
Thursday, March 31, 2011

When ovarian cancer warning signs mimic common medical conditions

Each year in the U.S., over 21,000 women are diagnosed with ovarian cancer and about 15,000 women die of this disease. These are staggering statistics, but the figures seem to be increasing from year to year, unfortunately, because women are not adequately informed about how to diagnose ovarian cancer warning signs.

The rest of this article is from a post I wrote recently on my blog. I have received positive comments about the content, because the facts are taken mainly from MayClinic and a study by the American Cancer Society - they are both very credible sources of information. So I decided I wanted to share with readers EzineArticles.

The blog entry is:

The warning signs of ovarian cancer can be difficult to detect in the early stages, because some of the most common symptoms such as indigestion and bloating may be indicative of a number of other medical conditions.

To avoiddiagnostic errors, keep in mind this simple rule:

If symptoms or signs are constant and appear to be only worse, then talk to your doctor immediately.

According Mayoclinic, recent studies show that women with ovarian cancer are more likely than other women to live in a consistent manner the following:

abdominal pressure, fullness, bloating or swelling
urinary urgency
Pelvic pain or discomfort

Other warning signs may occurthemselves in one of the following ways:

gas constant indigestion or nausea
unexplained changes in bowel habits such as constipation
Changes in bladder habits, including frequent urination
Loss of appetite or feeling full quickly
Increased abdominal girth or clothes fitting tighter around the waist
Pain during intercourse (dyspareunia)
The constant lack of energy
Back pain
Changes in menstruation

The American Cancer Society reports that nearly 90%In a study of women who were diagnosed at an early stage, said they experienced one or more symptoms such as abdominal pain, bloating, pelvic or back pain. However, only 3% of women diagnosed with advanced ovarian cancer reported no symptoms.

In addition, 55% of the total number of women studied had an accurate diagnosis within two months of onset of symptoms. Unfortunately, it took three to six months 19% of women, and more one year 11% of women to realize that, in fact, there were signs of ovarian cancer. In short, if the diagnosis is made, cancer has become more advanced.

In some cases, women with symptoms of delayed diagnosis of an average wait of two or three months before talking to their doctors, with 22% of women surveyed said they would ignore their symptoms, most because they were not aware of the symptoms may be due to> Cancer.

How to avoid a delay in diagnosis

It is said that prevention is better than cure, and the best thing you can do to avoid a late diagnosis is to support an annual pelvic examination. This not only confirms the common symptoms that sometimes often lead to misdiagnosis and validation of the warning signs of ovarian cancer, but rather a mindset that will help you live longer.

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

The treatment of cervical cancer naturally

Cervical cancer symptoms

Cervical cancer.
Cervical cancer is described as a cancer that forms in the cervical tissue. A cervix is an organ that connects the uterus and vagina in the female reproductive system. Cervical cancer is a slow growing cancer and can not show any symptoms early can still be detected through regular Pap tests. This is a medical test that involves scraping cellscervix to be tested by looking through a high-powered microscope.

And "well known that almost all cervical cancers are caused by HPV (human papillomavirus). HPV is a virus that spreads through sexual contact.

Other risk factors for cervical cancer are:
1. Having sex at an early age
2. Multiple sex partners
3. Weak immune system
4. Pill
5. Smoking
6. Having many children

The good news is that whenthe cervical cancer is diagnosed early, is curable in most cases. What are the symptoms of cervical cancer?

The symptoms of cervical cancer

Cervical cancer symptoms may include all of the following
1. Abnormal vaginal bleeding
2. Bleeding that occurs between menstrual periods
3. tests bleeding after intercourse, or pelvic irrigation
4. Bleeding aftermenopausal
5. longer periods, heavier and more painful menstrual
6. Increased vaginal discharge
7. pain during sex abnormal
8. Pelvic pain

Stages of cervical cancer

There are five stages of cervical cancer. The stages are the measure of the spread of cancer cells.

These phases are

1. Stage 0: This stage is generally known as carcinoma in situ. E 'indicating ainvasive cervical cancer, no.

At this stage, cells are found only on the surface of the cervix, and because the cells have not spread, which is known to be highly curable.

2. Step 1: Here the cancer cells have spread beyond the surface of the cervix and invaded the entire cervix, but still spread beyond the cervix. At this stage, the cancer may or may not be visible to the naked eye, depending on the size of the tumor.

3. Step 2: This isthe phase in which cells have spread beyond the cervix, but are still confined within the pelvis. At this stage, cancer cells may have spread to two thirds of the vagina, but may or may not cover the tissues surrounding the uterus.

