnosis. Other tests that may be performed to formulate a proper diagnosis include an MRI, CT Scan, Breast Ultrasound or PET Scan.

Treatment is based on many factors including the type of cancer and the stage the cancer is in (stages range from (0 to IV). Surgery to remove the lump (lumpectomy) or to remove all or part of the breast and possibly nearby structures such as lymph nodes and muscle tissue (mastectomy) is the recommended treatment. Other treatment options include chemotherapy and/or radiation therapy.

The experimental drug, tamoxifen, is currently being studied to determine if it can prevent cancer of the breast. This drug blocks the effects of estrogen which can promote the growth of cancer cells in women with estrogen-sensitive breast cancer. A newer class of medicines called aromatase inhibitors, have shown good results in post-menopausal women with breast cancer.

Friday, November 4, 2011

Breast Cancer - How You Can Return To Your Sexual Life After Breast Cancer Treatment

Cervical cancer symptoms

There are some changes in sexual life which a breast cancer victim has to face after undergoing breast cancer treatment. Continue reading this article if you want to discover how a breast cancer survivor can return to normal sex and intimacy.

It is very difficult for a women to return to their normal sex life after going under breast cancer treatment. The most important thing what a woman needs after the treatment of breast cancer is a sexual health program.

It is a difficult task to have sex after the regular side effects of chemotherapy, radiotherapy, such as vaginal dryness. This is due to premature menopause which causes pain during sex. Usually it takes a longer time to get aroused and the touch of your partner is not as pleasurable as before.

The steps of treatment of breast cancer like radiotherapy and chemotherapy makes the breast more sensitive to touch and if a women has gotten a mastectomy it is great shock for the patient as well as for her partner.

It is very important to regularly visit your gynecologist during and after the treatment of breast cancer. The women who suffer from cancer of the breast are at greater risk of cervical cancer and atrophy of the vagina.

But there is some good news. The side effects of breast cancer diagnosis and treatment do not last for a long time. About six months later the woman who as gone under the treatment of cancer are ready for to resume having sex again. But these six months are full of stress and anxiety and some special techniques and ideas should be followed to return to normal sex life.

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Natural Alternative Treatment for Uterine Cancer

Uterine cancer occurs in women aged 40 to 50 years and post-menopausal women, with fewer than 5% of child bearing women at risk of developing this cancer. A common approach against most tumors is its removal together with the organ it is attached to thereby necessitating a hysterectomy. Physicians determine if uterus removal is adequate or whether the tumor has extended to surrounding lymph nodes and ovaries.

There are standard surgical and chemotherapeutic procedures or other options and certain women may opt for a hysterectomy followed by alternative methods of treatment to replace radiation, chemotherapy, hormonal blocking which cause anemia, nausea, hair loss and generally feeling totally miserable. Some women decline surgical procedures while some may choose the hysterectomy and chemotherapy together with alternative treatments.

Certain medical centers approach cancer treatment with alternative procedures which could (or could not) incorporate regular Western type medical procedures. Cancer Treatment Centers of America, the Issels and Envista are some of the centers that view cancer treatment from the position that medical options must help the body in treating itself.

Alternative cancer treatments (including uterine cancer) start by focusing on the improvement of the immune system - the body has self healing abilities provided it gets the correct nutrition.

Diet intakes, low in whole, raw foods and high in animal fats and processed foods, don't provide the minerals, vitamins and living enzymes required by the body for new cell creation. Chemically or artificially produced vitamins do not possess intricate enzymatic activities as found in natural food sources. Alternative treatment centers recommend, even insisting on diet changes for patients, to diets that support the fight against cancer. Changing eating habits may be problematic, however, it becomes easier once the patients perspective has changed.

Naturopathic physicians use non-toxic, natural alternative treatments and therapies which supports the person as a whole, not only focusing on one facet of the disease treatment (as in standard Western medical procedures) and seek to minimize harmful effects by applying the least force possible in boosting the immune system. Scientific and time tested therapies include botanical medicine, clinical nutrition, classical Chinese medicine, environmental medicine, hydrotherapy and minor surgery thereby resulting in a natural environment which promotes self healing in the body.

Another alternative treatment is immunotherapy in conjunction with a multidisciplinary approach and involves physical therapists, nutritionists, dieticians, naturopathic physicians and immunizations (to boost immune systems).

Although alternative therapies are more main stream nowadays, before choosing it to treat uterine cancer, check the track record and other references of applicable treatment facilities - avoid sole practitioners as best results are achieved when medical professionals combine their skills in a team effort.

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

What Is Lymphatic Cancer (Lymphoma) and Its Treatment Effects?

Cervical cancer symptoms

Lymphoma is the cancer of lymph nodes. Like all cancers, it is the uncontrolled growth of cells in the vicinity of lymph nodes. Lymph nodes can be viewed as stopping points of lymphatic system. Lymphatic system basically carries fighting soldiers to whatever areas of your body whenever the body area is invaded or requires help to fight foreign intruders. The lymphatic system is a network of 'highways' starting from below the chin to the back of the neck, to underneath the armpits and then to the groin area and connects to the spinal cord.

Lymphoma develops as lumps at the node areas, typically behind the neck, armpits and groin areas. Not all lymphomas grow in detectable areas. Once a lump develops careful monitoring is required. Whenever a lump occurs, it can be caused by

1) viral infection, which can be easily cured by a course of antibiotics and usually last only a week or two,
2) Tuberculosis, which detected at early stages can easily be cured, and which will require more specialized medical care and treatment,
3) Cancer, which can only be confirmed by a biopsy. If there are several lumps that have been growing for some time, it is vital to get the lumps checked out by a Hematologist. Hematologists are specialized doctors dealing with blood disorders. Lymphoma is considered as a blood disorder. For other types of cancer, one would go to an oncologist.

Other noticeable signs are cold sweats at night, lost of appetite, drastic weight loss and lethargy. Sometimes these signs do not appear as in my case except for the lumps on base of the neck.
Like many other cancers, lymphomas are quite complicated and have different types and subtypes but generally lymphoma can be divided into two broad categories, namely Hodgkins and Non-Hodgkins. Hodgkins lymphoma is much more curable and the prognosis is very good.

Conventional treatment applies for Lymphoma - surgery and radiation - if the cancer is fairly isolated typically only in stage 1 (more on staging later). Chemotherapy followed by radiation for cancer that is not so widespread in the body. If the cancer is in a fairly advanced stage as in stage 3 and 4, then a full course of Chemotherapy treatment is required, as was in my case.

Staging in lymphoma is different from other types of cancer. Stage 1 is cancer found on one part in one section of the body either above or below the diaphragm. If the cancer has appeared in more than one place on same side of the diaphragm, then it has gone to stage 2. Stage 3 means the cancer has spread to the abdomen and groin areas above and below the diaphragm. Stage 4 means that the cancer has been detected in the bone marrow. Stage 3 is already considered advanced stage.

Once a biopsy has confirmed that a tumour is cancerous, a CT scan is usually performed to stage the cancer. In lymphomas, a bone marrow tap is usually done to check if the bone marrow carries the cancer as well. CT scans are also performed at regular intervals during Chemotherapy to determine the treatment's efficacy. If the current treatment is not effective, doctors will switch to another Chemotherapy regimen. At the end of the treatment, a final CT scan and PET scan are conducted to confirm absence of cancerous cells. The words "No cancerous cells detected" are the sweetest words one can ask for.

Chemotherapy treatment can last between six to eight months and a month more to recuperate from the onslaught of Chemotherapy. Most people will give up work to focus on the treatment. As in my case, Chemotherapy was once every two weeks. The first week immediately after Chemotherapy is the worst.

Most of the time, I was too weak to keep awake. As time passed, strength returned and by the second week, I could manage a short walk. After that the whole process starts all over again.
Towards the end of the Chemotherapy, the body would have been pretty badly savaged by the Chemo poison. One often lands up feeling very different after Chemotherapy, and it takes months to get back toany normalcy. The speed of recovery from Chemotherapy really depends on one's physical and mental strength.

Chemotherapy, as it is often called - "It is a marathon"

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

What to Expect With Ovarian Cyst Removal

For those women who are unlucky enough to experience an ovarian cyst that does not dissolve on its own, surgery for ovarian cyst removal is an option. There are several considerations when preparing for surgery that women should be aware of. Most women feel more comfortable knowing exactly what to expect in regards to the possible complications, the actual procedure, the recovery time and the level of pain that is expected after surgery.

Ovarian cyst removal surgery generally involves removing a cyst through either open or laparoscopic surgery. The surgery can be done to remove just the cyst or, if cancer is found, one or both of the ovaries. In preparation for the procedure, your physician will most likely order a series of tests which usually include an EKG, CT scan, an ultrasound, blood and urine tests, and a physical exam. You may also be asked to stop using any blood thinning medication, such as Coumadin or Plavix, aspirin and ibuprofen. You will also be asked to refrain from eating or drinking anything for a minimum of 8 hours prior to your surgery.

