Cancer is the malignant tumor tissue in the body or organs of the body that may spread to parts of their environment causing health problems for the person concerned. This is true for cervical cancer. Cervix is the lower a woman's womb or uterus. When abnormal tissue growth is observed and is the invasion more in other body tissues, resulting in abnormal function, so it is classified as cancer.
Issurprising to learn that women are increasingly focused on the human papilloma virus or HPV. However, the study, only 20% of these women knew that HPV can cause cervical cancer.
cancer of the cervix show symptoms less than other types of cancer. Most often, pain is only recognized on stage before, and when the condition is already severe. However, this risk can be minimized as cervical cancer can be traced inwith the initial Pap test.
Pap test is done by taking a sample of cervical smears out. This is used to detect the risk of cervical cancer or precancerous. We suggest that you take an annual Pap test as part of their routine annual gynecological exams. When the anomaly is recognized, the doctor may order a biopsy for further examination of their health.
Cervical cancer is caused by human papilloma virus.This is transmitted by direct contact with the affected area. Therefore, the use of condoms if sexual contact does not guarantee you are safe from infection. Other factors that may increase the risk of cervical cancer are taking birth control birth, the first intercourse and multiple sexual partners.
What is alarming is that cervical cancer has no symptoms in its early stages. So prevention isnecessary. In addition to the Pap smear, the HPV vaccine is now available to reduce the risk of HPV infection.
Screening for cervical cancer is a necessary step to ensure that not only have a healthy reproductive system, but also a healthy body. Include in your must-do for the health and save their first year of life.
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