4. Step 3: At this stage, cancer cells have spread to the lower third of the vagina, may also have spread to the pelvic wall and may have caused damage to the kidneys. At this stage, the tumor can become large enough to block the flow of urinethe kidneys to the bladder, causing kidney damage.

5. Step 5: This is the dangerous and final stage of most cervical cancer body. Here, cancer cells have spread to all other parties. If the cells may have spread to organs like the bladder and rectum around the cervix, the cells may have also spread to distant organs like the lungs.

What you should know when you are diagnosed with cervical cancer

There are about sevenquestions that need answers when you are diagnosed with cervical cancer. These questions are
1. What stage is the cancer? The problem, explains that the cancer has spread.
2. What are the treatment options are available? These options vary depending on the stage of cancer, patients, and so on.
3. What treatment options are appropriate? And what are the success rates of recommended treatment options.
4. Are there any side effects to therecommended treatment?
5. How long can you begin treatment?
6. Those who are entitled to seek the views of other experts?
7. How much will the treatment cost?

The treatment of cervical cancer
There are four common treatments for cervical cancer. This is surgery, chemotherapy, radiation therapy and alternative therapy. However, before treatment options are considered by many factors to be applied. These include the type andstage cervical cancer, health status, age and marital status of the patient.

Surgery: This procedure involves surgical removal of lymph nodes, cervical cancer and its surrounding tissues, or removal of the uterus, cervix and part of the vagina. In some cases, however, the ovaries and fallopian tubes also are removed.

This treatment is still appropriate for women past childbearing age or those who decided to leave pregnant.The side effect is that many women find it psychologically difficult to deal with sexual advances from her husband after the surgery due to hormonal changes and body.

Chemotherapy: this is the treatment of tumor cells with drugs.
These drugs are made ​​to kill cancer cells, but more often than not also destroy healthy cells of the body that causes more harm than good.

Radiation therapy: This is a process whereby highenergy X-rays or other types of radiation are used to shrink the tumor and kill cancer cells. However, side effects of this is exactly equal to the chemotherapy treatments, like the spokes of a bad kills cancer cells also kills good cells in the body causing great confusion to the whole system in the long term.

Alternative therapy: the treatment of cervical cancer through herbs and other means, in addition to the normal orthodox approach.
This method has proven to be the safest and most effective way to combat this deadly disease. The reason is simple, while attempts by other methods to cut parts of the body or cells already infected, or drugs in an attempt to destroy cells, alternative therapy is something strangely different and effective.

Because cancer is a terminal illness?

Medical science has so far been able to find two approaches to the treatment of> Cancer. The first is to destroy the source of the disease, cutting a part or organ throughout, and the second approach is to increase the body's ability to fight disease.

The irony is that when a drug is used to kill cancer cells, the cells were destroyed long before. When food supplements are used to feed the body to increase immunity, cancer cells feed and grow stronger. Either way, the victories of cancer cells and thereforeresulted in the deaths of their victims.

So what is the exit? Recent studies have shown that cancer cells grow in an acid clean. About 85% of patients with blood cancer acid in your system. healthy body condition should have a pH of about 7.35 to 7.45.

Cancer cells can not survive in pure alkaline. This explains why children do not have cancer, your pH is known to be purely alkaline. As people grow into adulthood, whicheating and living lifestyle affects your body gradually and PH tend to become acidic. This helps cancer cells to grow and flourish.

A famous American nutritionist says Berg Professor Ragnar our daily diet should consist of 20% acid and 80% of alkaline foods to maintain a healthy body. Acidic foods are meat, seafood, rice, sugar, cheese, canned food. These form an important part of any daily diet of adults, although it is assumed that only 20% of our daily diet.Alkaline foods in the hands of other vegetables, fruits, roots and tubers. It should have done 80% of our daily diet of a healthy body. The average adult meal in this contemporary world, this is 100% acid and alkaline. This is fertile ground for cancer.

Alternative therapy uses a proven method to transform the acidic nature of the alkalinity of the body. This helps to weaken cancer cells and restore health to the body of sound. How it worksalternative therapy to achieve this?

Edmark International has introduced a product called liquid chlorophyll Spline.

First of all spline functions of liquid chlorophyll is the conversion of body pH from acidic to alkaline. This product when used in conjunction with Shake MRT fiber plant and complex, not only convert to modify the content of the acid alkaline body, you also see the elimination of cell death by the system.