You should always have your doctor explain both the open and laparoscopic procedures because there is a chance that, if a laparoscopic procedure will not allow the proper access, an open procedure may be necessary. The surgery generally lasts for 1 to 2 hours and you will be given either a general or local anesthetic; depending upon the procedure used. There are possible complications with this surgery which include excessive bleeding, blood clots, infection, infertility, shoulder pain and recurrence of cysts and/or cancer.

The average hospital stay after laparoscopic ovarian cyst removal is about 24 hours, while, with open surgery, the stay can expect to be extended up to 7 days. The pain after surgery can last anywhere from 3-10 days and usually depends upon the type of procedure used. However, the actual recovery time can be up to 3 weeks for laparoscopic surgery and up to 5 weeks for open surgery.

Monday, October 31, 2011

Cervical Cancer Survival Rate - Dare You Know Your Chances

Cervical cancer symptoms

Previously, cervical cancer survival rates were so poor amongst women. In fact, a long time ago, this type of cancer was the most common cause of cancer death in women. However, in the last 30 years, the mortality rate has decreased by 50% because of the widespread utilization of Pap smear.

In 2004, there were approximately 10,500 new cases of invasive cervical cancer and more than 50,000 cases of carcinoma in situ. There were 3,900 cases of reported death from this disease, but about 85% of them were due to the lack of preventative and detective methods like Pap smear.

Pap smear has an accuracy of almost 90 to 95% in diagnosing early lesions such as CIN. The only disadvantage is that it lacks the diagnostic sensitivity to detect cancer when the tumor or mass is thoroughly invaded with fungus. Inflammation, necrosis and hemorrhage can give false positive smears, and a proper biopsy may have to be used to confirm the existence of cancer. The American Cancer Society recommends that women who live an active sex life or those who are already at the age of 20 undergo annual smears for two consecutive years. If they are negative, the smear should be repeated every three years. This is seconded by American College of Obstetrics and Gynecology as well.

Cervical Cancer Survival Rates by Stage
Stage 0 is also what they call carcinoma in situ while stage I has a tumor that is confined to the cervix. Stage II indicates that the invasion has gone beyond the cervix but does not reach the wall of the pelvis and the lower third of the vagina. Stage III has a tumor that invades the wall of the pelvis or lower third of the vagina or causes hydronephrosis while lastly, stage IV is manifested by invasion of the mucosa of the bladder or rectum or an extension beyond the true pelvis.

Cervical Cancer Survival Rates at five years are reported as follows: stage I: 85%; stage II: 60%; stage III: 33%; and stage IV: 7%.

Carcinoma in situ (stage 0) can be treated successfully by excision of a cone of tissue or abdominal hysterectomy. In stage I the results are apparently comparable with radical hysterectomy and radiotherapy. Patients in stages II to IV are treated primarily with radical radiotherapy or combined modality treatment. Retroperitoneal lymphadenectomy has no proven therapeutic value. Pelvic evisceration, although rare, is performed to treat cancers that cause persistent or recurrent central. After this, intervention is often possible to reconstruct the vagina, bladder and rectum.

In women with locally advanced stages (stages IIB to IVA), cervical cancer survival rates are improved by administering platinum-based chemotherapy along with radiation therapy compared to treatment with radiation alone.

Sunday, October 30, 2011

Uterine Cancer Survival Rate - Dare To Know Your Chances

Cervical cancer symptoms

A Uterine cancer survival rate refers to the percentage of people who were reported still living after being diagnosed with the cancer about 5 yrs ago.

Endometrial carcinoma or Uterine Cancer is the most common malignancy of the female population. Each year, there are about 40,300 new cases diagnosed with this type of cancer, although in many occasions (around 75%), the diagnosis is established when the tumor is confined to the body of the uterus, therefore, many tumors can be cured. The 7,000 annual deaths caused by the cancer mean that this tumor ranks as the seventh leading cause of cancer death in women. It is primarily a neoplasm of postmenopausal women, although there are 25% of cases occurring in women under 50 years and 5% in women under 40 years. It is a predominantly common in Eastern Europe and the U.S. but quite rare in Asia.

Phenotypic traits and risk factors common in patients with endometrial cancer are obesity, menstrual disorders, a low fertility rate, late menopause, lack of ovulation and bleeding after menopausal. The risk is doubled in women taking tamoxifen to treat or prevent breast cancer. The maximum age of onset of endometrial carcinoma is the sixth and seventh decades of life. The symptoms are: abnormal vaginal discharge (90%), abnormal bleeding (80%), usually postmenopausal and vaginal discharge (10%). The study of patients with endometrial cancer may require a history and physical and gynecological examination, followed by endometrial biopsy or dilation of the cervix with fractional curettage. It may require an invasive procedure or minor surgery to establish the extent and degree of myometrial invasion or determine the staging. You have to take samples of peritoneal fluid, to explore the abdomen and pelvis, and perform a pelvic lymphadenectomy. As of today, around 74% of the patients are in stage I, 13% in stage II, 9% stage III, and 3% stage IV.

Uterine Cancer Survival rates at five years are as follows: Stage I: 89%, stage II: 80%, stage III: 30%, and stage IV: 9%.

A superficial invasion of the uterus (Stage I) can be treated with chemotherapy, but if the invasion is a bit larger, your doctor may suggest a radical hysterectomy or preoperative radiotherapy followed by extrafascial hysterectomy. About 15% of women with endometrial cancer are in stage II and the treatment depends on the intensity of this invasion. When the process has spread outside the uterus, but remains within the pelvis (stage III), treatment usually consists of surgery plus radiation. Patients whose cancer is only confined in the ovary and fallopian tubes, outcome with this treatment is quite high (80% uterine cancer survival rate at five years). Other stage III patients with a tumor spread beyond the Annexes and those with serous endometrial carcinoma have a significantly worse prognosis (uterine cancer survival rate of 15% at five years).

Saturday, October 29, 2011

Learn About the Side Effects of Cervical Cancer Treatment

Once treatment has concluded, depending on the type of treatment and the stage that the cervical cancer was in, you will most likely feel some side effects. Here are a few, based on the three most common treatments: surgery, radiation therapy and chemotherapy.


It takes time to heal after surgery, and the recovery time is different for each woman. You may be uncomfortable for the first few days. However, medicine can usually control the pain. Before surgery, you should discuss the plan for pain relief with your doctor or nurse. After surgery, your doctor can adjust the plan if you need more pain relief.

If you have surgery to remove a small tumor on the surface of the cervix, you may have cramping or other pain, bleeding, or a watery discharge.

If you have a hysterectomy, the length of the hospital stay may vary from several days to a week. You may also experience hot flashes and menopause occurs immediately.

It is common to feel tired or weak for a while, you may also have bladder and bowel problems. The doctor may restrict your diet to liquids at first, with a gradual return to solid food. Most women return to their normal activities within 4 to 8 weeks after surgery.

Radiation therapy:

Side effects depend mainly on the dose of radiation and the part of your body that is treated. Radiation to the abdomen and pelvis may cause nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, or urinary problems. You may lose hair in your genital area. Also, your skin in the treated area may become red, dry, and tender.

You may have dryness, itching, or burning in your vagina. The radiation may also make your vagina narrower.

Although the side effects of radiation therapy can be distressing, your doctor can usually find ways to relieve them.


The side effects of chemotherapy depend mainly on the specific drugs and the dose. The drugs affect cancer cells and other cells that divide rapidly:

Chemotherapy can cause a poor appetite, nausea and vomiting, diarrhea, or mouth and lip sores. Chemotherapy can cause you to lose your hair. The hair will grow back, but it may be somewhat different in color and texture.

Friday, October 28, 2011

The Essential Pap Smear Test For Cervical Cancer Treatment

Cervical cancer symptoms

The Pap smear test is essential to find traces of cervical cancer cells. If the test is done early, cervical cancer can be treated early. The Pap smear test is used effectively for more then fifty years and due to this cancer deaths have significantly reduced in United States.

This test is used to detect the presence of abnormal cells in the uterine cervix. Pap tests are categorized into two types. Cell samples are first collected by gynecologist from the surface of the cervix and then tested under the slide. Recent advancements in technology have led to testing of samples in liquid in a vial. The tests mentioned are effective in getting the results for the presence of cancerous cells.

The lab technician tests the cells under a powerful microscope to detect any abnormalities. Sometimes software is used to get the results. The presence of this test does not always signifies that one is suffering from cervical cancer. Other reasons can also be there for abnormality, like cervical infection, inflammation of the cervical cells, changes in hormone, etc.

After submitting the samples at the nearest health clinic, you may be again asked to come for some other tests. Sometimes, detailed heath screening test is required to find the root cause of abnormality and that may also include another Pap smear test. This is essential because, often Pap smear test for the first time is unable to find pre cancerous cells. Since the growth of cell is very gradual, so it is expected that another intensive test will surely get hold of it. This is the reason why doctors sometimes recommend Pap smear test at regular intervals.

