
Tuesday, May 31, 2011

What you should know about cervical cancer and the female libido

What is libido?

Libido or low sexual desire in women is also known as HSDD, or hypoactive sexual desire disorder. This is a deficiency or absence of sexual fantasies and desire for sexual activity, as defined by the APA and the American Psychiatric Association.

What is the cause of low libido in women?

decreased libido varies from individual to individual. Some of them are pregnancy, fatigue, medications (antidepressants, for example, birth control pills, mood stabilizers), depression, age and anxiety disorders. It is also sometimes associated with a reduction of estrogen produced naturally.

What is cervical cancer?

It is a cancer of the cervix, the lower part of the uterus or womb, or neck area. The uterus is a pear-shaped hollow organ in the lower abdomen and is connected with the cervix the vagina.

A passage in which the blood flows from the uterus through the canal into the vagina during menstruation is known as> Anal neck.

Women at high risk of cervical cancer are:

first intercourse
multiple sexual partners
human papilloma virus
Cigarette smoking
Prolonged use of oral contraceptives
infections, sexually transmitted diseases

How to identify the symptoms of cervical cancer?

Some symptoms are:

post-coital bleeding
foul vaginal discharge and blood stain
irregularbleeding after intercourse

During the progress of cervical cancer, women may feel pain and swelling of the legs.

However, women have no symptoms during the pre-cancer.

Available treatments

The type of treatment depends on the stage of disease, age and type of tumor. Treatment includes surgery, chemotherapy, radiotherapy or both.

Treatment for early-stage or radiation or chemotherapysurgery

Advance Treatment for stages - systemic chemotherapy or chemotherapy

You know that the surgery include the removal of the cervix, uterus, fallopian tubes, vaginal cuff and pelvic lymph nodes? The high-energy radiation used in radiation to kill cancer cells.

There are two types of radiation - external beam radiation and brachytherapy or internal radiation.

External radiation comes from a large machine outside the body. outpatientrequired.

Internal radiation or also known as intracavitary radiation equipment containing radioactive material remain in the vagina for several hours.

Cervical cancer and women with low libido - how are they connected?

Any woman who has cervical cancer will surely be the experience of stress, fatigue, emotional effects and poor general health. These issues often affect women's sexual desire and desire.

Patient with cervical cancermay feel nervous about having sex after treatment. Wonder if it is safe sex. Just remember that having sex with your partner, even if you are suffering from cervical cancer will not cause the cancer returning. Nor your partner you take the cancer.

Most women will have to take longer to have sex to help relax the vagina. Relax and enjoy your intimacy with your partner. Start slowly and gradually, the vagina becomes softagain and the experience of normal sexual life after a few weeks.

It also helps if you and your partner discuss things. Talk about it. Share your fear, worry and apprehension. Make your partner understand what you are experiencing. Be surprised that you make your partner to explain and understand the situation. Suddenly you realize you are not alone.

the emotion of a woman can be affected during this period. This is normal. There is no right or wronghandle such a situation. The two-way communication with your partner to have sex really helps. The sooner you come to terms with their situation in the best and most peaceful of his life will be faster and it will start later with their lives.

All patients of cervical cancer will experience a low sex drive and certainly the emotional and personal experience persistent distress. Some signs are:

vaginal dryness
Decreased genitalfeeling
Difficulty reaching orgasm
genital pain with or without sexual contact
The lack of sexual interest
History of abuse
Pelvic surgery such as hysterectomy, pregnancy, injury straddle
Hormonal problems
Problems of blood flow

Whatever the situation, low libido should not hinder your sex drive and desire. Many of the effects described above can be alleviated with hormone creams, patches, strips or libido enhancer.

If vaginal dryness is a problem, get your doctorprescribe creams or gels can be obtained lubricant. If low libido is a problem, liquid female libido enhancer or creams that you and your partner can go directly to the vagina before or during sex.

Monday, May 30, 2011

Uterine cancer - symptoms, causes and remedies

Uterine cancer is one of the most lethal cancers that actually begins in the lining of the cells in the uterus. The uterus is a vital part of a woman's reproductive system.

Type of uterine cancer

Cancer can indicate various types of cancer, which occurs in the uterus of a woman. uterine sarcoma, commonly known as leiomyosarcomas are a type of uterine cancer, which occurs in the muscle layer of the uterus. Endometrial > Cancer is another type of uterine cancer that originates in cells found in the glands of the lining of the uterus or endometrium. Cervical cancer is a different type of uterine cancer, which is known to arise from the bottom of a matrix. It extends to the transition zone of the cervix of a woman and the connection to the top of the vagina.


A woman having cancer of the uterus may notice some commonSymptoms>. However, can vary from person to person depending on the disease into account. Common symptoms include pain or difficulty with urination, unusual vaginal discharge or bleeding, extreme pain at the time of the relationship, a normal pelvic mass, weight loss discharge, pain in the pelvic region and who never breastfed. In fact, cervical cancer rarely occurs before menopause, during which a woman had a regular menstrual cycle.

E 'usually occurs during the time at regular stops menstrual cycle. If a woman notices a recurrence of the bleeding at this stage of her life, she must immediately draw the attention of your doctor, as there may be a possibility of uterine cancer.

The most common symptom of uterine cancer is abnormal bleeding from the uterus of a woman after menopause. Bleeding may take the form of streaks of blood, which contains more watery blood.In some cases, a woman may also experience lower abdominal pain.


There are several causes cervical cancer, have been discovered to date. Diabetes, obesity, polycystic ovaries have prolonged anovulation, nulliparity or having only one child support, lack of menstruation, prolonged use of tamoxifen in treating breast cancer and not taking estrogen without progestin have answered some valid causes for uterine cancer.


The cancer can be diagnosed with endometrial and endocervical. In addition to these techniques, vaginal ultrasound is used to detect the thickness of the endometrium due to the increased thickness of the uterus can cause some serious changes cancer. In addition, the Pap test can also be an accurate way to detect cervical cancer, but can not be defined as a reliable source.


The treatment of this cancer is performedbased on the grade and stage of cancer. abdominal hysterectomy is a standard therapy, which involves surgical removal of the uterus of women with both ovaries and fallopian tubes, washing the abdominal cavity to identify malignant cells and culling of aortic and pelvic lymph nodes. Many doctors prefer to use hormone therapy that eliminates the possibility of metastatic cancer. Once again, women even opt for radiation therapytreatment of uterine cancer.

Although treatment is an option for cancer, however, you must take immediate action after noticing the symptoms. Do not let them reach a level that can not be cured!

To your health!

Sunday, May 29, 2011

The cervical cancer vaccine

Cervical cancer symptoms

Cervical Cancer

Cervical cancer is a malignant tumor of the cervix or cervical area. Symptoms often are not visible until the cancer is advanced, although some cases present with vaginal bleeding, vaginal discharge or odor. Due to the lack of clear symptoms in women between 25 and 49 are invited for a smear every three years.


The Pap test istake a sample of cervical cells and examined for abnormalities. If anomalies are found, this is not necessarily indicative of cancer. If an abnormal smear is taken, the person will go to a gynecologist for a colposcopy which is an internal vaginal examination. This can sometimes lead to a biopsy, where a sample of tissue for examination under a microscope.


Cancer is a change in the DNA of the cells toreplication and growth becomes unregulated. The reasons for this are common and include the human papilloma virus (HPV), smoking, number of children and more. HPV is the main cause of cervical cancer by more than 99% of cases, is associated with infection. HPV can remain dormant in the body's mucous membranes and ultimately lead to cervical intraepithelial neoplasia, which is the first stage of cancer. HPV does not always cause cancer, but is an importantrisk factors. HPV spreads through sexual intercourse and women with multiple partners are at increased risk.

HPV Vaccine

September 2008 has been a recent movement to vaccinate girls aged 12 to 13 against two strains of HPV that are also thought to be involved in causing cancer. This is three injections over six months routinely in schools.

There has been some controversy about the new program. As with any vaccine, thereSome possible side effects. Most of these are mild and may include some mild flu-like symptoms, or swelling. However, there is a small possibility that the vaccine may experience a more severe allergic reaction that causes anaphylactic shock. Special to the vaccine has been some fear that the administration of a vaccine against a sexually transmitted virus, which could encourage sexual promiscuity and apathy against sexually transmitted diseases. Some argue that the cost ofThe vaccination program is not justifiable when the infection can be prevented with safer sex practices.

A girl died suddenly shortly after receiving the vaccination at a school in Coventry. So far there is no link between the vaccine and confirmed his death, but vaccination programs have been closed until the result can be determined. Since the program of 1.8 million girls have received the vaccine and no other deaths were reported. Other girls in thevaccines in the same school also reported side effects, but none required hospitalization. This has reignited the debate about the vaccine and whether it should be given to everyone.

