
Wednesday, March 23, 2011

The dangers of ovarian cancer revealed!

Many people do not realize that there is a strong possibility that you are suffering from ovarian cancer and not even know. This is because it is one of the most common cancers in circulation. One of every 55 women in the United States suffer from ovarian cancer and a large number of them are metastatic. Totally unaware of the symptoms of ovarian cancer in silence. Yes, there are many people who are under the impression that the cancer has to show howsome kind of dull, but you may be surprised to learn that many women do not recognize the symptoms of cancer in its early stages.

Please do not let this happen to you. Like any other cancer, ovarian cancer means that abnormal cells have begun to multiply in ovarian tissue. Therefore, there are some very subtle symptoms, you should be aware and take into account. These symptoms of cancer may give a clue that something is wrong with the ovaries or other parts of your body, for that matter ..

Remember that if the symptoms last more than 3 weeks, is absolutely essential to go see a doctor immediately. Cancer, when taken in very early can be cured and treated. Most of the time of treatment in the early stages, is a great success. And that is why it is imperative to recognize theseSymptoms>:

· Have you suffered from vaginal bleeding, sometimes, they have nothing to do with the menstrual cycle?
• Are you suffering from nausea and swelling?
· Been feeling pain during and after sex?
• No heaviness in the abdomen and pelvic region?
• There is an unexplained weight loss or weight gain in the last two weeks?
· You felt the need to urinate a lotoften?

One or all of these symptoms or signs of potential ovarian cancer may be due to an infection in the ovaries or in the worst case, the manifestation of ovarian cancer. Go to your doctor immediately and tell all about these symptoms. You will have a biopsy of ovaries, if needed, which means she's going to take some cells of the ovary and evidence for the presence of cancer cells. It s only after we can saythe presence of ovarian cancer, which is in the process, the extent to which it has spread (metastasized) and will recommend medications to control tumor growth and, hopefully, cure.

We would like to know some of the risk factors that can increase your chances of getting cancer. If there is a history of breast cancer in the family, you should look out for symptoms. Other than that, if you withOvarian cysts may be more likely to be vulnerable to ovarian cancer. These are just some of the risk factors that could predict the presence of ovarian cancer.

On the other hand, there are some actions that will reduce the likelihood of developing ovarian cancer. One of them is dysmenorrhea, which will suffer from severe pain in the uterus during the periods. Being a mother of twins or more than one child in childbirthis also a factor that will reduce the chances of developing ovarian cancer.

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