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Vaginal cancer of the cervix

How bad is that to get breast screening to reduce the chances of cervical cancer? One of the best ways to prevent cervical cancer is to ensure the HPV virus. There are a couple of ways that the Pap test is done. The most common way is for the doctor to shake a sample of cells from the cervix. Then the cells were placed on a slide and sent to a laboratory where they are put under the microscope for abnormal cells. These abnormal cellsreviewed. The other type of test is to use a type of test fluid or test fluid, but the cell samples are collected in the same way.

It is important to recognize abnormal cells in a state of pre-cancer and preventing life-threatening events cancerous. Many doctors also look for HPV also order a DNA test, this is a good idea for those in the age of risk that are generally between 35 and 55 years of age. Women under 30 tend to be cared for by theiragencies at the end and HPV infection is not associated with cervical cancer.

Learn more about this, consult your doctor, ask questions and research. It is important to have regular Pap tests and evidence that would be prudent to do so. Think about it.

Monday, March 28, 2011

Ovarian cancer of the cervix

Cervical cancer symptoms

Often referred to as a silent murderer who says many lives each year is more common among women of all ages. Women who have had ancestors who suffer from this disease have a much greater risk of development. Be informed about the severity of their degrees is important for determining treatment options.

Visibility of its symptoms are often misinterpreted as symptoms of a little less than other deadly diseases. Even some of the common> The symptoms that are apparent in the initial phase include abdominal discomfort is about the swelling. Both feelings are intensified with the passage of time. A more irregular pattern despite the absence of a urinary tract infection is an important cause. nausea and digestion problems are unexplained pain in the pelvic area and inflation.

Considered a superior method for detection and identification, the selection is made. This is a watershedincluding check-up examination of the vagina and uterus is carried out by a qualified physician or medical expert. This analysis should provide each year to detect early signs of abnormality. Recent advances in the field involves an analysis of blood per year. Despite the unusual discovery in the early stages of introduction, early detection improves the success rate of this cancer has stopped completely.

After certificationcategory of cancer and its spread throughout the body, the patient is treated by surgery to remove malignant tissue. Depending on your degree, complete removal of the ovaries and the uterus is inevitable. After surgery, the use of radiation therapy is effective for its ability to destroy lingering cancer cells. Chemotherapy is another option. The administration of drugs in specific cases, has also been observed.

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Cervical cancer - UpClose

Cancer is the malignant tumor tissue in the body or organs of the body that may spread to parts of their environment causing health problems for the person concerned. This is true for cervical cancer. Cervix is the lower a woman's womb or uterus. When abnormal tissue growth is observed and is the invasion more in other body tissues, resulting in abnormal function, so it is classified as cancer.

Issurprising to learn that women are increasingly focused on the human papilloma virus or HPV. However, the study, only 20% of these women knew that HPV can cause cervical cancer.

cancer of the cervix show symptoms less than other types of cancer. Most often, pain is only recognized on stage before, and when the condition is already severe. However, this risk can be minimized as cervical cancer can be traced inwith the initial Pap test.

Pap test is done by taking a sample of cervical smears out. This is used to detect the risk of cervical cancer or precancerous. We suggest that you take an annual Pap test as part of their routine annual gynecological exams. When the anomaly is recognized, the doctor may order a biopsy for further examination of their health.

Cervical cancer is caused by human papilloma virus.This is transmitted by direct contact with the affected area. Therefore, the use of condoms if sexual contact does not guarantee you are safe from infection. Other factors that may increase the risk of cervical cancer are taking birth control birth, the first intercourse and multiple sexual partners.

What is alarming is that cervical cancer has no symptoms in its early stages. So prevention isnecessary. In addition to the Pap smear, the HPV vaccine is now available to reduce the risk of HPV infection.

Screening for cervical cancer is a necessary step to ensure that not only have a healthy reproductive system, but also a healthy body. Include in your must-do for the health and save their first year of life.

Saturday, March 26, 2011

Three possible symptoms of ovarian cancer

Cervical cancer symptoms

Ovarian cancer is a disease that affects women's reproductive organs. The process begins when cell division goes wrong in the ovaries and begin to multiply quickly and sense of control. This leads to a cancerous growth which in turn causes a tumor to form. No one knows exactly what causes this cancer, but age, ovulation and family history are all thought to have influence. If a tumor forms often begins to push cells aroundcausing pain, discomfort and other undesirable symptoms in these areas. In this article we will examine three of these symptoms of ovarian cancer in more detail.