This test undergoes the Bethesda System after the result reaches your doctor. Based on this, output can be placed in various categories, upon which vital decisions are taken.

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Cervical Cancer Test for Early Detection of Cervical Cancer

Cervical cancer is a disease that usually affects women aged 40 and over. The main cause of this disease is usually caused by HPV or human papilloma virus which is transmitted by sexual contact and communicate. This disease can last for a long period of time, perhaps years, and leads to cancer cells of the cervix. In order to treat the cancer as soon as possible, should be detected by testing for cervical cancer.

Early diagnosis ofcancer can prevent it from getting severe. This is advisable so that patients suffering from this disease can treat the cancer and prevent it from spreading all throughout the body. Some cervical cancer tests to undergo are:

• Pap smear test. One of the best ways of detecting this cancer is to undergo pap smear cancer screening test. This common test is also known as Pap test. This is usually a cervical cancer test used to identify cervical cancer in its early stage. This is done by collecting cervical cells then it is smeared on a glass side in order to screen precancerous or cancerous cells.

• HPV test. Another method of testing is HPV testing and typing. HPV DNA test detects the existence of the most common high-risk HPV types; however, it does not determine the specific type. HPV test is also recommended by The American College of Obstetrician and Gynecologists that woman ages 30 and above should undergo such test.

• Diagnostic tests such as Colposcopy and Biopsy. Colposcopy is a follow up test placing a vinegar-like solution on the cervix, and use a bright light to examine the closely the cervix. Biopsy is done if there are irregularities found on the cervix. This test is the only test that will tell and prove whether the abnormal cells are precancerous, cancerous or reactive.

Just like any cancer, the earlier this cancer is detected and treated, the bigger chance of getting rid of it for good. Do not be afraid of taking and undergoing cervical cancer tests because these tests might be the only way for survival. If you have observed or felt something unusual with yourself, don't hesitate to visit your doctor for a check up to see if there is something wrong with you. Live a healthy lifestyle in order to prevent any diseases such as cancer. Nourish your body with healthy foods like fruits and vegetables and live a cancer free life.

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Cervical Cancer And Hepatitis


There are no signs of early cervical cancer. It is therefore necessary for every woman to have regular pap test. A woman with cervical cancer sometimes have example Unusual vagina bleeding including vaginal bleeding after menopause, spotting or discharge, pains during sex.


Men do not have cervical cancer, only Women are at risk of having cervical cancer. Women child bearing age and beyond.


Regular screening for early detection using the pap test. Women should have regular pap smears from the age of 21 years or three years after the onset of sexual intercourse. Regular pap smears detect abnormalities of the lining of the cervix years before it progresses to cervical cancer many of this abnormalities can be tested if detected early. Correct and consistent use of condom may provide some protection against HPV.

Avoid risky sexual behaviors.

Human Papillona Virus[HPV] is a sexually transmitted virus and a major cause of cervical cancer. HPV comes by having multiple sex partners, having partners who have multiple sex partners, having sex at an early age. HPV VACCINE before a woman becomes sexually active. The vaccine is routinely given to females of age between 11, 12, 13, and 18 to catch up missed vaccine or complete the vaccination.


Healthy diet including eating fruits and vegetables and avoiding smoking also reduce the risk of developing cervical cancer.

Hepatitis is a disease condition of the liver in which the liver becomes sore, swollen and red as a result of the infection by a virus. This inflation [swelling] of the liver continues to increase because of the environment pollution of alcohol use, drug abuse and poor diet. Also, over use of paracetamol has been discovered to be highly responsible for increasing incidence of Hepatitis, HEPATITIS A and B are the most common.


vomiting, diarrhea, loss of appetite, yellowness of the eyes, muscle and joint aces and pains, more on the right side of the body.


Hepatitis A is caused by infected food and common where there is poor hygiene, It spreads trough contaminated water. Hepatitis B is common in Nigeria and is caused by infected blood, It is spread through unprotected sex, sharing injection needles, blood contact or transfusion. It can also be transmitted from an infected mother to her baby during labor and delivery.

Mother to child transmission of Hepatitis B can be prevented by immunizing children with Hepatitis vaccine.


Cancer is a very deadly and expensive disease but if treated early,can be effectively managed at very good health facilities. Cervical cancer is often treated with a combination of surgery radiation and chemotherapy.


Monday, October 24, 2011

Cervical Cancer - We've Come a Long Way, Baby!

Nearly thirty years ago, I was a new registered nurse in labor and delivery. It was a pleasant and enjoyable unit to work. The end result was the celebration of a beautiful, healthy, bouncing baby boy or girl. The proud father would pass out pink/blue bubble gum cigars or treat the nurses with pizza. But then there were other times....

One day I had a patient who presented to the labor and delivery unit in imminent delivery of her baby. An obstetrician was en route to the unit. Another nurse and I prepared her for delivery. We placed her on the delivery table and removed her clothing, placed on a patient gown and began to prepare and clean around her genital area. What I saw for the first time, was genital warts.

HPV (human papillomavirus) is usually revealed by genital warts which have been linked to cervical cancer. HPV is a sexually transmitted disease and the number one risk factor for cervical cancer.

Thirty years ago, Gardisil did not exist. It is a vaccine we have today to prevent HPV.
Another similar vaccine, Cervarix is reported to have been approved by the FDA recently. These vaccines's can not help you once precancerous cells are detected and must be given before an abnormal Pap Test.

A few years later, I ran into this patient again at the hospital. I remembered her well. She was there for a clinic visit. We chatted and she told me a horrific story about her cervical cancer. She was filled with remorse and regret for ignoring her health over the years; she admitted to substance abuse and using her body to support her habits. Medical care was not a priority for her; therefore the genital warts condition was ignored.

This eventually led to the cervical cancer which had begun to spread to other parts of her body. It was malignant. Her prognosis was poor. She was going to die. Emotionally, I could not listen to more of her sad story. But I will never forget what genital warts look like.

HPV is the most common sexually transmitted disease. By age 50, at least 80 percent of women will have acquired genital HPV infection. (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, May 2004). It usually goes unnoticed and may clear up on its own within a year or two. Ladies, discuss your risk factors for cervical cancer with a gynecologist; and please get your regular Pap Tests!

Sunday, October 23, 2011

HPV, Cancer and Vaccination

HPV stands for human papillomavirus and there are 100 types but only 13 of them are known to cause cancer, the others are harmless and cause problems such as warts. HPV is transmitted through intimate sexual contact such as sexual intercourse and a strain of HPV is thought to be present in at least half of all sexually active women. In fact 3000 women are diagnosed with the problem each year and approximately 1000 die each year.

Cervical cancer is rare in women under 25 and most women get the problem in their 30s or when they are older. So how does HPV lead to cervical cancer? There are two particular strains of HPV (types 16 and 18) which cause over 70% of all cervical cancers in the UK. Although HPV infection is usually symptom free it can severely damage the lining of the cervix and repeat infection if left untreated can cause cervical cancer.   The Vaccination   The HPV vaccine protects against the two aforementioned types of the virus as these cause over 70% of cervical cancers.

It is estimated that the vaccine saves the lives of over 400 women per year. There are three doses of the vaccination needed spread over a 6 month period and it is necessary to have all three jabs to ensure best protection. The vaccine has undergone rigorous testing and is 100% completely safe, in fact this testing was a condition in the granting of the licence. The vaccine will be offered to 12-13 year old girls from the autumn of 2008 and will be carried out by primary care trusts. Most girls will be given the vaccination in school and for older girls given at their local GP.

Many women are under the illusion that this eliminated the need for cervical screening however it is VITAL that all women go for cervical screening from the age of 25, vaccine or no vaccine. The cervical screening service offered by the NHS saves about 4500 lives a year and is offered to women up to the age of 25.  

Saturday, October 22, 2011

Are Your Ovarian Cysts Bleeding? Helpful Information You Need to Know About This Condition

Not all women with ovarian cysts suffer from ovarian cyst bleeding, which is particularly rare symptom of the condition. The pain a woman experiences depends on the nature and size of the cysts. Painful cysts include ruptured cysts and misshapen cysts which are bleeding and infected. Ovarian cysts bleeding can result to a lot of complications, such as abdominal tissue inflammation and torsion or twisting, which cuts off the blood circulation to the cyst.

Ovarian cysts may contain small amounts blood if they develop after your menstruation. Yet you may also find bleeding as a symptom if your cysts have ruptured. Ovarian cyst bleeding is the primary symptom of hemorrhagic cysts, which results from blood loss. If you experience hemorrhagic symptoms accompanied with pain, you must consult your physician right away so you can prevent harmful complications. The doctor can either remove your cyst or cauterize it to stop the bleeding process.

Women suffering from ovarian cyst bleeding should not fear that they might develop ovarian cancer, because cancerous cysts do not bleed. Bleeding is a distinguishing symptom for only benign ovarian cysts.