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Saturday, May 28, 2011

The symptoms of ovarian cancer - Silent Symptoms You Should Know

Symptoms of ovarian cancer is unlikely to be detected unless they are aware of early signs and symptoms. Cancer celebrates its reputation as "the silent murderer" because of the lack of obvious symptoms in its early stages, when its still curable. In three of four patients, the cancer has spread from the lower abdomen to other organs before it was discovered in its final stages. And although 95% of womenfirst signs of the experience before diagnosis, but unfortunately most of these women do not recognize them as symptoms of ovarian cancer. Therefore, it is essential to understand the hidden signs that can move quickly from where it becomes too late to heal . Read carefully to learn some early signs and symptoms.

Signs and symptoms

The following may also be several health problems, but be careful if you feelone or more of the following symptoms for 1-3 weeks, consult your doctor for a pelvic exam and a recto-vaginal component, which will show the best estimate of a timely diagnosis.

Symptoms include lower abdominal pressure or discomfort, increased frequency of gas, lack of appetite, unusual weight change, abnormal menstrual cycle, a feeling of heaviness in the pelvis, increased frequency and urgency of urination and / or burning or spasms urination, bloating, fullness, bloating, constant indigestion, changes in bowel movements, tiredness or fatigue, nausea and vomiting, bleeding, especially if you are in menstruation, back pain that worsens over time, difficulty breathing , acne, pain during or after sex, pain in or around the ovaries or pelvic area and fever.

The link between ovarian cysts and ovarian cancer> Cancer

Although not a fact, studies have found that those who relapse, and sustained or had ovarian cysts, polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) showed a higher risk for the development of ovarian cancer. Ovarian cysts fact most of women worldwide. Statistics show that nearly 80% of women will develop ovarian cysts at some point in their lives, but not all women experience symptoms. It is important to learn to treat cysts and polycystic ovary syndromeand reduce the risk of developing cancer.

Treatment of ovarian cysts and cancer risk reduction

You can reduce the risk of cancer with only the treatment of ovarian cysts or PCOS before they start to become dangerous. Taken or hormonal birth control pills did not remove the cysts or PCOS, because prescription drugs may affect only some symptoms, but do not actually prevent the recurrence of the cyst. However, the rightward shiftdiet, exercise, and alternate with natural treatments as herbal medicines, were found to fall sharply and also prevent the recurrence of cysts and PCOS, and reduce the risk of developing cancer. 's definitely something that your doctor does not talk But many women are actually a great success with natural treatment options that have eliminated their cysts in a very short period of just two months.

Friday, May 27, 2011

Learn to identify signs and symptoms of ovarian cancer

Ovarian cancer is a subject that is very dear to my heart as I lost my mother 80 years, exceptional this terrible disease. He fought for over two years, but lost his final battle. The best chance of successful treatment and survival of this cancer is early detection, but often this is not the case, because the symptoms of this disease are silent and very often not discovered until after reached an advanced stage.Studies have shown that there are some general symptoms that can show ovarian cancer and all women should be aware of them and if any of them should lose no time to see your doctor. It is also recommended that all women who are older than 18 have an annual pelvic exam. Here are some of the symptoms that occur for women with ovarian cancer.

The most common symptoms that can occur are those of indigestion, changes in bowel movements and attacks of nausea. Some women may also experience pain in the pelvis, but many of them having no ovarian cancer. Other symptoms include pain, as indicated in the pelvic or abdominal pressure, pain, bloating, gas, nausea or urgent urination, weight loss or abnormal increase in the abdominal area, bloating, leg pain, and bleeding relations in the vagina.

Studies on women with ovarian> Cancer has shown that many of them suffered from usually the same symptoms of the disease and often has 12 or more times during the month. The research was conducted in women with ovarian cancer and women who did not. These symptoms were: abdominal pain and bloating, urgent and frequent urination pelvic fullness after eating little and often very difficult to feed everyone.

If you have or thinkyou have these symptoms, then you should contact your doctor as soon as possible. He will be able to program the right tests for you to determine whether you have ovarian cancer and what stage you are and what treatment options available. We also recommend that every day is your gynecologist for several weeks to have an exhaustive study of the disease.

Ovarian cancer in the preliminary phase is usuallyasymptomatic. As the cancer progresses, early symptoms are important usually abdominal pain and bloating or swelling. These are symptoms that are often ignored or attributed to other causes. Any symptoms that persist should be discussed with your health care. If this type of cancer and "caught in the early stages, the survival rate is much higher.

I hope you found this information useful and if you want more informationon how to live a healthy life, then please visit my website where you can find information on healthy lifestyle to help you live a long and healthy life.

Thursday, May 26, 2011

The causes of cervical cancer and effective treatments

The high profile of the recent death of Jade Goody, the star of the British program for cervical cancer, has increased public awareness of this deadly disease.

Cervical cancer kills some 253,500 women worldwide each year, according to the National Cervical Cancer Coalition (NCCC). This threat has prompted a concerted effort of research on the causes of cervical cancer, and effectivetreatments in recent years.

The researchers found that a virus called Human Papilloma Virus (HPV) causes at least 70% of cervical cancers. Following this discovery, have developed a vaccine that protects girls for example, aged 11 and 26, two common strains of HPV.

Moreover, though not considered actually cause cervical cancer, factors that increase the risk of contracting the disease. These risk factorsinclude:

The long-term use of birth control pills: the use of birth control pills for more than four years, may increase the risk of cervical cancer among women with HPV infection.
There is no regular testing, cervical cancer is more common among women who do not have regular Pap tests.
HPV infection: HPV infection has not been completely removed can cause cervical cancer in some women. Since these viruses are transmitted by sexual contactincreases the risk of HPV infection with number of sexual partners.
Smoking: snuff increases the risk of cervical cancer in women infected with HPV.
weakened immune system, HIV infection or the use of drugs that suppress the immune system, increases the risk of cervical cancer.

Knowing the causes of cervical cancer risk factors, can help prevent women from contracting the disease.

However,when a woman was diagnosed with cervical cancer, which is facing a very difficult decision. What treatment is most effective? The choice of treatment?

Cancer treatment is a controversial issue as soon as you venture outside the realm of mainstream medical authority in the field of alternative medicine. There are many good reasons for this controversy. In short, the conflict between freedom and order informationInterest (income).

Health care is an industry of billions of dollars annually in the U.S. only. Is the treatment of cancer for a turnover of U.S. $ 72.1 million in 2004, according to the National Cancer Institute. E naive hope that a profitable industry will put the interests of the public interest before his own being.

In fact, a recent "60 Minutes" documentary, there are twice as many lobbyists working for the pharmaceutical industryWe are members of Congress. They are paid to solicit support from the producers of Law for legislation that protects the interests of drug manufacturers, and to discredit alternative cancer treatments in the media.

alternative treatments and cures for cancer have shown have been widely documented in the last hundred years. Unfortunately, much of this information has been suppressed, discredited or deliberately, because it represents a threat to the interestsbenefit from patented treatments.

If it is beyond the scope of this paper to discuss alternative treatments for cancer, here are some general guidelines to help you find the information useful for your own personal use and research education.

First, you must be willing to be your own authority. It s your health and your life, after all, and you have the right to make the final decision on the treatment you have additional information receive.Theaccess, the best position to make a truly informed decision.

Second, you must be willing to look beyond conventional sources of the mainstream, if you really want to find information is deleted.

Third, the criteria should allow for options to include anecdotal evidence, because it will never be approved by the FDA, double-blind studies, to support any treatment that can not be patented, or administered in profit important.

The answer to the memorydiscredit effective alternative treatments of any kind is "There is no clinical evidence that it works." While this is true, it is also misleading. This does not mean that treatment does not work. No clinical trials because there was a clinical trial, and never will be, because most alternatives can not be patented. Therefore, there is no incentive to pay for clinical trials.

Anecdotes, first-person accounts of success, alternative cancer treatmentsoffering new options and directions to explore. research motivated by the most liberal countries can support, often in their testimony, and help you make informed decisions that can lead to successful healing, even cancer.

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

HPV vaccination to prevent cervical cancer

There is no doubt that '(Human Papilloma Virus) vaccine against HPV is one of the great advances in preventive health care in the field of gynecology in recent years. Have treated many patients with HPV-related diseases (as young as 15 years) I think it's important that everyone is aware of the fact that HPV infection is one of the most important and rapidly growing today health problems for women.

The possibility that certain types of HPV caused cervicalCancer is a fact that can not be ignored. HPV is very common and can be present in a dormant state, without clinical signs or symptoms.

