
Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Ovarian Cancer Kills - Identify These Symptoms Today

If you have not heard about the silent killer, it is time that you learn to recognize the symptoms before it overcomes your life and causes extreme misery by degrading your life with a substandard of living. You need to take early action and recognize the symptoms of cancer well before drastic action needs to happen. Ovarian cancer is one of the most common of cancers, which is usually detected in its metastasis stage. That is why it is absolutely necessary that you have the knowledge and ability to identify the early signs of ovarian cancer. Many patients disregard the silent early cancer symptoms which keep telling them that there was something wrong with their ovaries.

So, it is extremely necessary that you know about the early ovarian cancer symptoms, which are going to show themselves in these silent yet potentially dangerous forms.

Have you noticed some unusual bleeding from the vagina at times other than during menstruation?
Do you find that your stomach has bloated and there is heaviness in your pelvic region?
Do you find intercourse painful, during the past couple of days?
Are you feeling nausea or generally lethargic?
Do you feel that you are full, even if you have not eaten a meal for a couple of hours?
Are you suffering from diarrhea?
These are just some of the symptoms, which may indicate the early onset of Ovarian cancer. That is the reason why it is absolutely necessary that you get the advice of a doctor, the moment one or more of the symptoms show up.

Please understand that ovarian cancer does not present any painfully symptoms or signs in the initial stages. That is the reason why many women disregard the early warning symptoms. It might be shocking to learn but 1 out of 55 women suffer from ovarian cancer in the US. This is the reason why, it is absolutely necessary that you know about the early warning signs and symptoms that may identify the early presence of ovarian cancer, an ovarian cyst or even an infection in the ovary. So, if you find any of the symptoms given above, persisting for more than a couple of weeks, it is absolutely necessary that you meet your gynecologist/doctor as soon as possible.

One of the good things that you should know is that most cancers can be cured in the initial stages. The treatments which are recommended during this time are chemotherapy and radiotherapy. It is only when it is in the metastasis stage (it has spread throughout the body), that the doctors may want to go in for surgery. A hysterectomy is done, only in extreme cases, when the whole uterus is removed. This is the case when the cancer has reached a state of metastasis and has spread to other organs. That is the reason why it is absolutely necessary that you go to the doctor, the moment you notice some/any of the symptoms of possible ovarian cancer given above.

One of the common treatments for cancer is chemotherapy, in which drugs are given to kill the cancerous cells. It might be followed up with radiotherapy, where those cells are exposed to high energy radiations. Finally one of the last options is a full hysterectomy depending on the the grade as well as the stage of the metastasis, the overall physical and mental condition of the patient and her age.

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