A condition characteristic of more cysts located at the ovarian lining is called polycystic ovarian syndrome (POS.). This occurs in about 4-7% of women in reproductive years. Women who suffer from this condition experience unusual bleeding, miscarriages. They are usually infertile. Detecting this condition cannot be accomplished by ultrasound alone. Additional examinations are required to confirm the diagnosis. But once a proper diagnosis is made, you can stat taking steps for a healthier future.

Friday, October 21, 2011

5 Useful Ovarian Cancer Tests

Ovarian cancer is contracted by around 7,000 women in the UK each year. It generally affects older women and develops when the cells of the ovary start to grow in a rapid and out of control way. There are a number of symptoms associated with ovarian cancer including a bloated stomach, irregular periods and abdominal pain. If you notice any of these symptoms then you should go see your doctor right away. They will then be able to perform the necessary tests. In this article I will be discussing five of these tests.

1) PHYSICAL EXAM:- The first ovarian cancer test your doctor will recommend is a physical exam. This will be performed by either your doctor or a gynaecologist and will involve them placing one or two gloved fingers in to the vagina. They will then put their other hand on the lower abdomen to feel the position, shape and size of the ovaries. If this test reveals any abnormalities your doctor will then suggest further testing.

2) BLOOD TEST:- Certain types of ovarian cancer produce a protein called CA125. Therefore, a blood test that reveals higher than normal levels of this protein may be an indicator for this type of cancer. However, there are other conditions such pelvic inflammatory disease that can cause blood levels of CA125 to be elevated so whilst this test can indicate ovary cancer it is not a certainty.

3) ULTRASOUND SCAN:- This test involves using sound waves to build an image of your ovaries. This image can then be investigated to see if your ovaries look normal. It can also reveal whether any lumps found are fluid or solid. If any sold lumps are found they may be cancerous and will require further investigation.

4) LAPAROSCOPY:- This ovarian cancer test involves a small incision being made in the abdominal wall whilst you are under general anaesthetic. An instrument called a laparoscope (a thin, flexible tube with a camera on the end) is then inserted in to this incision and this transmits an image of your ovaries on to a screen. Your doctor can then look at this image for any abnormalities which could potentially be cancerous. Most laparoscopes can also be used to take a tissue sample and these tissues can then be tested in a laboratory to see if they are cancerous.

5) ABDOMINAL FLUID ASPIRATION:- A swollen stomach is a potential sign of ovary cancer. If your stomach does become swollen then this fluid will need to be removed. To do this your doctor will give you a local anaesthetic, insert a long, thin needle in to your abdomen and drain the fluid in to a container. This fluid can then be examined in the laboratory for the presence of cancer cells.

I hope this article has given you a greater understanding of the possible tests for ovarian cancer. This type of cancer is much more treatable in the early stages so if you have any reason to believe you may be suffering from this disease go and ask your doctor about testing. They will then be able to recommend the most suitable test and determine whether you have contracted ovary cancer.

Whilst every intention has been made to make this article accurate and informative, it is intended for general information only. Ovarian cancer is a very serious, life threatening condition and you should discuss any concerns, treatments or lifestyle changes fully with your doctor.

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Dealing With Nausea and Vomiting When Undergoing Chemotherapy For Ovarian Cancer

Cervical cancer symptoms

When ovarian cancer patients undergo chemotherapy, nausea and vomiting are the most commonly made complaints. Even as the delivery methods of the chemotherapy drugs may vary, by and large nausea is the universally experienced side effect, closely followed by vomiting. What makes this side effect so miserable for patients is the fact that even on an empty stomach the feelings do not subside, and more than one chemotherapy patient may find herself dry heaving repeatedly during and after her chemotherapy treatment.

Since ovarian cancer treatment quite frequently includes chemotherapy, patients and their physicians have been working hard to figure out ways around this side effect.

* On the day of your chemotherapy, physicians recommend that you have an easy to digest breakfast. Dry toast, Jell-o, saltines, or slices of white bread are recommended. Stay away from eggs and anything else that may be considered a full breakfast. Especially of note is that you should avoid anything with a heightened acidity, such as grapefruit or orange juice.
* Bring along some plain crackers and a bottle of water. Listen to your body and its signals! You may be surprised to find that you are craving food in the midst of chemotherapy. Eat one cracker and see how you feel.
* Once you arrive at home, plan on avoiding the smells of spicy foods. In the same way, avoid the smell of drinks as well. Some ovarian cancer patients have reported that the smell of their children's hot chocolate or their husband's coffee suddenly brought on a wave of nausea. To this end it is best to spend the first 24 hour period after chemotherapy without strong scents and odors.
* Keep cool when you feel nauseous. Patients have found that having the car window rolled down is essential in keeping actual vomiting at bay and may actually help to relieve nausea. Physicians suggest that the intake of fresh, cool air is instrumental.
* Come prepared for vomiting. This might sound like an odd piece of advise, but ovarian cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy and subsequently suffering from severe nausea have reported that the stress over not having a bag readily available should the sick feeling turn into actual vomiting is so stressful that in the end the vomiting appeared to have been induced by the stress and fear of vomiting.

Some patients have experimented with anti emetic drugs and found that they yielded great results. Of course, any time you ingest any kind of medication, vitamin, herbal remedy, or anything else you must discuss it with your physician first! Some over the counter supplements have been known to alter the way chemotherapy drugs work and there is little benefit in undergoing the treatment if the results are not what you have hoped for due to the use of other substances. As a matter of fact, your doctor should be able to provide you with a list of acceptable and not recommended medications and over the counter remedies for the weeks that you are undergoing chemotherapy!

For more interesting reading on Ovarian Cancer, go to

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Spondylosis - Cervical Spondylosis

Cervical cancer symptoms

In spondylosis there is a spinal degeneration of a discs or spinal joints. There are two types of spondylosis are as Cervical Spondylosis and Lumbar Spondylosis.

Cervical Spondylosis : Cervical spondylosis is caused by abnormal wear on the cartilage and bones of the neck (cervical vertebrae) with degeneration and mineral deposits in the cushions between the vertebrae (cervical disks).


1.Injury :cervical spondylosis can be caused by previous injury, repeated fractures or dislocations of the joints of neck. These cause abnormal tear of joints, ligaments and the structures surrounding the joints.

2.Bad Posture: Incorrect posture adapted by habit or due to poor skeletal set up in the neck predisposes abnormal tear of the neck joints.

3.Occupational strain : The physical discomfort, physical strain, intensity of work and duration of working hours all constitutes the occupational strain.

4.Body type : Body type also predisposes cervical spondylosis
- Thick necks with hump at the back
- Long backs

5.Life style: The various styles of activity adapted in daily life can cause strain or tear of the structures of the neck and lead to cervical spondylosis. An example is awkward positions adapted while sleeping.

What are the symptoms of spondylosis?

- Neck pain (may radiate to the arms or shoulder)
- Loss of sensation or abnormal sensations of the shoulders, arms, or (rarely) legs
- Weakness of the arms or (rarely) legs
- Neck stiffness that progressively worsens
- Loss of balance
- Headaches, particularly in the back of the head
- Loss of control of the bladder or bowels (if spinal cord is compressed)

A pain in the neck or in the lumbar region that continues to get worse is a sign of cervical spondylosis.

A spine X-ray shows the abnormalities that indicate the cervical spondylosis. A CT scan or spine MRI confirms the diagnosis. Myleogram may also recommended for clearly identify the extent of injury.

No treatment is required. Symptoms from cervical spondylosis usually stabilize or get better with simple, conservative therapy, including:

- A cervical collar (neck brace) worn for a short period of time to restrict motion
- Cortisone injections to specific areas of irritation
- Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory medications (NSAIDs)

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Here Are Ways to Help You Overcome Ovarian Cancer

Cervical cancer symptoms

There is a reason why one gets ovarian cancer because the rate is rising and its specific factors are our modern day living which is responsible. Pinpointing the reasons is the key to solving the problem. 100 years ago ovarian cancer was unheard of; today it's a common disease. It has been described as a silent killer because there are very few symptoms and by time it is diagnosed it is well advanced.

While our orthodox medical system does have its share of successes with some leukaemia's and lymphomas, unfortunately the most common cancers including ovarian cancer are as resistance to their treatments today as they were 40 to 50 years ago.

With this information in mind, when my wife was diagnosed with ovarian cancer in 2001 our approach in overcoming the disease was to apply a strict natural diet. She was operated on within a week of diagnoses and was given a total hysterectomy. Unfortunately by this time the cancer had spread to her surrounding organs and we were informed that nothing more could be done.

Prior to this we had both been great advocates of the Gerson diet so it was with this diet that we turned to, starting it as soon as she was able to eat again. She regained her appetite very quickly and the cancer never advanced any further. 2 years later she was declared totally cancer free and today, 7 years on she is still in good health, her cancer long gone.

What most people fail to realize is that the human body possesses a superb system of natural defences against all diseases including cancer and when one applies this strict natural therapy the body has the ability to heal and regulate itself.