Often, women in a relationship will be the first clinical signs or symptoms of HPV (genital warts, abnormal Pap smears, dysplasia), when it could have been his companion, who was the source of the virus. Very often, the partner is fully aware that he / she bringsHPV virus. Given the prevalence of HPV, usually not possible to determine when the virus was acquired at first.

Even men with medical problems related to the HPV virus (genital warts and cancer), but much less frequently than women. In many cases the clinical signs are not easily recognized in men, and therefore can go unnoticed.

Women's magazines and public health is very much toward educating women about HPV, as they are statistically more likely to be theperson at risk in a report that HPV is present. This makes HPV seems to be no question of women's health in most relationships, when clearly there is a common health problem that must be addressed in a responsible manner by both partners.

HPV vaccination is a preventive measure and is intended to be administered before exposure, ideally before they become sexually active. So an effort should be made to educate women about HPV vaccination at an early stageage.

This article is intended to increase awareness of HPV-related concerns. You should consult your primary care provider about specific prevention, diagnosis and treatment of HPV.

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

The symptoms of ovarian cancer need to know!

Cervical cancer symptoms

E 'essential for all women, especially those who are 35 years of age and older to recognize the symptoms of ovarian cancer. Even women with only a simple cyst or a benign growth on an ovary should take precautions in the cyst could tend to cancer in recent years. More than 20,000 women affected by ovarian cancer every year. The number of women suffering from cancer of the breast shape is approximately ten timesmore.

Here is some basic information about the various symptoms of ovarian cancer:

existing detection techniques are inconsistent best, the diagnosis of ovarian cancer a very difficult task. What makes it even more difficult is the fact that ovarian cancer symptoms are often vague and easily confused with other diseases, which often leads to misdiagnosis. Because of its low incidence, ovarian cancer is oftenaside, while paying great attention to diagnosis and treatment of the most prolific forms of cancer. As expected, in no way diminishes the threat posed by ovarian cancer.

Some of the most common symptoms of ovarian cancer are:

Chronic Fatigue
unusual changes in menstrual period
Intense feeling of pain or pressure in the abdomen, pelvis area, back or legs
need to urinate frequently
Diarrhea or constipation

Most of these symptoms of ovarian cancer are also typical of many other medical conditions, making the disease difficult to diagnose. In light of this, doctors often use risk factors to determine the presence of ovarian cancer.

An individual has a higher risk factor for developing symptoms of ovarian cancer if two or more than two family members, including a brother or breast ovarian cancer> Cancer or if any family member had a history of breast cancer before the second half of the century. Genetics is another risk factor for ovarian cancer. Inherited an altered gene, which is not yet considered a symptom confirmed that it remains a high risk and can contribute to the symptoms of ovarian cancer.

Like many other cancers, early symptoms of ovarian cancer are almost always invisible. Surveys haveconducted among the general population of women in the U.S., reveal some alarming statistics:

The risk of cancer for each woman during her lifetime is 1.48%.

Estimates indicate that more than 22,000 women are likely to develop ovarian cancer in 2007. Of these, over 15,000 are likely to succumb to the disease. These figures do not include women who are genetically predisposed to ovarian cancer and are at higher riskdeveloping the disease.

Monday, May 23, 2011

Cervical cancer, symptoms

Cervical cancer symptoms

The bottom of the uterus called the cervix. Most cases of cervical cancer are caused by human papilloma virus (HPV). This virus is transmitted during vaginal or anal intercourse. Having multiple partners increases risk. Even those who smoke, have many children, are infected with HIV or have used the pill for a long time have a greater chance of contracting the disease.

However, a Pap smear can detect abnormal cells that are changingto form cancer cells. The treatment can be carried out at this stage, cancer treatment can be achieved. Is there a vaccine that can be obtained if aged between 6 and 26 years. This usually works best if you have not had sex. The vaccine is administered over a period of six months in three doses. E effect 'can last up to five years.

The symptoms of cervical cancer could be the pain of pelvic bleeding through the vagina. However, the symptoms may bedetected during the final stage. This is because it takes years, even for normal cells become cancer cells.

It's so nice to have a sexual partner. This is not just to get away from cervical cancer but also other sexually transmitted diseases, especially HIV and AIDS. The use of condoms for casual sex can not be overstated. Having a Pap smear screening at least twice a year. This can really save your life. As they say, a pointtime saves nine.

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Beating Ovarian Cancer: Know the early symptoms

Cervical cancer symptoms

The words strike fear of ovarian cancer in women of all ages. E 'is called a silent disease because early symptoms are often mild or even ignored. This cancer occurs when tumors are irregular in one or both ovaries. Unfortunately, doctors are still uncertain exactly what causes the disease, however, there are some factors that may increase the risk.

There is evidence that ovarian cancer is genetic, and women with the BRCA1 genemutation have a higher risk. victims of breast cancer are more likely to develop cancer. Women also become more sensitive as they age. Those who have given birth to a son at least reduce the risk of the disease. The good news is that ovarian cancer is very treatable if caught early.

Although the symptoms of ovarian cancer tend to be very delicate, it is very important to listen to your body and consult your doctor if somethingdoes not seem right. Catching cancer early increases survival rates. Some of the most common symptoms include urinary and bowel changes. Women may feel the need to use the bathroom frequently, but are only able to set aside a small amount. They often feel bloated after eating small meals, and are easy to gain weight. Another common symptom is pain in the pelvis, similar to that of an ovarian cyst. Because these symptoms are common to otherdisease, it is important to consult your gynecologist for a checkup.

Only your doctor can diagnose ovarian cancer. Very often, the diagnosis occurs during a routine pelvic exam, when a cyst has an effect on the ovary. Using ultrasound, the cyst structure review. Most of these cysts are benign and resolve spontaneously, but some irregular cysts may have to do a biopsy. If cysts are proven to be malicious, then your doctor will explain the treatmentoptions. The whole process can be frightening and stressful, but most women experience ovarian cysts in her life, and only a handful are cancerous.

Remember, if caught early, the chance to fight ovarian cancer are very high. Over ninety percent of women diagnosed at an early stage survive five years. Taking care of your body, either through diet and exercise, can reduce the risk of cancer. 'S very important for all women to yearly exams. Never feelembarrassed to talk to your doctor about any changes they may feel. They are there to help.

Saturday, May 21, 2011

Vaccine Against Cervical Cancer

Cervical cancer symptoms

Cervical cancer is a malignant tumor of the cervix. Cervical cancer is cancer that begins in the cervix, the lower part of the uterus (womb) that opens at the top. The top, or body, the uterus is where a fetus grows. The cervix connects the uterus to the body (birth canal). The part of the cervix closest to the body of the uterus is called the endocervix .. cervical cancer (also known as cervicalCancer>) begins in the lining of the cervix. Cancer of the cervix are not suddenly. Normal cervical cells gradually develop pre-cancerous changes that turn into cancer. Cervical cancer is caused by several types of a virus called human papillomavirus (HPV). The virus spreads through contact. Most women's bodies are able to fight HPV infection. Cervical cancer occurs when abnormal cells in the cervix grow out of control. The cervix isthe bottom of the uterus that opens. Cervical cancer can often be cured if detected early. Cervical cancer is a malignancy, usually composed of squamous cells, and is similar in some respects to squamous cell tumors head and neck and anus.

These three diseases can be associated with infection with human papilloma virus. The remaining 10% to 20% of cervical cancers are adenocarcinomas. Adenocarcinomas are becoming more common inwomen born in the last 20 or 30 years. Cervical adenocarcinoma develops from the production of mucous gland cells of the endocervix. Most (80-90%), invasive cervical cancer develops, flat surface squamous cells lining the cervix (called squamous cell carcinoma). Approximately 10-15% of cases develop in glandular surface cells (called adenocarcinomas). The symptoms of cervical cancer may include pain during discharge is blood stainedbleeding is not normal, or a change in their menstrual cycle. cervix cancer is organized by the International Federation of Gynecology and Obstetrics (FIGO) classification system, based on clinical instead of surgical results. cervix cancer found only in cancers of women in the cervix. usually affects women of middle age or older, but you can diagnose any woman of reproductive age.

Cervical cancerdetected early can be cured. microinvasive carcinoma (stage IA) is usually treated with hysterectomy (complete removal of the uterus). Vaccines have been developed to protect women from HPV infections. A vaccine that protects against the virus responsible for most cases of cervical cancer is the latest addition to the official childhood immunization schedule. The vaccine against cervical cancer in Australia is called Gardasil. This vaccine prevents infection with HPV types 16, 18, 6 and 11. HPV 16 and 18 are responsible for the majority (70% internationally, 80% in Australia) of 3700 cases of cervical cancer of the cervix. Cancer affects more than 10,000 U.S. women each year, killing more. It appears to be virtually 100 percent effective against two of the cancer-causing strains most common HPV. A vaccine for girls and young women protects against four types of HPV that cause most> Cancer of the cervix. The exercise safely (using condoms) also reduces the risk of HPV.

