
Thursday, September 16, 2010

Symptoms of Ovarian Cancer - The 10 Early Warning Signs Women Should Know

Most women diagnosed with existing medical condition would be alarmed to know that they are having ovarian cancer. This instance may happen because indications are imprecise and that's why it has been called "The Silent Killer". Many are experiencing bowel syndrome, stress and depression but misdiagnosed. Early warning signs are worsen with digestive disorders and occur after eating certain meals. Do not let it happen. There is something you can do about to have a very good prognosis in the earliest stage.

Here are some clinical researches about the most common symptoms:

Feeling of fullness and pressure on abdomen
Urinary urgency or frequent urination
Pelvic pain or discomfort
digestive disorders and changes in bowel movement
unexplained loss of appetite and nausea
Fatigue or feeling tired most of the time
Shortness of breath affecting breathing passage.
Lower backache
Changes in menstrual flow and abnormal vaginal bleeding
Unusual pain during sexual intercourse

These early warning signs could be symptoms of other health concerns which are not very serious. However, it is important to see a doctor if there is any suspicions like the pressure in abdomen for more than three weeks already. Early detection is better opportunity to treat any gynecologic cancers. Routine annual check-ups should be taken in consideration. Following tests will be performed such as bimanual rectovaginal exam ( inserting one finger into vagina to feel any lumps), transvaginal ultrasound (using sound waves that reflects image of the body) and CA-125 test. CA-125 is a protein found in the body and often produced levels of tumour cells.

The saddest part is that even there are comprehensive resources available nowadays, the fact remains that majority of women are diagnosed very late leading to higher percentage of death rates. Recent studies show that half percentage of women took three months of enduring the pain before they have consulted to doctors and 11% took longer than one year. Denial swallowed people to accept the fact that a simple indication of their health condition can lead to a deadly signs of cancer.

Health Daily News reported that relying on these signs alone is not reliable at discovering the disease earlier. According to Mary Rossing, one of the members of the Epidemiology program at Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center, the indications are limited. In a study of 100 women whose feeling the same symptoms, just one has initial stage of ovarian cancer. On the other hand, American Cancer Society said that nine out of ten women who have been detected in early stage live after the first 5 years of the diagnosis and only 20% of the general populations are discovered at early part.

It is an ongoing challenge for researches to detect and specify exactly the causes of this ailment. To address the issue, in 2007, American Cancer Society, the Gynecologic Cancer Foundation and the Society of Gynecologic Oncologists released a statement that doctors should pay more attention on simple ovarian cancer signs and conduct more accurate screening techniques.

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