
Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Understanding cancer of the cervix and its deadly consequences

Cervical cancer symptoms

Besides breast cancer, cervical cancer can be considered the next most important type of cancer. Most tumors are malignant, which means death. This in particular is also evil. I've never heard of the Pap test? They have a lot to do with cervical cancer. But more on that later.

Understanding cancer is a good search. Is a type of abnormal and uncontrolled growth of cervical cells (near the hipsarea). The cervix is ​​more accurately described as the bottom of the uterus that connects the upper vagina to the uterus. 'Human Papilloma Virus "or" HPV is the virus that causes cervical around this issue. This is a common virus that infects about half of the population at some point in their lives. If the immune system does not eliminate the infection, normal cells may begin to grow abnormally and become "pre" cancerous lesions. This is how cancer begins andwork.

There are many causes and risk factors. "HPV" can be transmitted during sexual intercourse. There are several strains of "HPV strains can cause genital warts. Although genital warts do not lead to cervical cancer, other strains are considered "high risk" for cervical cancer, causing changes in the cells lining the cervix. However, it should be noted that not all infected women "HPV" of developing cancer, like otherfactors come into play such as smoking, medical conditions that reduce immunity, early sexual activity (increased risk of sexually transmitted diseases), women who have multiple sexual partners and lack of awareness of the regular Pap test or cervical smart. These other factors that cause cervical cancer, not just "HPV."

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