Tips to treat cervical cancer

1. The surgery is cancer of the cervix and the area near the tumor.

2. Radiation therapy (also called radiotherapy) uses high-energy rays to kill cancer cells.

3. Chemotherapy uses drugs to kill cancer cells.

4. anticancer drugs for cancer of the cervix are usually through avein.

5. Electrosurgery, cryosurgery, Podophyllum, and trichloroacetic acid are the methods used to dispose of HPV in mucosal tissue.

6. A vaccine that protects against the virus responsible for most cases of cervical cancer

7. The exercise safely (using condoms) also reduces the risk of sexually transmitted diseases and diseases HPV

8. Avoid cigarette smoking is associated with an increased risk of cervical cancer.

Thursday, May 19, 2011

The first signs of cervical cancer - Section of Medical Sciences

The cervix is ​​part of the female reproductive system. It 's the narrow base of the uterus that connects the uterus to the vagina. Dilates during labor and the fetus moves from uterus to the vagina.

The first signs of cervical cancer:

The development of signs of cervical cancer occurs very gradually over a period of several years. The cells of the cervix to change from normal to abnormal during the course. Change of this anomaly isfirst indication of the cervix. cancer anomaly in the surface cells of the cervix may be of different types, including:

Dysplasia: This is a term used to refer to an anomaly in the pathology of aging cells in tissues. In general, increased immature cells and a corresponding reduction in the number and location of mature cells. In cervical cancer this is only in the mucosal surface, but do not invade through the basement membrane to reach the deepesttissues. Why is it called "epithelial dysplasia.

squamous intraepithelial lesions: the cervix is composed of squamous epithelial cells. Sometimes, these cells appear very atypical under the microscope. This condition is known as squamous intraepithelial lesions (SIL). This can be low-grade SIL in which abnormal cells is smaller and the cells appear almost normal, or high-grade SIL may be that the abnormal cells is very mature. This sign indicates a high risk of cervical cancercancer, sometimes referred to as "carcinoma in situ '

cervical cancer pre-changes usually produces no symptoms and therefore are not detected unless the Pap test is performed with a pelvic exam.

PAP: PAP tests are the best screening technique for evaluation of cervical cells. These test results can be classified into five classes, indicating the presence of cancerous and precancerous cells in the cervix.

Class I: This shows thatthe cells are normal and does not allow for cervical cancer at the time.
Class II indicates the presence of inflammation and irritation of the cervical cells.
Class III: This shows the true epithelial cervical dysplasia is present, which can range from mild to severe.
Class IV: This says that cervical cancer is possible, reflecting the presence of carcinoma in situ.
Class V: invasive cervical signsin this kind of results.

results of Class II and III suggest that a second opinion before rushing blindly to surgical methods. Because the cause of cervical dysplasia may be a common viral infections such as HPV (human papillomavirus), unwanted sex, spermicide lack of progesterone, estrogen, oral contraceptives, condoms or tampons.

Early cervical cancer usually causes no symptoms. Thus, in many cases remain undiagnosed. Thisfactor leading to the promotion of cancer indicated by vaginal bleeding after intercourse, pelvic pain, bleeding between periods can be harmful and dangerous, ultimately death. Because of this, women must undergo regular checks began when the first signs of minimal verification.

Therefore the knowledge of signs of cervical cancer and regular Pap tests are necessary to identify the early stages of its progress in stages to avoid dangerous.

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Cervical cancer - Santona Approaches

Cervical cancer symptoms

"How many ways of being there, friend?" asks the grandmother of growth in its heating mode. Feel it is a serious issue, and you fear that you will not know the answer.

"Between the yin and yang, between darkness and light, between normal and abnormal, there are infinite nuances and ways of being endless. Without lines, display and change, move or settle in any promotion of their welfare, some weaker. erosive A change is coming daughter. Howwe find it?

"The cells are changing in the cervix. They go faster, faster, faster, faster, too fast to be in order, too fast to be symmetrical, too fast to be ordered. How you can dance to the rhythm ? This detached from its moorings? set at the results? And freedom?

"The cells are changing too fast for the guards to meet;.? Where you been overwhelmed more help, dear niece who is drawn to help guard Will prevail andchange frequency if given reinforcements? Or you have to kill the guards along with cancer to stop the music and even music?

"His story is unique, my precious son. Your choices come from his deep well of inner wisdom. Trust yourself. Trust me. I'll hold your hand while dancing, will follow or lead, fast or slow, like. Come on! "

She actually has cervical cancer, or one of its precursors? This is an importantdistinction. Current practice tends to over-treat women with abnormal cells, hyperplasia, dysplasia and carcinoma in situ. In nine out of ten cases, if the carcinoma in situ of the cervix is left untreated, will never progress to cervical cancer.

"Doctors can monitor patients safely for [number and type of HPV] virus test currently available for several months before deciding the most aggressive treatment ...".

Cervical cancer in situslow overall growth, middle and regression without treatment over a period of 10-30 years for the development of invasive cancer. About 10% of women have a faster growth rate - the incidence may be increasing - is becomes invasive in one year. As cervical cancer is more common in women 40-60 years of age, but often occurs in women younger than 35 years.

In the U.S., nearly five million Pap tests each year reveal dysplasia, but of these, 45,000 are new cases Cervical carcinoma in situ and invasive cervical cancer will be 10,000. Cervical cancer kills more than 4,000 American women each year.

Black women in America are twice as likely to be diagnosed with cervical cancer and nearly three times more likely to die than white women. For years at diagnosis and the disease is more advanced, but are less likely to receive aggressive treatment.

> Cervical cancer is now known, is caused by infection with certain strains of HPV. A healthy immune system can prevent this, a child can not. That is why cervical cancer is strongly linked to lack of fitness facilities, lack of vitamin C intake (less than 30 mg per day increases the risk seven times), lack of carotene in the diet (in IU daily risk Triples 5000), snuff consumption (three times the risk), the first report of the first 18 years (triple the risk,cervix is ​​immature and more easily damaged and infected), the long-term use of oral contraceptives (more than 8 years quadruples the risk), more sexual partners (more than 5 Quad risk), and a monogamous relationship with a man who is uncircumsized and has had more than 25 members.

Is inflammation of cervical cancer? Women whose cervical tissues infected with HPV and pain - herpes, gonorrhea, chlamydia, spermicides [and violent] Penetration - are twice as likely to be diagnosed with cervical cancer than women who have HPV, but not the inflammatory events.

Some procedures such as diagnostic tests to play. Cone biopsy, despite its name, is a surgical procedure itself.

"The feelings of being raped or associated with chronic vaginitis, vulvar pain, chronic and recurrent warts, herpes, cervical cancer, Pap tests and related abnormalities (cervical dysplasia)."

Back your power! Ask yourcervical cancer and genital like yours. Owning your cervix. Accept it, but love; guard. When you reject a part of ourselves, we can find ourselves "losing", which begins with surgery.

Compared with women with other cancers, women with cervical cancer are more likely to be sexually unhappy. You may not like sex, but believe they should do, and are often not orgasmic in the presence of a man. They are more likely to be divorced, separated, abandoned or"Black" in a relationship with a man who is unfaithful, unreliable, or alcohol.

Women with cervical cancer is low or deficient in a number of nutrients, including vitamins A, B6 (pyridoxine), C, folate (folic acid), and selenium. Increase consumption of vegetables, orange and green, whole grains, cabbage, selenium-rich foods - such as seaweed, garlic and mushrooms - and pyridoxine-rich foods - such as lentils, broccoli and potatoes no " cure "cancer. high-quality nutrition, however, are the basis of normal healthy cells to replace those that are carcinogens, and activates the immune system to eliminate aberrant cells.

Berry extract common privet (Ligustrum vulgare, L. lucidum) has been shown to inhibit cervical cancer in mice. Although not directly eliminate cervical cancer, privet is pleased to help reduce inflammation, increased white blood cells and nourish the immune system.

Milktincture of milk thistle seed is ideal for those who choose complementary medicine chemotherapy. And this amazing plant can be large cancer, too. Two alkaloids, silymarin and silibinin, reduce the growth of breast and cervical cancer prostate cells.

Castor oil is the classic treatment of cancer of Edgar Cayce. In the case of cervical cancer, Cayce recommended daily castor oil packs in the area of the uterus, and five drops of castor oil orally atgo to sleep. In severe cases, added Atomidine and glyco-thymol in the scheme.

