
Monday, May 23, 2011

Cervical cancer, symptoms

Cervical cancer symptoms

The bottom of the uterus called the cervix. Most cases of cervical cancer are caused by human papilloma virus (HPV). This virus is transmitted during vaginal or anal intercourse. Having multiple partners increases risk. Even those who smoke, have many children, are infected with HIV or have used the pill for a long time have a greater chance of contracting the disease.

However, a Pap smear can detect abnormal cells that are changingto form cancer cells. The treatment can be carried out at this stage, cancer treatment can be achieved. Is there a vaccine that can be obtained if aged between 6 and 26 years. This usually works best if you have not had sex. The vaccine is administered over a period of six months in three doses. E effect 'can last up to five years.

The symptoms of cervical cancer could be the pain of pelvic bleeding through the vagina. However, the symptoms may bedetected during the final stage. This is because it takes years, even for normal cells become cancer cells.

It's so nice to have a sexual partner. This is not just to get away from cervical cancer but also other sexually transmitted diseases, especially HIV and AIDS. The use of condoms for casual sex can not be overstated. Having a Pap smear screening at least twice a year. This can really save your life. As they say, a pointtime saves nine.

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