
Monday, September 20, 2010

How to Find Out If You Have Ovarian Cancer

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There are over 30 types of ovarian cancer that doctors group into 3 major categories based on the kinds of cells the cancer is formed out of. These include epithelial tumors, germ cell tumors, and sex cord-stromal cell tumors.

Many women are not diagnosed with ovarian cancer until it is in the late stages because detecting that something may be wrong on your own is difficult to do. Screening is not recommended for ovarian cancer because the screening tests are not accurate enough to be able to detect it. However, some symptoms you may have can be cause for concern. These symptoms include abdominal/pelvic discomfort or pressure, back or leg pain, bloating, changes in bowel function or urinary frequency, fatigue, astrointestinal symptoms, malnourished or wasted appearance, nausea or loss of appetite or unusual vaginal bleeding.

There are 3 main types of treatment for ovarian cancer that can be used separately but are sometimes combined. These treatments include surgery, chemotherapy, and radiotherapy. It is recommended that you learn more at site that specializes in ovarian cancer treatment.

Surgery is performed to remove cancerous tissues as much as possible. This form of treatment for ovarian cancer is usually required and can be used with other forms of treatment. Performing surgery helps the surgeon to determine aspects of the tumor and to remove as much of the tumor as possible. The best chances of a cure with this method is if there are no residual tumor masses, or if there are that they are less than 1 cm in size.

The surgeon can perform two procedures with this aspect of treatment, a laparotomy through an abdominal incision or a laparoscopy, though an incision using a tube with a light and camera on it. A sample of the tumor is immediately taken and examined to confirm the ovarian cancer exists. Once the cancer is confirmed then either a full hysterectomy, bilateral salpengoopharectomy, omentectomy, or lymphadenectomy may occur.

Chemotherapy is used to destroy cancer cells using drugs. Chemotherapy can also damage normal cells however, which can cause anemia, gastrointestinal symptoms, leukopenia, temporary hair loss, and thrombocytopenia. There are medicines that have been developed that can help to reduce these side effects.

There are four ways to receive chemotherapy. They are intravenous, intraperitoneal, oral, and intramuscular injection. Many chemotherapy treatments are given over a 3 week period using the intravenous method.

Radiotherapy, also known as radiation therapy, is not commonly used in the United States due to the cancer being found too late. Radiotherapy uses a high energy, ionizing radiation to kill cancer cells. It can be delivered in one of two ways which include radiotherapy devices and/or injection.

Gene therapy and hormone therapy are still being tested. The findings thus far have been found to be promising but the official results will not be available for a number of years still.

After being treated for ovarian cancer it is imperative that the patients continue follow up appointments with their doctors. Most women who have ovarian cancer that is in remission usually see a reoccurence within 2 years of treatment being successful however it can reoccur up to 20 years after treatment. Most patients have follow up visits every 3 months for the first 2 years.

There are several ways to help try and prevent ovarian cancer and some treatments that are still being tested. The existing ways include oral contraceptives, modification to your diet and exercise routines, pregnancy and breastfeeding, genetic counseling, tubal litigation and ovary removal. These methods may help to reduce the risk of ovarian cancer by a significant percentage.

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