Low levels of folic acid are associated with the development of cervical cancer, perhaps because folate is required for DNA repair. But no study has shown that supplementation, even at very high doses, can be reversed.

Similarly, low levels of carotenoids in the diet and in the blood increase the risk of invasive cervical cancer, but supplements are not a cure, and may also prolongprecancerous cells, which helps tumors grow. Studies have repeatedly found that beta-carotene "reduce spontaneous recovery." Women with CIN II, who took beta carotene were more than twice as likely to progress as the controls were.

High doses of vitamin C does not help either, and may be harmful.

Smoking causes a tumor suppressor gene to lose its ability to kill cancer cells UCLA second cervical - cancer researcher Dr.Christine Holschneider. Perhaps for this reason that women who smoke are more likely to have cervical cancer and more likely to die from it, too. It is time to move to a herb smoke? Make your own coltsfoot, mullein, mint, and a touch of snuff.

From 1938 to 1971, more than six million unborn children in the United States have been exposed to similar potent estrogen diethylstilbestrol (DES or desPLEX) when the drug was prescribed by their mothers in the mistaken belief thatcould prevent miscarriage and create larger, stronger children. Although studies from 1954 found the opposite to be true - the women who took DES were more likely to have an abortion - this dangerous drug continued to be administered to pregnant women for 15 years.

DES daughters and sons have malformed reproductive system, immune system and increased sensitivity to carcinogens. DES daughters and grandchildren are especially likely to be diagnosed rapidly growing clear cell cervical intraepithelial neoplasia or adenocarcinoma of the cervix or vagina. Although many DES daughters were diagnosed when they are young, it is the age when the threat disappears.

DES daughters and grandchildren, to my knowledge have remained free of cancer with emphasis on healthy living and regular infusion of red clover flower (1-3 quarts a week) and tincture of burdock root (one dropper day, more when stressed).

"... Some types of cancer such as early breast> Cancer of prostate cancer, cancer of the cervix and low grade lymphomas respond well to herbal treatments, but it seems to be aggravated and sometimes aggravated by surgical procedures or other conventional treatments. "

rates of cervical cancer is four times less than women whose partners had a vasectomy. Of course, once you have cancer of the cervix, this intervention is too late.

Women who douche four or more times a month were nearly four times more likely to be diagnosed with cervical cancer. douching is not a way to clean the vagina? Of course not. The vagina contains beneficial organisms (most bacteria), which prevent the infection and can prevent cancer, douching, washing, leaving the cervix and vagina vulnerable.

A cone biopsy is real surgery, not just a biopsy. E 'was originally conceived as a method for preserving the uterus for women with cervicalCancer> that usually by the desire to have children, were reluctant to undergo a hysterectomy. A cone biopsy requires anesthesia and is designed not only to cells of the sample test for cancer, such as a biopsy, if it were to remove all cancerous tissue as possible to the cervix with a clear margin of tissue intact.

During the treatment of cervical carcinoma in situ is common. Except in the rare case of rapid growth of micro-invasive cancer, is considered safeexploring alternative treatments for 3-12 months before consenting to surgery. A high percentage of tumors in situ of the cervix can be reversed.

Disclaimer: This content is not intended to replace traditional medical treatment. All suggestions and all herbs listed are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease condition or symptom. And the use of personal information should be provided by a clinical herbalist or other qualified health professionalwith a specific formula for you. All materials contained in this document are provided for general information purposes and should not be considered medical advice or consultation. Contact a reputable healthcare provider if you need medical attention. The exercise of self-empowerment is seeking a second opinion.

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

The signs of cervical cancer that you need to know!

Cervical cancer symptoms

Cervical cancer has become the second most common cancer that usually affects women and is the second breast cancer. Each year, an estimate of over 20,000 women worldwide suffer from some of the initial symptoms. This type of cancer is cancer of the cervix or the cervical area. There may be vaginal bleeding but symptoms may not be visible until the cancer is diagnosedat an advanced stage.

The cervix is ​​part of the female reproductive system. lower E ', the narrow portion of the uterus where it joins the top of the vagina. During pregnancy, women with cervical canal is closed to keep the fetus in the uterus until birth. Another important function of the cervix during labor occurs when the cervix is ​​dilated, or enlarged to allow passage of the fetus from the uterus into the vagina.

The development of the first signs of cancerusually occurs gradually over the years. During this process, cells of the cervix changes from normal to abnormal. The change anomaly is the main sign and the indication of cervical cancer.

There can be many signs of cancer and one of the most common causes are related to a sexually transmitted virus called human papilloma virus or HPV. " Although this infection will not lead to early symptoms of cancer and cancerbut then these viral types can lead to abnormal changes and can progress at the end of the first symptoms of cancer. Never lose sight of these infections and treated immediately to prevent it from turning into cancer.

These are the signs of cervical cancer and most common symptoms:

• abnormal vaginal bleeding - This is the most common symptom. Women should be aware of your period, bleeding after intercourse, spotting betweenperiods. abnormal vaginal bleeding and sudden for no reason should be taken to his doctor who examined him.

• pelvic pain - the duration of pelvic pain associated with other conditions, menstruation, or physical exertion may be a symptom of cervical cancer

• Vaginal discharge - Seeing is not common and frequent vaginal discharge, can be a symptom of cancer. This is a common symptom relatedany condition of women. Vaginal discharge may or may not have a bad odor.

• Increased urinary frequency - When you urinate frequently, especially if you are not pregnant, then there may be a possibility of having cervical cancer.

• Difficulty urinating - When there is pain or difficulty urinating, it's time to see your doctor and check. This can also be a symptom of urinary tract infection (UTI), but to be safe, askthe advice of your doctor to be treated earlier.

• Pain during intercourse - When you feel pain during intercourse is not desired, you may have cervical cancer.

• Digestive Disorders - When you experience chronic constipation and the feeling of a lump, even if you have a bowel movement

• Loss of appetite - a sudden loss of appetite can be a sign of cervical cancer.

• Weight Loss - Weight loss is associated with loss of appetite. Withloss of appetite, the tendency is to lose weight because they do not feel like eating.

• More - fatigue - even when rested, but still feel stressed and tired all the time, could be a problem.

To diagnose the problem, the most common and effective is the Pap test. However, to confirm the diagnosis of cervical cancer or cervical pre-cancer, requiring a biopsy. Patients sufferingthis disease at an early stage can be treated with conservative surgery for women who want to preserve their fertility. Now for the other, usually asked to remove the entire uterus and cervix to prevent the spread of the disease. Infections or other health problems can also cause these symptoms. To be sure that if cervical cancer is recommended that you consult your doctor and be tested. Only a medical professional can determine ifhave cervical cancer or not. The first report to your doctor about these signs and symptoms of cervical cancer, that problems can be diagnosed and treated as soon as possible too.

Monday, May 16, 2011

What happens after treatment for cervical cancer?

Regular follow-up examinations, including a pelvic exam, Pap smear and other laboratory tests are very important for every woman who has been treated by changes in the cervix or cancer of the cervix. A woman should have tests and exams common for several years before the doctor can check for any signs that the situation has become.

Cancer treatment can cause side effects many years later. For this reason, patients should continue to have regular checksand report any health problems that appear.

Living with a serious illness is not easy. Cancer patients and caregivers to cope with their problems and challenges. Addressing these problems is easier when people have helpful information and support services.

Some of the concerns that patients with cancer may have may include the exploitation of labor, caring for your family or keep up with daily activities. Concerns about tests, treatments, hospitalizations, andmedical expenses are common. Doctors, nurses and other health care team can answer questions about treatment, work or other activities. In addition, the meeting with a social worker, counselor or clergy member may be useful for patients who want to talk about their feelings or discuss their concerns.

Friends and family can be very helpful. It also helps many patients to discuss their concerns with others who have cancer. Cancer patients oftensupport groups where they can share what they have learned to cope with cancer and the effects of treatment. It is important to note, however, that each patient is different. Treatments and ways to treat cancer that work for one person may not be for another, although both have the same type of cancer. 'S a good idea to discuss the advice of friends and family with your doctor.

Often, a social worker inhospital or clinic can suggest groups that can help with rehabilitation, emotional support, financial assistance, transportation or home care.

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Symptoms of Cervical Cancer: What You Need to Know

Cervical cancer symptoms

The cervix is the part of a woman's reproductive system. Doctors can not explain why some women develop cervical cancer while others do not. What we do know is that there are risk factors that make some women more vulnerable to cervical cancer than others.

These factors increase the likelihood of developing cervical cancer and can act together to further increase the risk.