It is said that the causative factors of ovarian cancer are acrylamides in food which are produced by baked, fried or roasting food, or by the use of talcum powder, especially when it's applied around the genital area but I'm sure those factors didn't apply in our case.

You may be told that your ovarian cancer is genetic and has been caused by a change in your genes, but those changes will probably have been brought about by one's lifestyle, the toxic environment and bad diets. Our diets today have a huge impact on why there is now so much cancer.

Healing of cancer is quicker and more effective if the person takes central responsibility for his or her own health and has an active involvement in the healing process. The appropriate diet and lifestyle changes are your first line of defence.

Monday, October 17, 2011

Uterus Cancer Survival Rate

Cervical cancer symptoms

Given that uterine cancer is amongst those type of cancers that are easily detected, uterus cancer survival rates are also pretty agreeable for those who are treated at the earliest stage possible.

The womb or the uterus is an important part of being a woman. Some women may even tell you that having your uterus removed is like having half of your womanly essence taken off as well. Most uterine cancers arises in the endometrium or the inner lining of the uterus that's why sometimes this type is called endometrial cancer.

A 5 year uterus cancer survival rate refers to the ratio of people who are still alive 5 years after the diagnosis is confirmed to those who weren't able to survive the cancer at the same time period. Bear in mind that the patients are all treated with the cancer. Those who weren't treated may have a lower rate of survival as opposed to those who undergo treatment.

Uterine cancer may be a cause of early menopausal, therefore, most patients with cancer of the uterus detect the symptoms during the menopausal ages - around 45-50 years old. Because certain hormonal changes are affecting the emotional aspect of women at these times, some patients may prefer not hearing their uterus cancer survival rate.

But whether you want to hear it or not, the basic fact is that the earlier the cancer is detected, the higher the chance of surviving 5 more years as well. In fact, patients who had been treated starting stage 1 are likely to live 5 years. Their uterus cancer survival rate is up to 100%.

Luckily, a lot of patients are also diagnosed at stage 1, substantially increasing the over-all percentage of survival for all patients with cancer of the uterus. Patients may normally detect symptoms like unusual vaginal bleeding or discharge, some pelvic pain, dysuria or pain during sexual intercourse.

When the disease progresses into a more severe case, the rate of survival also decreases. At the time when the cancer also begins eating surrounding tissues and lymph nodes, the lower the likelihood of chemotherapy or radiation therapy to combat the progression, although it may help in slowing down the proliferation.

Patients who are diagnosed at the last stage have lower chances of making it to 5 years or more. This could be because most women, when they are diagnosed at this stage, immediately lose hope, thus making it impossible for them to have the courage to fight off the cancer. We highly discourage this because even at 25% survival rate, this is still a lot better compared to other types of cancers whose rate are as down as 4%.

Sunday, October 16, 2011

One Less HPV Vaccine Could Up Your Chances of Cervical Cancer by 44 Percent

In case you didn't know, HPV (Human Papillomavirus) is usually found among sexually active females. It has also been found that most healthy female bodies will fight against this virus on it's own and will successfully rid itself of the virus without any medical intervention. The only danger of cervical cancer developing would be in the instance of persistent re-infection.

So why are we blasting ads on TV and in the news media, along with government mandates for young school aged children? The Journal of the American Medical Association stated in their August 2007 issue that they found no reason to implement this vaccine and that there was no reliable proof that it did what it purported to do which was prevent cervical cancer.

How many physicians actually read their medical journals on a regular basis to get this information? If your's does not---perhaps you should question him on his own information as to the efficacy of this treatment.

Now add, that in the group of women who have persistent re-infection when given the vaccine, there is a 44% increased risk of precancerous cervical lesions and there can be no clear reason why any woman or child should be given this vaccine. The FDA report supporting this information was given by the very manufacturers of the HPV vaccine - Merck.

What about the adverse affects from the vaccine? Have you read any of the statistics? Probably not as these (as far as I know) have not been all over the newspapers and in TV ads. The public interest group, Judicial Watch, released documents obtained from the FDA that reported 1,637 adverse reactions prior to May 2007. There have been numerous reports of fainting, seizures, nausea, swelling of the injection sight, etc. There is also a report related to the number of deaths. Both reports can be downloaded from links on their web site.

The FDA report from Merck page 13, shows the statistics for those who have persistent re-infection. It should be very interesting to all those considering this vaccine that none of this information has been given the coverage that the actual vaccine promotion has been given. You can read the entire article by clicking on the first link on this page at the Natural News site.

Do your own research before having this vaccine given to your young daughters. What is the justification of mandating a vaccine for someone who might not ever become "sexually active"? Or someone who was sexually active but has now become celibate and her own body will take care of the problem, given the time it needs to heal itself?

Don't fall for the hype from the TV ads. They intentionally pull on your heartstrings to make you feel like you are doing the right thing. Their motives are entirely financial. A series of these vaccines (three are recommended), has a cost of $360. If they can get every young woman and female child vaccinated, what are the profits they are pulling in for the pharmaceutical that produces it? You or your daughter's ultimate health is not what they have in mind.

Saturday, October 15, 2011

Ovarian Cancer - The Facts You Need to Be Aware Of

Cervical cancer symptoms

The leading cause of death from genital malignancies in women is ovarian cancer. It accounts for almost 4% of all cancer deaths in women although not the highest incidence among reproductive tumors. Over time, the mortality rates have increased, this is most likely because of lack of early detection methods. Caucasian women show higher incidence rates of ovarian cancer than African-American women.

The cause of ovarian cancer is not known. The risk factors includes age, women older than 40 years old; Family history, also heredo-familial disease can be a major risk factor; null parity, a woman who has not given birth to an infant capable of survival; history of infertility; history of dysmenorrhea; and the use of ovulation-stimulating medications increase the risk that the p53 which is a tumor suppressor gene to mutate.

Most of these types of cancer are epithelial, although some are adenocarcinomas which are tumors that arise from glandular structures, which mostly are a component of most organs of the body. Ovarian cancer tends to spread and grow silently until manifestations such as pelvic pressure felt on adjacent organs or abdominal distention tends to occur that is when the woman should seek medical care. During which these pressure-related manifestations occur, the malignancy has usually spread to the uterus, ligaments as well as to the fallopian tubes. Also, they tend to spread to the nearby organs and associated structures. The usual routes of metastasis for this cancer are lymphatic tissues, through the blood which is hemetogenous, through the local extension and peritoneal seeding. The cancer may also invade the bowel, liver and other neighboring organs. Aggressive metastasis has occurred when the pelvic blood vessels are already involved.

There are clinical manifestations of ovarian cancer. These are urinary frequency and urgency, pleural effusion, increase in abdominal girth, weight loss accompanied by malnutrition, ascites associated with dyspnea (difficulty breathing), pain caused by the pressure from the growing tumor and also from the effects of bowel obstruction, constipation and most of all general severe pain. As we all know, Pain is subjective. This means that whenever the person says they are experiencing severe pain that is what their experiences are and should be addressed.

The indicators usually do not appear until the malignancy is already established although sometimes not until it has already spread. Sometimes the malignancy is being diagnosed at an earlier stage, although most affected individuals may eventually have terminal cancer due to late diagnosis for the reason that it is asymptomatic.

Before a woman gets too alarmed about possibly having this type of cancer gather the facts and address it in a logical, informed way.Consult your physician and give him or her all of the symptoms and move forward in determining the proper diagnosis.

Friday, October 14, 2011

Controversy About the Vaccine Against HPV (Genital Warts) And Cervical Cancer

There is much excitement in the scientific and medical community about the development of a vaccine against the virus that is the cause of cervical cancer. This vaccination for human papillomavirus (HPV), also known as genital warts, is also believed by many in the medical and scientific community to prevent future cervical cancer. While the vaccine is very effective against the virus associated with causing cervical cancer, long term studies are needed to confirm its effectiveness. It's one thing for parents to be aware the vaccination is being administered to guard against genital wart infection transmitted during sexual activity and is likely to reduce risk of cervical cancer. It's quite another to be told the vaccination is certain to guard against cervical cancer later in life. It's important to have the background information to make an informed decision about this vaccination.

The Journal of the American Medical Association presents follow up information on the risks of the vaccine against HPV(1). There is also a special communication(2) that discusses concerns about the way this vaccine was presented to the public by the manufacturer and professional medical associations.

The review of complications associated with the vaccine indicates that there may have been an increased risk of blood clots in the veins and fainting episodes. All other side effects, including 32 deaths after the vaccine, were considered to be consistent with what would happen to the general population without having received the vaccine.

Some of the issues discussed regarding the vaccine and its marketing and presentation were several fold:

The vaccine is, thus far, believed to be safe and effective in preventing infection with the virus that is implicated in the development of cervical cancer.
The vaccine was marketed by the manufacturer and professional medical associations as a vaccine to guard against cervical cancer as opposed to the primary target of HPV.
There are no long term studies to confirm effectiveness in preventing cervical cancer.
The vaccine was not directed to the highest risk population, where it would do the most good.
Cervical cancer can be screened for effectively by Pap smears which can also prevent this disease.

