Cervical Cancer is defined as a malignant growth of the cervical area. Vaginal bleeding may be indicative of this disease buy symptoms may not show themselves until advanced stages of this illness. Papsmear screening can indicate precancerous growths and speed up treatment and provide different options of treatment.
Human Papillomavirus (HPV) is an infection that is a factor in almost all cervical cancer cases. This disease is knows as the "common cold" of sexual transmitted infection and affects more than 80% of all sexually active adults, whether they have symptoms or not. Women or men who have many sexual partners are of greatest risk.
Genital Warts are also caused by various strains of HPV and are not relevant to this cancer, however it is possible to have multiple strains at the same time, those that cause warts and those that cause cervical cancer. The American Cancer Society deems that a patient must be infected with HPV to develop cervical cancer, but most women with this high risk HPV do not develop this disease. Use of condoms can reduce but does not always prohibit the contraction of this disease. Likewise, skin to skin contact with infected areas can spread the HPV virus.
Carcinogens from tobacco heightens the risk for many forms of cancer including cervical cancer and smoking doubles the risk to that of a nonsmoker. Low immune systems from not consuming the adequate amounts of fruits and vegetables is also another high risk group. Increasing these actually decreases the risk and/or the persistence of this disease.
Worldwide, this cancer is the twelfth most common cancer and the fifth most deadly cancer in women.
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