HPV (Human Papilloma Virus) is the most significant risk factor for cervical cancer. Viruses HP directly affecting the cervix and can spread from person to person through sexual contact. In fact, most adults were infected with HPV at least once in their lives.

The HPV virus can cause changes in the cells of our body that is why the various problems, including cancer of the cervix can happen.

I will be brief and present the most notable of the cervix> The symptoms of cancer. It is very importand s know that most of the symptoms of cervical cancer may not cause any pain.

So do not wait to feel pain before seeing a doctor or to perform regular tests (eg Pap smears)

Women with cervical cancer can observe some of the following symptoms:

- Abnormal Vaginal Bleeding

- Bleeding between regular menstrual periods

- Bleeding after intercourse.

-Bleeding during menstrual periods lasting longer

- Bleeding after menopause

- Increased vaginal discharge

- Pelvic pain

- Pain during intercourse

These symptoms may be caused by other health problems, not just cervical cancer. Only a doctor can tell for sure.

Women should visit your doctor as soon as you notice these symptoms. The doctor can diagnose and treat the symptoms accordingly. Again,importand is regular testing and see your doctor from time to time.

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Treatment and signs of cervical cancer

Cervical cancer symptoms

To a layman, the simplest definition is that cervical cancer is a cancer of the cervix (the opening of the uterus that connects to the vagina). This type of cancer, like all other cancers, has several stages. During the initial phase, the cells turn into something, and this process is known as dysplasia. formation of abnormal cells in the cervix and then take begin to multiply and spread in the area. This is one of the most common types of tumorsWomen attack.

The signs of cervical cancer

Note that the obvious symptoms may occur only after the cancer reaches its dangerous stage. Here are some common symptoms that may occur:

"Pain during intercourse or pain in the pelvic region
-Vaginal bleeding between periods
-Discharge from the vagina, which is not normal
Menstrual cycle length in terms of duration and also heavyPeriods
-Bleeding after menopause

Some possible treatments

These treatments can help only if the cancer is diagnosed at an early stage.

If the damage is done, then doctors focus on eliminating the area where abnormal cell growth occurs. This can be done through a series of recent scientific methods such as laser surgery, the procedure LEEP, cone biopsy and cryosurgery.

If the tumor has grown andis invasive, so treatment and its duration will depend on the stage where it is detected. Some options include radiotherapy, chemotherapy and hysterectomy.


"Avoiding HPV infection have no sexual contact with an infected person
Of HPV vaccination can offer a great prevention of this cancer
Use the routine Pap test for the diagnosis at the first opportunity (this should be done often after the age of 21 years of age).

Friday, May 13, 2011

What are the early symptoms of ovarian cancer? Two signals are not expected to cancer

I do not like about this subject, but more articles and documentation that is out there regarding this terrible disease, most women can begin to bother their doctors in time. Please remember, the sooner the better, as can be the difference between phase 1 and phase 3 or 4. But what are the early symptoms of ovarian cancer? Here are two that we never expected to be anything, much less a sign of cancer.

As difficult as it is forI believe that bloating is one of the signs. Is not that crazy? Therefore it is very difficult for doctors to take us seriously. It is an appointment and see your doctor and tell him you are concerned that is inflated and probably tell you to take some Mylanta or Gas-X, and go home and stop wasting your time. And, in fact, nine out of 10 times, that's all you need. But we are only interested at the time of the 10 or so. And as stupid as it sounds, iscan not take the risk, if you want to find this disease early.

Very well, then, is another early sign of indigestion. Yes, another symptom of good grace. Here's another complaint, the doctor will laugh. And yet, in most cases is nothing serious. I've had these symptoms, however, and the thing is I never experienced before so was not the norm for me.

So the key is you need to know what is normal for you. If you suddenlybegin to have swelling and indigestion, and remains in progress, and this is not something that is normal for you, then go to the doctor's office and make sure that control things well. I wish I had done. But, like most people, I just assumed they were maybe the signs of aging and nothing to worry about.

Remember these two very innocuous-sounding early symptoms of ovarian cancer and see your doctor if you are staying for a long periodtime.

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Understanding cancer of the cervix and its deadly consequences

Cervical cancer symptoms

Besides breast cancer, cervical cancer can be considered the next most important type of cancer. Most tumors are malignant, which means death. This in particular is also evil. I've never heard of the Pap test? They have a lot to do with cervical cancer. But more on that later.

Understanding cancer is a good search. Is a type of abnormal and uncontrolled growth of cervical cells (near the hipsarea). The cervix is ​​more accurately described as the bottom of the uterus that connects the upper vagina to the uterus. 'Human Papilloma Virus "or" HPV is the virus that causes cervical around this issue. This is a common virus that infects about half of the population at some point in their lives. If the immune system does not eliminate the infection, normal cells may begin to grow abnormally and become "pre" cancerous lesions. This is how cancer begins andwork.

There are many causes and risk factors. "HPV" can be transmitted during sexual intercourse. There are several strains of "HPV strains can cause genital warts. Although genital warts do not lead to cervical cancer, other strains are considered "high risk" for cervical cancer, causing changes in the cells lining the cervix. However, it should be noted that not all infected women "HPV" of developing cancer, like otherfactors come into play such as smoking, medical conditions that reduce immunity, early sexual activity (increased risk of sexually transmitted diseases), women who have multiple sexual partners and lack of awareness of the regular Pap test or cervical smart. These other factors that cause cervical cancer, not just "HPV."

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Uterine Cancer Symptoms You Need to Know

Uterine cancer is more common for women who have suffered or are going through menopause. This is because, although the cause of this disease has not yet been identified at the time, it was discovered that the inability of the hormone progesterone to make the hormone estrogen contributes to the possibility of its development, as is the case at this time . There is too much estrogen and progesterone production is not enough to compensate.

Although this type of cancermore often white, middle-aged and older women can also affect children. For this reason, all women should be aware of the symptoms of uterine cancer so we know when we have to see a doctor.

One of the most common symptom is vaginal bleeding. Almost everyone who has been diagnosed with this have had vaginal bleeding or discharge. For young women, should be very careful. If you experience bleeding between periods, heavy and unusualbleeding after intercourse, you should not ignore the signs. For those who have gone through menopause, if you start bleeding 6 months later, go see your doctor. There are also some pain could be heard, although not everyone experiences, like people with uterine sarcoma, a type of uterine cancer, only a little experience pain when urinating, pain during sex and area the basin.

There are conditions that can cause a womanrisk of this cancer, like obesity, history of infertility, those who suffer from diabetes and high blood pressure and those taking tamoxifen, a drug used to treat breast cancer.

Know the symptoms of cervical cancer will be very useful to seek professional help early. So remember these symptoms and if you have any of them, be sure to consult your doctor. It could save your life!

Monday, May 9, 2011

Measures to prevent cervical cancer is necessary to take

The prevention of any disease can be primary or secondary. The first is to act on the determinants of the disease to prevent. The second is the early detection of disease, followed by acceptable interventions to halt its progression.

has been significant media public relations in preventing cervical cancer in the second half after a year. Almost everyone has focused on pathogenic human papilloma virus (HPV), which wascalled a cervical cancer vaccine, although there is no vaccine available, as elsewhere in the world.

cervical smears have led to a steady decline in incidence and mortality of cervical cancer in developed countries have introduced screening programs in the population.

However, cervical smears were discussed only in cervical cancer prevention target cancer media. This is despite the indisputable fact thatonly 43% of Malaysian women have never had a Pap smear in their lifetime (National Health and Morbidity Survey 2006), although cervical cancer is the second tumor more typical of women (National Cancer Registry, 2003 .) Overuse of cervical screening to women who are younger and / or who are at low risk.

The onset of cervical cancer begins with changes in the cervical squamocolumnar junction in which thesquamous squamous epithelium of the ectocervix meets the columnar epithelium of endocervix. The percentage of the cell nucleus to the cell size increases the epithelium in the pre-cancer condition.

There is a correlation between induction of these changes and HPV infection. Pre-cancer changes called cervical intraepithelial neoplasia (CIN). CIN is classified as mild (CIN 1), moderate (two NICs) or hard (CIN 3). The INC is changedof the terrible disease and then invasive carcinoma of the slightest moderate 70-20 years. There are usually no symptoms during this progression, which may be perceived by cervical smears.

Cervical cancer has a pre-cancerous phase that lasts about 7 to 20 years earlier than standard cells to modify the tumor cells. Because of the risk factors for cervical cancer are unknown, behavioral interventions can be taken to preventdevelopment.

Pelvic examinations and cervical smears to detect most pre-cancerous changes in the cervix. With treatment, the aggressive tumor growth would stop. Even if you do not have aggressive cancer, which is seen in early, curable stage.