One author also presented concern about the role of professional medical associations in promoting the vaccine due to their being supported by the manufacturer and possibly being influenced by this. The final editorial comment concludes with the following statement. "When weighing evidence about risks and benefits, it is also appropriate to ask who takes the risk, and who gets the benefit. Patients and the public logically expect that only medical and scientific evidence is put on the balance. If other matters weigh in, such as profit for a company or financial or professional gains for physicians or groups of physicians, the balance is easily skewed. The balance will also tilt if the adverse events are not calculated correctly." (3)

The decision to vaccinate or not vaccinate should be made with full informed consent between the patient or their guardian and their provider.

Postlicensure Safety Surveillance for Quadrivalent Human Papillomavirus Recombinant Vaccine: Barbara A. Slade; Laura Leidel; Claudia Vellozzi; Emily Jane Woo; Wei Hua; Andrea Sutherland; Hector S. Izurieta; Robert Ball; Nancy Miller; M. Miles Braun; Lauri E. Markowitz; John Iskander: JAMA. 2009; 302(7):750-757.
Marketing HPV Vaccine: Implications for Adolescent Health and Medical Professionalism: Sheila M. Rothman; David J. Rothman: JAMA. 2009; 302(7):781-786
The Risks and Benefits of HPV Vaccination: Charlotte Haug: JAMA. 2009; 302(7):795-796.

All content on the Health Care Village website is for informational purposes only. We believe that the provider/patient relationship is to be respected. The content on this site should not be used for diagnostic or treatment purposes. Always seek professional medical advice regarding any medical condition. The information on this site is to be used to enhance communication with your provider. Do not delay treatment or disregard or refuse diagnostic tests or treatments based on information on this site. Reliance on any content in this website for medical advice, treatment or diagnosis is solely at your own risk. In case of concern for medical emergency, contact your provider or 911 immediately.

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Watching Out for Ovarian Cancer Symptoms

Cervical cancer symptoms

Ovarian cancer symptoms are often mistaken for another milder condition by both women and doctors alike. They are so vague that they can often lead you to think that you may have a condition in the reproductive system, but that it is not as serious as cancer.

Cancer is something that everyone has been trying to avoid. Currently, healthy living has taken a front seat in today's society. People are so health conscious that they do away with food that they think is unhealthy. Not only are they trying to avoid cancer, but all other forms of diseases as well. However, we all know that no matter how healthy you are, you will get sick one way or another. The next best thing you can do is early detection. With early detection, you might be able to stop the disease early in its tracks and this could mean a lot when it comes to your survival. This is especially true with cancer.

The sad thing about cancer though, is that it is very cunning. You feel fine one day. And the next day you discover you are already in Stage 4. Do not be disheartened though. There are actually signs and symptoms that you can watch out for. You may have noticed them before, but dismissed them as something that you shouldn't be concerned about. Well this time, you know better.

In ovarian cancer, you should be looking out for pelvic or abdominal pain. Now, women suffer from abdominal pain regularly, especially during their menstrual cycle. This is called dysmenorrhea. However, dysmenorrhea would only last for a short while - 3 to 4 days max. In ovarian cancer, abdominal pain may last for two to three weeks.

Painless bleeding is another great sign of cancer. Women with ovarian cancer might bleed a lot. They will bleed more than normal, and the thing that separates them from menstrual bleeding si that bleeding in ovarian cancer lasts for weeks at a time.

Changes in your menstrual cycles could be attributed to a lot of factors. Stress, for one thing, would greatly affect you menstrual cycle. However, if you observe that you have been suffering from continuous abnormalities in your menstrual cycle, like amenorrhea, mittelschmerz, excessive bleeding and more, you should immediately consult with your doctor.

Other symptom associated with ovarian cancer would be feeling of fullness after just a small intake of food or water, bloating, changes in your bowel movement, constant back pain that cannot be explained, decrease or lack in appetite, and pelvic heaviness.

As you can observe from the previous paragraph, the symptoms mentioned could also be related to other reproductive system conditions. They key here is to get consultation as early as possible. Most people are too scared to go to the doctor and find out that they are already suffering from a serious disease. If you ask me, it is better to know than to be ignorant. If you are aware of your condition, you could get treatment and increase the chances of your survival, right?

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

What to Do If You Have a Family History of Ovarian Cancer

Ovarian cancer is a serious and silent disease amongst women. Certain families may even have a history of ovarian cancer. Those with a family history of ovarian cancer are at an increased risk of developing it themselves. While you can't completely do away with the risk of ovarian cancer through diet and exercise you will be able to significantly reduce the risk of ovarian cancer as well as all other types of cancer. Staying healthy and watching your weight is an important personal strategy to help your body stay healthy and avoid all types of cancer and diseases. However, if you have a family history of ovarian cancer then is it even more important that you pay close attention to your body.

If you have a family history of ovarian cancer then the first recommendation is to have genetic counseling on the issue of ovarian cancer. This will help you learn if you have one of the two gene mutations that can lead to ovarian cancer. If you find out that your family has a negative history of ovarian cancer or that you do not have either of the gene mutations then you can enjoy the good news since is means both yourself and your child will have a better chance at not developing ovarian cancer.

However, if you find you do have either of the gene mutations then you shouldn't become discouraged. You will have options to help prevent your ovarian cancer. However, you will need to pay more attention to your body and have pap tests done more often and take a more aggressive approach to your diet. Your doctor will help your determine the best prevention strategy to meet your needs.

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Cervical Cancer - Ayurvedic Herbal Treatment

Cervical cancer is one of the most common cancers that affect a woman's reproductive organs. Globally, cervical cancer is the third leading cause of cancer deaths in women. Half of cervical cancer cases occur in women aged between 35 and 55. Squamous cell carcinoma accounts for 80% of cervical cancer, whereas adenocarcinoma makes up for about 15%. Risk factors for cervical cancer include: early sexual activity, multiple sexual partners, sexually transmitted diseases, cigarette smoking, and a weak immune system. Surgery, radiation and chemotherapy form the conventional treatment of this condition.

The Ayurvedic treatment of cervical cancer aims at treating the cancer, treating the symptoms, preventing the spread of the cancer, reducing the side effects of conventional treatment, and prolonging survival. Medicines like Arogya-Vardhini, Triphala-Guggulu, Kanchnar-Guggulu, Punarnavadi-Guggulu, Mahamanjishthadi-Qadha, Chandraprabha-Vati, Ashokarishta, Ashoka (Saraca indica), Daruharidra (Berberis aristata), Udumbar (Ficus glomerata), Ulatkambal (Abroma augusta), Shalmali (Bombax malabaricum), Vasa (Adhatoda vasica), and Tandullya (Amaranthus polygamus) are used to treat the local tumor. In addition, medicated douches containing Triphala (Three fruits) and Yashtimadhuk (Glycerrhiza glabra) are used to treat local ulceration.

Medicines which act on the 'Rasa', 'Rakta' and 'Mansa' dhatus (tissues) are useful in this condition. These medicines include Indrayav (Holharrhina antidysentrica), Patol (Tricosanthe dioica), Kutki (Picrorrhiza kurroa), Saariva (Hemidesmus indicus), Patha ( Cissampelos pareira) ,Musta (Cyperus rotundus), Nimba (Azadirachta indica) and Triphala. Medicines like Kanchnar-Guggulu and Mahamanjishthadi-Qadha are used to prevent the spread of the disease to other parts of the body. Ashwagandha (Withania somnifera), Shatavari (Asparagus racemosus), Bala (Sida cordifolia), Nagbala (Sida humilis), Suvarna-Bhasma and Heerak-Bhasma are used to improve the immunity of the body. To prevent or reduce side effects from chemotherapy and radiation therapy, medicines like Ashwagandha, Shatavari, Kamadudha-Ras, Shankh-Vati, Laghu-Sutshekhar-Ras and Vishwa (Zinziber officinale) are used.

Thus, Ayurvedic medicines can be used as additional therapy to conventional treatment, to improve the overall survival of the patient. It is important to note that all such patients should be under the regular care and supervision of an Oncologist.

Monday, October 10, 2011

Overview of Complex Ovarian Cysts

Complex ovarian cysts affect all women of all ages. It is usually common during the fertile period. Unlike other forms of cysts, if left untreated can be fatal to health. An ovarian cyst complex is composed of components to 50% solids and liquids that remain outside of a very thin wall. Extreme pain can be felt, depending on the severity of the condition of the cysts. Their existence is usually discovered during a medical examination or extreme pain / discomfort andpresent, while being accompanied by other symptoms.

The development of these cysts is caused by unruly development of egg cells in the body. Every month, follicle or cyst like structures generate, releasing hormones like progesterone and estrogen. These two hormones are needed to stimulate the release of eggs. Some women are affected with less serious ovarian cyst and some have to deal with complex form of ovarian cysts. The reason behind this is still left unknown.

The reasons which greatly contribute to complex ovarian cysts are genetic inclination, obesity, presence of other forms of disease, low immune system, lifestyle related factors and unawareness and disregarding symptoms of ovarian cysts. Complex ovarian cysts increase in size and they become too large causing serious health issues and greater risk if ruptured. The type of cyst should be determined in order to manage the existing condition with the right treatment.

There are three types of complex ovarian cysts.

First is the Dermoid Cyst, which is formed from the egg cell of a woman. It is a cyst that has hair, hair follicles, teeth and sebaceous gland. It is usually found at sites marking the fusion of developing sections of the body in the embryo. There is minimal chance that this cyst will develop into cancer cells. However, when twisted by itself it can cause tremendous pain. Sometimes a Dermoid cyst may develop after an injury.

The second type is the Endometrioma Cyst. This cyst is caused by endometriosis which forms outside the uterus and stays stuck to the ovary and progress with the menstrual cycle. Common symptoms include, fatigue, pain before and after menstruation, pain during sexual intercourse, irregular menstrual periods and painful bowel movements.

The last one is the Adenomas Cyst which consists of liquids and gelatins. These cysts can grow from 3 inches to 12 inches in diameter. When these cysts are twisted by themselves, it is expected to cause agonizing pain.

These cysts are usually benign. Disregarding this condition is the least that should be done. Consult a doctor as soon as possible if you notice some symptoms.

Pain during and after menstruation maybe present in some women. Abdominal pain can affect simple household chores, office works or school related activities. It is very difficult to perform tasks if you are in pain. The goal of pain management is relief, determine which works best. What may work for one person, may not work for another person.

Sunday, October 9, 2011

Common Causes, Types, Symptoms and Treatment of Ovarian Cyst

Ovarian cyst is a well known disease today's woman. You should be aware of this, because if the majority of cysts are harmless, some can threaten your health and can cause death. Ovarian cysts are small vesicles similar to blisters that develop in the ovaries of a woman full of liquid. Women are more likely to have the disease during their reproductive years. Cysts form in the two almond sized organs on each side of the womb called ovaries. It can be classified as a carcinogen andcancer. Noncancerous cysts are harmless and disappear without treatment. But severe cases can cause pain, bleeding and even death.

At ultrasound, the bubbles appear fluid filled cysts surrounded by a thin wall. This type of cyst is called a functional cyst, or a simple cyst. Formation of ovarian cysts is caused by fluids that remain in it when a follicle fails to rupture and release the egg. And 'normal to see small cysts in the normal ovary while follicles areformat.

Most cysts are considered benign form, are not harmful and anything to do with the disease. Can disappear and heal on their own within a week without suffering any kind of treatment.

Causes of ovarian cysts

Ovarian function to produce an egg each month. The egg production process is called ovulation. During this process, a type called follicular cyst forms within the ovary. The mature follicle ruptures when an egg isreleased during ovulation. The empty follicle forms the corpus luteum. If the woman is not pregnant, the corpus luteum will dissolve. While the woman's body during this process is the most common type of cyst called a functional cyst is formed.

Other types of cysts such as dermoid ovarian cysts, cystadenoma cysts, endometrioma cyst and polycystic ovary syndrome are considered abnormal. They often occur as a result of an imbalance of female hormones (estrogenand progesterone).

Types of Ovarian Cysts

The cysts are classified as benign or non cancerous and cancerous:

Functional Cysts - these are just normal cysts that are formed during the ovulation period. These can affect women in their early age but it will eventually disappear within two to three menstrual cycles.
Dermoid Cysts - these are the type of ovarian cysts that are filled with various types of tissues including hair or skin.
Endometrioma Cysts - these are also refer to as the chocolate cysts of endometriosis which are formed when a tissue similar to the lining of the uterus attaches to the ovaries.
Cystadenoma Cysts - such cysts are developed from the cells on the outer surface of the ovary.
Polycystic ovarian disease - these are cysts that are formed from the buildup of follicle cysts which causes the ovaries to thicken. These may cause the enlargement of ovaries creating a thick outer covering that prevents the process of ovulation and some fertility problems.

Common Ovarian Cysts Symptoms

Often times, ovarian cysts have no symptoms. If there are any symptoms, it can cause a dull ache or a pressure in the abdomen. The pain experience during sexual intercourse is also a sign of ovarian cysts.

The pain or pressure is caused by some factors such as size, bleeding of bursting of a cysts which often cause irritation to the abdominal tissue, which can block the flow of the blood to the cyst.

Having delayed, irregular, and unusual painful periods is also a symptom of having ovarian cyst. In case you experience some of the symptoms, it is necessary to have a check up with your doctor.

Treatment of Ovarian Cysts

Although majority of the ovarian cysts are benign, treatment for cysts depends on the size, and symptoms. If the cyst is small, the wait approach is recommended with a regular check ups.

Pain caused by ovarian cysts can be treated with:

pain relievers
a warm bath applied in the lower part of the abdomen can relax tense muscles and relieve the cramping, reduces the discomfort and help the blood circulation which may heal the ovaries.
Drinking chromomite herbal tea can lessen the pain and also soothes the tense muscles.
Urinating as soon as you feel the urge
Preventing constipation from occurring
Having a healthy diet
Combining the hormonal contraception, taking contraceptive pill can be a big help

Cysts that occur in menopausal women may indicate more serious disease and needed to be examined through ultrasonography and laparoscopy. If your family has the history of having a ovarian cancer, you can undergo surgical biopsy after the testing of your blood.

In more serious cases, it is a must to undergo a surgery. Some surgery can be done successfully without hurting the ovaries, but in some cases removal of your one ovary is required.

Saturday, October 8, 2011

Have Ovarian Cysts? - Don't Eat These Foods!

Ovarian cysts are known to sometimes heal themselves. In essence, your body will resolve its own issues. Not all ovarian cysts are that friendly though. Some are painful and just want to react to anything you do to your body, or put IN your body. If you have ovarian cysts, you might want to steer clear of these foods.

There are ten 'danger' foods that women with cysts on their ovaries need to avoid. Oddly, some of these foods are foods that common sense would tell you to avoid anyway.

As with any healthy eating plan, caffeinated and carbonated beverages are a no-no. There drinks with caffeine (like cola and coffee) are know to also aggravate and lead to more discomfort from ovarian cysts. The best idea is to drink more water than any other type of beverage in order to help your body help itself.

Alcohol is another beverage that needs to be moderated, if not avoided completely, when suffering from the symptoms of an ovarian cyst. Alcohol, and the sugar in it, is difficult for the body to process. Anything that is normally hard for your body to handle will make life extra miserable when you have an ovarian cyst.

My ovarian cysts hurt me all the time - especially when I was ovulating. I learned to stay away from any foods that were not good for my body. There were some foods that were difficult (for me) to avoid, but after a few bouts with an aggravated cyst, I learned my lesson.

Now that my cysts are gone, I can 'slip' and enjoy some of these foods again without incident.

Friday, October 7, 2011

Ovarian Cyst Symptoms - 13 Warning Signs That Should Never Be Taken For Granted

Ovarian cysts are developed on the female reproductive organs (ovaries) which are fluid-filled sacs. As the ovaries are setting up eggs to discharge into the fallopian tube during the menstrual cycle, the more high risk women can get the chance to build up the cyst. Many of those are not harmful (benign) but some can pose threat to health that makes it malignant. The cysts contain tissue like hair, teeth, bone and develop at the ages of 20 to 40. Whenever it cuts off the passage to ovaries, the patient may experience pain and with further diagnosis, it may lead to operation procedure.

The kind of cyst will be depending on the symptoms patient are experiencing. Some women may feel the signs from mild to severe. It may not be noticeable all the time but there are common warning signs you can observe. Here are some ovarian cyst symptoms:

Breast tenderness
Lower backache and on the upper legs
Irregularity and abnormalities in menstrual cycle
Nausea or vomiting
Abdominal pressure
Gain weight
Urinal urgency or problems passing urine
Painful in sexual function

If the cysts get worse, severe manifestations will occur such as:

Rapid breathing
Relentless abdominal pressure and pain

Consulting to doctor and undergo series of examinations will confirm the correct diagnosis base on the symptoms that are mentioned above. Routine ultrasound exam may help detect if there is any development of cyst inside the ovaries. It will play the major role in confirming the level of doubt with regards to any serious ovarian growth. Appearance of a collapsed sac with free fluid in the cavity can be detected by the ultrasound.

Getting consultation from someone with medical background can help women get through this. It could easily disrupt their lives and making sure to handle the symptoms with outmost care is imperative and should not be taken for granted. If the symptoms are suspicious, another examination will perform to make sure if the cyst is already malignant. Surgical operation such as Laparoscopy is often done if the stage is still benign. The incision is above the navel while the patient is under general anesthesia. In cases that there is larger mass in the ultrasound and higher CA-125 in the blood exam, removal of ovaries is considered to prevent the cyst to metastasis outside the ovaries and some other parts of the body. The surgical procedure will be hysterectomy and oophorectomy as the suggested method.