The Pap test is a test that revealed pre-cancerous cells. This allows physicians to refer to artificial changes in the cervix for further research andtreatment. Note that cytology is not a diagnostic test.

This is to take a small sample of cells from the cervix with a brush or spatula. The cells are placed on a slide or in a container and sent to laboratory for testing minutes.

cervical smears is recommended for all women, even if the woman has not had sex. The risk of cervical cancer in girls is thought to be low, but it can still happen. Regularpelvic exam and Pap test should be done once sexual activity begins. The frequency can be based on performance and risk profile of women.

The use of smear Extended cervical screening population in many developed countries has resulted in a marked decrease in the incidence of cervical cancer. It is essential that patients and / or your mom and dad are informed cover some types of vaccines against HPV and cervical cancer. There is atwo vaccines. The vaccine works against four types of HPV and the other 2. Prevent the development of HPV infection. As HPV infection is a major risk for the development of pre-cervical cancer, vaccination would prevent some of its development.

Behavioral interventions have an important role to play and are relatively inexpensive. However, there seem to have the same press that the HPV vaccine. The failure of many patients and / or your mom and dad that HPV vaccines are the magic bullets to get the vaccine for cervical cancer should be addressed by health messages that reflect the current cervical cancer prevention.

In short, we need more stress for policy makers and health managers in systems with proven cervical smears and behavioral interventions, whether to have a major impact in reducing the incidence and mortality of cervical cancer> Cancer.

Friday, May 6, 2011

In-spite of cervical cancer - Sandra insisted on having a baby

In-spite of having cervical cancer, Sandra Kent still wants a child and fight for their right to become pregnant. She was adamant, after being in surgery right after she has recovered, giving birth to her son Ariel.

The level of response, perseverance and motherhood

Kent beat Sandra's life story began with a phone call late afternoon have spent nearly six years. On the line was the secretary of gynecologistsaying that after the test truthfully and accurately, the test was not valid. When he was at his age to 33 conducted more tests. After a long wait, sometimes, the result was ready and asked to go to the clinic. "In a couple of hours I was there," said Kent. "The doctor assured me and said that the result only requires the removal of small lesions and can be done under local anesthesia." He then received the support of family and friends with Dr.Hanna Shapiro for surgery.

It was then that she, Sandra, concern had begun. Immediately after surgery, she said, her doctor said it was not possible to eliminate all cancer cells so that another surgery is needed to save his life. "I could not utter any words, I do this, it means not having a son." However, the doctor said: "We are here for life and not for their ambitions"

Sandra Kent was like being destroyed. On the other handhand, the physician friend, Dr. Shapiro, vibrant. He told the surgery abroad could still preserve the uterus after the operation. This type of operation has been mastered by Daniel proffessor Edraz June - a renowned expert in Lyon, France.

Sandra: "Statistics show that there are now two Jewish women who underwent surgery abroad gynecological cervical Caramel. I called you up and motivated me and I went to Dr. Ofer Lavie, head of theMedical Center in Haifa. "He did not make the operation of the cervix, but he has compiled information on these concerns in Israel and escorted the two patients for surgery abroad.

"I have known Dr. Lavie and educated me on how the results would have been possible to conclude whether or not to remove and / or preserving the uterus. He said there is great risk of miscarriage when the pregnancy. Without But I chose to undergooperation. "

Dr. Lavie colleague, Prof. Uzi Beller, who is also a gynecologist and director of Shaare Zedek Medical Center in Jerusalem, invited Professor John Edraz, an expert on France to do the operation. The successful operation was a success in July 2003 at the Caramel Medical Center and gynecologists in Israel saw the live television broadcast the good news. Open your eyes as Sandra, Dr. Lavie said: "inside the womb." Sandra, "Hearing those words, I smiled and sleepagain. "

Sandra has been released a week after successful surgery reported that the lesions were removed. However, you have to do a sequel to control and prevent pregnancy in the first six months.

Get well, wedding, birth

Time passes and met Tom, a medical expert of China. Appointments were only a few months later, they married. They tried to make her conceive, but was not able to until a couple of months. After manyattempts, she was pregnant, but after miscarriage twice. Consulting Professor Howard Achfaf emphasized that the miscarriage have been associated with thyroid function that regulates the body's metabolism.

Sandra: "I just take the pill every day Altroxen and a couple of months later I was pregnant really prayed and prayed that the pregnancy will last .."

At week 29, Sandra was bleeding and he was admitted to the hospital to save the pregnancy until delivery. In the 36 thweek, which started contractions and rupture of the source. Finally, six years after surgery, a healthy baby was born by Caesarean section on July 20 by a mother who has undergone surgery for cervical cancer. The child is now five months in the name of Ariel.

Kent says Sandra, "all the evidence. We also know that doctors do not yet know all the solutions to their problems. Consultation and control of themselves and are dedicated to a doctor treating human beings with life and not emotiononly the medical records. "

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Cervical Cancer Basics - What Women Need to Know

Not all cancers are preventable, but one of the best steps women can take to prevent cervical cancer is a Pap test. This is a proven method to detect cervical cancer in its early stages. When this cancer is detected early, then it is almost always treatable and curable.

The Pap test is a way to see changes in the cervix that may indicate a tumor is growing. If it is the development of cancer cytologytest is usually found early enough for physicians to act and to treat it. Visit your doctor about how often to do this.

HPV is a common virus that is often the cause of changes in the cervix that can lead to cervical cancer. HPV is human papilloma virus. HPV infections can cause cervical cancer. There are many types of HPV, some of which cause genital warts, but this information is not in that particular line ofHPV.

The most important thing is to remind women have regular Pap tests to prevent cervical cancer that occur.

Cervical cancer begins in the womb, the uterus that opens into the vagina. The cervix separates the uterus from the vagina. Cervical cancer is a rare tumor today, because Pap tests are becoming more regular. Pap tests help doctors find the changes in the cervix that can lead to cancer. abnormal Pap testThe test results are common, but that does not mean cancer is present.

What causes cervical cancer? HPV is the virus that causes cervical cancer. HPV is not the same as the HIV virus - please do not confuse the two. We still have much to learn about HPV, although not a new virus. HPV is spread through sexual contact. In fact most people who have had sex have HPV at some point in their life.

HPV is spread through sexand can lead to infection of the uterus. HPV infection does not last long because the body is usually able to fight effectively against the infection. However, if the body is not able to eliminate the virus may cause cervix cells to change and become precancerous. pre-cancerous cells, cancer cells are not. The fact that the cells are changing, does not mean they are precancerous, and often changing the cells return to normal by themselves. However, sometimes pre-cancerous cells can becomecancer if not detected and treated. However, HPV infections are very few actually lead to cervical cancer.

Who is at risk of developing cervical cancer? HPV is very common, so any woman who has had sex can potentially develop cervical cancer. But remember that most women who get HPV do not develop cervical cancer.

Women are less likely to get cervical cancer are those with regularyour Pap test. However, some women have a higher risk of developing cervical cancer. People at risk are all women who currently has that HPV does not go away, those with HIV or AIDS, women who smoke.

Women who do not have regular Pap test or have no way to have the best chance of getting cancer of the cervix. Even women who are not sexually active, but in the past, still has a chance of getting cancer of the cervix. Condoms do not offer completeprotection against HPV, although they are helpful in protecting against other diseases.

There are no obvious symptoms of HPV. Most people do not even know they have HPV unless they have a Pap test indicates changes in the cervix. There is no treatment for the type of HPV that cause cervical cell changes - no antibiotics or medicines to treat HPV. But there is an HPV vaccine that is effective when given to girls in their early years of first intercourse for teensactivities.

Is there a test for HPV? For women over 30 the HPV test can be done at the same time as the regular Pap test. The most important thing is to remember to have regular Pap tests and visit with your doctor to get tested for HPV.

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Cervical Cancer 101 what you need to know about

Cervical cancer affects a woman's body in the cervical region. The breast of a woman finds its opening through the cervix. Many times the human papilloma virus causes the disease. It is transmitted through sexual intercourse. The cervix is the most important organ of the reproductive system requires proper attention to the development of cancer is concerned. This cancer affects the other organs of the cervical region and may cause damage to reproductive organs.This makes the disease more deadly. This spread is commonly known as metastasis.

Although the human papilloma virus is the main cause of the disease, but also women who are diagnosed with smoking. The cases of lung cancer and breast cancer associated with cervical cancer are there. This shows that the susceptibility of women to have cancer is higher with the mass cervical cancer. The disease is indicated bypresence of warts in the area around the cervix. However, a routine medical examination is necessary because sometimes the warts may not appear on the skin and the disease goes unnoticed.