Always seek for the professional advice before starting any therapy or any changes to the existing treatment. Never delay or disregard the advice that will be given or to worsen the situation. The risk of getting an ovarian cyst is very common to all women regardless of age, ethnicity and health condition. This useful information will help all the females to handle the ovarian cyst symptoms very well and never ever take this for granted.

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Ovarian Cancer In Women: Be Aware Of The Symptoms

The symptoms of ovarian cancer in women can be difficult to detect. Many people can put up more signs. In the UK alone each year 7,000 women are diagnosed with ovarian cancer.

If the cancer is detected early, treatment can be more effective, people with higher risk of developing ovarian cancer are over the age of 30 +, and postmenopausal women.

It is important that women know that a cervixPap tests do not take in ovarian cancer, Pap tests, usually just looking for abnormal cells that may be a sign of cervical cancer.

Signs that you may have ovarian cancer are;

- Constant pain in abdomen, cramps
- Swelling of the stomach (and not just after eating)
- Loss of appetite
- Frequent urination or difficulty urinating
- Bowel problems like diarrhea or constipation
- Back pain or neck
- Weight loss (if inexplicable)

As I said before these symptoms can be confused with something else. Some women may feel abdominal pain before your period, with a bloated feeling.

Because the symptoms of ovarian cancer in women can be like normal everyday problems mostly because of this delay is often the cancer can spread. This makes treatment more intensive and the success rate can belower than that if the cancer was diagnosed earlier.

This cancer can sometimes be hereditary, if 2 or more members of your family have previously suffered with breast or ovarian cancer you should let your doctor know.

Some younger women often ignore the symptoms mentioned above, this may be because they feel that the cancer is a problem that only affects the older woman. It may be because they have no idea that the symptoms they are experiencing are like those for ovarian cancer.

If you are noticing any of the above symptoms on a daily basis, I urge you to seek advice from your doctor or other health professional. It may be nothing to worry about, but it is better to be safe than sorry.

It is not a very common form of cancer, more common forms are breast, cervical cancer in women or testicular cancer in men.

If you think you may be suffering with any of these symptoms then you should speak with your doctor as soon as possible, I urge you to do this for any symptoms, not just the ones I have mentioned above. If you have already spoken with your doctor, and your symptoms are getting worse, go back and ask your doctor for more accurate tests.

As the symptoms of ovarian cancer in women are similar to those you would get with a period, you may feel like it is not important enough to warrant a trip to the doctor, this can be detrimental to your health. Early detection of the cancer may save lives! If you or someone you know is having any of these problems please get it checked out.

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

DNA tests in Cervical Cancer Early Detection

Pap test has been traditionally used in the detection of cervical cancer who seek the presence of human papilloma virus (HPV) in cervical cells that causes most cervical cancer.

In addition to the Pap test, evidence of HPV DNA in cervical cells has a greater importance in the detection of precancerous high-grade lesions.

Early diagnosis can prevent the spread of cancer to other parts ofthe body.

It is a matter of life or death, if high precision and high sensitivity detection of precancerous lesions can be performed in a short period of time. Removal of a benign tumor should be made as soon as possible.

Time is money - the faster it is, the faster you can save your life.

However, DNA testing can not be a substitute for the Pap test as he had created false alarms that could force women to have unnecessary medical procedures.

Fewthings you should know about HPV DNA:

1. It is only for women over 30 years of age.

Women under 30 years of age will have asymptomatic HPV infection. Women after 30 years of age have an increased risk of precancerous high-grade lesions.

2. Molecular biology techniques for highly sensitive and specific identification of HPV DNA in cervical samples.

HPV has been shown to have a slightly worse specificity of Pap tests, andto improve the sensitivity of the test. This has created a higher rate of false-positive Pap.

3. Women age 30 and tested every three years, adding HPV DNA testing test your system regularly.

If both tests (Pap tests and DNA) are negative, the review has not been repeated for three years.

Finally, with the advancement of DNA testing for HPV, Pap tests can be replaced less often, and women have cervical cancerprojections.

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Signs of breast cancer rare in adolescents

Breast cancer originates in the breast tissue. This type is common in women over 40 years, although there are few men who have it. Also "known to occur in adolescents, although not as common. One of the worst kinds of inflammatory breast cancer is usually no signs or symptoms. Y ', then one of the most difficult to diagnose, especially young people who may be sensitive to changes in theirbodies. However, if signs and symptoms are present, the breast appears swollen, tender and often itchy. Other symptoms are bruises on the chest and nipples and the formation of lymph nodes in the armpits.

When a teen is called the mass, should be immediately taken to hospital for an adequate investigation. However, not all tumors are cancerous, and only a qualified physician can determine this. In most cases, the bumps are caused by changes in the breast duringthe menstrual cycle. These tumors are usually fluid-filled cysts. The nodules are benign and are usually soft and move easily in the breast tissue. Most of these tumors do not need to be removed unless they are causing serious nuisance or cause significant changes in the shape of the breast.

A lump that seems to grow in size and remains, even when handled with the fingers can be an indicator that is benign and not a sign of breast cancer. This type ofpackages must be taken immediately for further tests. Teens should be encouraged to conduct self-examination, and report any changes to his parents. They should be looking for symptoms such as changes in shape and size of the breast. One breast may appear larger or smaller. Also, ask for changes in the texture of the breast. This includes the hardening and thickening of the breast.

In some cases, breast cancer in adolescentscharacterized by pain. Teenagers complain of pain that comes and goes frequently in the chest. In some cases it may be constant and lasts longer than a day before it stops. You should also check for color change in some parts of the breast. If these color changes do not disappear in a short time, then it must be cause for concern. Adolescents are faced with this disease need lots of help from family and support groups. This is particularly important because I thinkthat do not fit with their peers and are unlikely to find survivors among their peers.

Monday, October 3, 2011

Knowing the work of Part I of cervical cancer

Cervical cancer symptoms

When the diagnosis of cervical cancer is important to know what is this information will allow the doctor plan treatment, depending on how advanced the cancer. There are five distinct stages, many of which are divided.

The first stage is stage 0. In stage 0, cancer is on the first layer of cells lining the cervix only and has not invaded deeper tissues of the cervix. This is the first form ofCancer> cervical and can be treated with laser surgery, hysterectomy or radiation.

The next phase is the phase I and is divided into IA and IB. At this stage the cancer is found in the cervix but has not yet widespread. In stage IA, a very small amount of cancer that can only be seen under a microscope is found in the tissues of the cervix. In the next section, IB, cancer is still in the neck and either: it can only be seen with a microscope or lessand can not.

In Phase II, the cancer has spread beyond the cervix but not to pelvic wall (the tissues that line the part of the body between the hips). Phase II is divided into stages IIA and IIB according to the degree of cancer spread.

In IIA, the cancer has spread beyond the cervix to the upper two thirds of the vagina but not to tissues around the uterus. In IIB, the cancer has spread beyond the cervix to the upper two thirds of the vagina andto the tissues around the uterus.

Sunday, October 2, 2011

The prognosis of ovarian cancer and benefits for patients

Each patient is expected to be healed of their diseases. But in reality there are many other factors that influence whether a patient could survive for 5 months, or even be able to live more than five months. Estimated life expectancy of patients a doctor can be used as payment for treatment and other decisions taken at the end of life.

Ovarian cancer patients who seek medical attention at an early stage, have a good prognosis, but still expect to live longer, perhapsalso get rid of it.

For patients who have just arrived back into the stage III or more, usually have a poor prognosis. Unfortunately, most patients with this disease detected in an advanced stage, in advanced cancer has spread to other parts of the body outside of the ovary. The spread of the disease in other parts of the body affect the functioning of the organ, other organs may be affected are: lining of the uterus, colon, lung and bladder. What is the effect, among other things, that thebodies become unable to function properly, so the balance of the body affected.

Source Wikipedia, the written question in relation to ovarian cancer, patients with ovarian cancer the 5-year survival for all stages of 45.5%. If the disease is diagnosed at an early stage when the cancer has spread beyond the ovary, 5-year survival was 92.7%.

If detection is too late, and patients already in serious conditions, this situation has given anegative effects for the patient. The doctor can analyze and provide an explanation for the possible continuation of the treatment and cure. The doctor will usually also notify the patient's family the possibility that the patient will recover, and other possibilities that may occur in patients. Predicting the prognosis of ovarian cancer doctors are not 100% accurate, for example, when doctors declared that "45 percent of patients die within 5 months," concluded that, based on medicalcalculation based on previous patient studies. But in reality there are many other factors that influence whether a patient could survive for 5 months, or even be able to live more than five months. Estimated life expectancy of patients a doctor can be used as payment for treatment and other decisions taken at the end of life.