The most common symptoms of the disease are prolonged pains in the chest region. Sometimes the leg and lower back pain beginning unbearable. Anemia is often associated with cervical cancer. As a result of anemia in patients also experience weight loss and fatigue. L 'normal person loses appetite. The detection of the cancer itself is almost impossible. It is right that in the latter stages, with the help of a doctor can detect.

The disease is very deadly as its detection is very difficult. Although doctors can detect with a simple Pap test, but if the treatment is to avoid long, it can cause a fatal outcome. The most important thing to note here is that the disease can spread to other parts of the body, includingthe vagina and connective tissue. Growing strongly and the infection spreads very fast. The disease has the potential to damage the primary reproductive organs and jeopardize reproductive capacity of women.

A particular form of papilloma deformation increases susceptibility to disease. Also inappropriate sexual behavior and lack of hygiene also caters to the development of cancer of the cervix. A drug to prevent miscarriage (diethylstilbestrol), if givenin great quantities also increases the susceptibility of the disease. The diagnosis of the disease was performed by analysis of vaginal fluid of patients with suspected and checked for cancer strains.

Chemo-radiation is a combination of radiotherapy and chemotherapy is effective in the treatment of cancer. The infected cells can also be removed surgically. But the woman has to make a difficult decision regarding jeopardizing her fertility. Thus most women gohabitual drug. A simple approach to prevent disease is to have clean habits and regular checkups. The disease can be prevented by such measures, although we can not rule out hereafter.

A healthy woman is the most important asset of a family and therefore a woman should be kept clean and ready to prevent such diseases.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Cervical cancer symptoms and signs - Lessons to learn from Jade Goody

Jade Goody, death from cervical cancer has taught us that we must be aware of this deadly disease. There are lessons to learn from the Jade Goody episode to keep a close watch for signs of cervical cancer, signs and possible cure.

Cervical cancer is the number one cancers in women in most developing countries. Is 34 percent of cases of cancer for all women. The approximate totalincidence of women suffering from cervical cancer each year is 500,000. If women of all ages are at risk, cervical cancer is mostly in women of mid 30 to 55, with the average age is 47.

Many people are woefully uninformed about cervical cancer. It has nothing to do with the spinal cord or neck. It is a disease in which cancer cells are seen in the tissues of the cervix. The cervix, which is thebottom of the 'uterus, vagina connects the uterus to the body. The cervix is ​​pink. E 'covered with squamous cells, which are in scale and appearance. The cervical canal is lined with another type of cell called columnar cells The area where these two types of cells called the meeting of the area or the transformation of the T-zone is the area most likely to cause abnormal cell growth.

How I can know if I have cervical cancer: inearly stages, it is very difficult to determine whether you have cervical cancer because there are no obvious symptoms. irregular bleeding, bleeding or pain during sex or vaginal discharge, chronic low back pain are symptoms that may be linked to cervical cancer cancer, the offers are at an advanced stage.

Who is at risk for cervical cancer?

Those who have unprotected sex: the most sexually active women have the opportunityto carry the HPV virus that is transmitted through skin to skin contact with a surface infection of HPV. Sex at a young age, unprotected sex and multiple sex partners increases a woman's risk of contracting an HPV infection. In other words, HPV can cause cervical cancer. The use of condoms, due to unprotected sex, can not help because the virus can be transmitted through skin to skin contact in the genital area, which is not covered by a condom. But that does notdoes not mean you should not use condoms, it is very important to protect against AIDS and sexually transmitted diseases.

women in cervical cancer: Smoking increases the risk. Chemicals produced by snuff smoke can damage the DNA of cervical cells, which cancer cells.
Chlamdiya infection: Chlamydia, a bacteria in nature is also a Cayuse, caused by sexual contact.
Diet low in fruits andVegetables: women who do not eat enough fruits and vegetables lose their antioxidant properties that keep cancer at bay. Phytochemicals such as vitamins A, C, E and beta-carotene is known to prevent cervical cancer.
HIV infection: Women who have a weakened immune system from diseases such as HIV (human immunodeficiency virus) can also suffer from cervical cancer.
For the long-term oral contraceptives: use of long-term contraceptives such as 5 or moreyears may increase the risk of women being diagnosed with cervical cancer.
Family history of cervical cancer: women with a family history of cervical cancer are at risk. A person who has a family history of disease may be genetically less equipped to fight HPV infection better than other women.

How are diagnosed with cervical cancer? As mentioned earlier, pain or bleeding during sex or otherwise, vaginalare some signs, but that does not mean you have cervical cancer. Y 'better off seeing a doctor asks you to go to the Pap test

The Pap test, a speculum or a standard device used to examine the cervix is ​​inserted into the vagina. The cells are skimmed from the surface of the surface of the cervix with a cotton swab then smeared on a slide. Another example is taken from the T-zone with a rubber spatula. There are new techniques known as liquid-basedThe Pap test gives a higher degree of accuracy. The slide is sent to a laboratory where a cytotechnologist (a person who examines the slide) and a pathologist examine the sample for abnormalities. The Pap test is usually accurate and can be used to detect cervical cancer, even in the early stages. To increase the reliability of the Pap test, ask your doctor for two weeks after her last menstrual period and not having intercourse, douching or using vaginal swabscreams, powders, suppositories, aerosols, etc. at least 48 hours before the test.

A bear abnormal Pap test report does not mean you have cancer of the cervix. It simply means that you have some kind of change on the cell surface of cells lining the cervix. A Pap test is only a means of detection, there are other tests that are important to confirm the abnormal Pap test and diagnosis of the disease. You must have some follow-up, check againafter a few months. Depending on the degree of abnormality, your doctor may recommend a biopsy, curettage, colposcopy (magnified view of the vagina and cervix) y.

What should be the regular Pap test:

Screening should begin three years after a woman starts having sex. We recommend you go to a Pap test every two or three years. The combination of HPV testing with Pap smears should be considered for routine screening for women30. Go to my blog listed below to find a cure for cervical cancer.

Monday, May 2, 2011

Discover treatment options for cervical cancer

Cervical cancer, which is cancer of the cervix, is a cancer that develops slowly, and targets, as expected, the cervix. Since this is an important part of the female body, it is better to know what are the options when it comes to designing a treatment plan for cervical cancer.

The first option that should naturally come to mind is surgery. The type of surgery used most often is what is called a hysterectomy. In thisprocedure, the uterus and vagina were removed. Lymph nodes can be used will be eliminated and, if it is discovered that the cancer has spread to them. Although effective, this is a highly invasive and excludes having children.

A possible alternative is known as surgical excision procedure Loop Electro-known even in its shorter form, such as LEEP. This is much sweeter than the one described above, and once done, the pregnancy continuespossible. Besides being a lightweight alternative is also a cheaper alternative.

Another option may be useful to explore is what is called trachelectomy. In this procedure, doctors try to remove just the tumor while preserving the uterus and ovaries intact. This option is used when the cancer has not spread to other areas of the uterus.

Other options include radiation therapy, and complementary and alternative treatments.It is important to talk not only with your doctor, but also with his family. This way you can come up with a plan that includes the closest to you. You are not alone.

Sunday, May 1, 2011

What is cervical cancer

Cervical cancer is a malignant tumor of the cervix or the cervical area. It was found that human papilloma virus (HPV) causes approximately 70% of all cervical cancers. Other factors co-infections HIV, chlamyudia infection, dietary factors, hormonal contraception, multiple pregnancies, to expose the hormonal drug diethylstilbestrol and family history of cancer of the cervix.

Now there is a gaurdasil vaccine called to help prevent HPV. HPV is an infection caused by having multiple sexual partners or having a partner who has had many sexual partners. There are over 250 types of HPV, of these 15 are classified as high-risk types.

How to reduce the risk of cervical cancer?
1. annual review of Pap test can identify potentially precancerous changes. It is important to have annual check-ups as symptoms of early cervicalCancer> may be asymptomatic.
2. vaccinated
3. use of safer sex practices
4. healthy diet and vitamins to keep your immune system in good working order

What are the symptoms of cervical cancer
1. vaginal bleeding - vaginal bleeding or a ground contact (rarely) may indicate cervical cancer
Two painful intercourse
3 vaginal

Metastases in advanced disease may be present in the abdomen, lungs orelsewhere. cervical symptoms of advanced cancer may include loss of appetite, weight loss, fatigue, pelvic pain, back pain, leg pain, single swollen leg, heavy bleeding from the vagina, the urinary loss or feces from the vagina and bone fractures.

The treatment of cervical cancer depends on what stage you are diagnosed and should be discussed with your doctor the pros and cons of treatment. Find all treatment options andside effects of these treatments so that you know you need help.

You can find more health problems for women, vitamins and remedies to Megamall.