1) relaxation: - In case of cancer of the ovary and the tumor grows large enough, can cause the stomach to swell physically. Although inflammation is not necessarily a sign of ovarian cancer is a cause for concern if you can not explain. Therefore, if you notice that thestomach has become swollen and I can think of no logical reason to go see your doctor immediately. They will be able to do some tests and let you know the cause of your stomach to swell.

2) IRREGULAR PERIODS: - Normally, the ovaries release an egg once a month. If the egg is not fertilized leaves the body during the menstrual period of women. However, if the cancer has developed, you can leave the ovaries, making it difficult for eggs to be released. This could be an impact on the menstrual cycle. Therefore, if the time seems to change for no apparent reason to go see your doctor immediately. Again, there are many factors that can cause your periods are irregular, but the doctor can tell if you are related to ovarian cancer.

3) pain in the lower abdomen or side: - If the tumor grows large enough, you can start to put pressure on the ovaries. This can lead to pain in the lower abdomen or sides. Many women mistake theseSymptoms> pain with PMS. However, if you start to experience when you are not currently in the period that you should see your doctor immediately. The pain can not be related to ovarian cancer, but the doctor will be able to carry out the tests and let you know for sure.

I hope this article has given you a clearer view of some potential warning signs for ovarian cancer. While your first instinct may be to brush these symptoms as the result ofPMS, it is necessary to step back and think for a second before doing so. If there is no logical reason behind these symptoms, chances are something is wrong. It may be nothing to do with ovarian cancer, but it's much better to go to the doctor and get professional advice on the matter definitively.

While all attempts have been made ​​to make this article accurate and informative, it is intended for general information only. Ovarian cancer is very seriouslife threatening condition and you should discuss any concerns, treatments or lifestyle changes fully with your doctor.

Friday, March 25, 2011

All about cervical cancer survival rate

Cervical cancer once was considered the mortal and the most widespread cancer. But when death has reached the alarming rate of global awareness campaigns have been launched to inform women of the proper way to prevent cervical cancer. Thus says the cancer was again the most dangerous is the most preventable. regular Pap smears provides an almost complete prevention of the disease. The number of womendiagnosed with the disease was reduced by over 80%. innovations in treatment have resulted in an overall increase in rates of cervical cancer survival.

Survival rate of cervical cancer
Cervical Cancer can be described in four stages. The above steps represent the cancer has grown and how much of a threat it is today. Disease stage also determines the appropriate treatmentshould be applied to the patient.

Stage IA: 96-99% of CSR
This is the first stage of the disease in which cancer is only visible under a microscope. Surgery is the best treatment at this time because the small size of the tumor can be easily removed in one operation.

Stage IB: 80-90% of CSR
At this stage the cancer starts to be visible to the naked eye. usual treatment is surgery, but in cases where the transaction can not be enough chemotherapyradiotherapy and laser may also be necessary.

Stage II: 65-69% of CSR
At this stage, the tumor has grown so much that has already spread outside the uterus and infection of cells and tissues. Once again, however, has not yet extended to the sidewalls of the pelvis or lower third of the vagina. Surgery remains stock option with additional chemotherapy, radiotherapy and laser treatment.

Phase III: 40-43% of CSR
The cancer has come to infectthe walls of the basin and most of the vagina and may also have caused changes in the kidneys. Surgery can not be done at this stage, cervical cancer because it is widespread and thus causing a sharp drop in survival rate. Treatments include chemotherapy, radiotherapy and laser therapy.

Stage IV: 15-20% of CSR
This is the final stage of the disease in which cancer has become more distant organs. Chemotherapy, radiation andLaser therapy treatments are available.

Survival rates of cervical cancer are only estimates and are not conclusive.

Thursday, March 24, 2011

An inside look at cervical cancer

Cervical cancer symptoms

cancer of the cervix, also called cervical cancer is almost 100% curable if detected early. This requires a basic understanding of the symptoms, risk factors, treatment and staging. This cancer is exacerbated by sexual activity, especially with multiple partners. This natural activity of childbearing age is a factor that causes the disease.

Unfortunately, women are susceptible to cervical cancerpeak of its involvement with families in need. Women, by their nature, are the officials, who have sacrificed their comfort for years to meet the needs of their growing family. For this reason, they are more likely to dismiss symptoms because of their intense desire to serve their families.

The Pap test is the standard method of testing for cervical cancer. This should begin within three years from the onset of sexual activity or age 21 and continues until 65 or 70 andhave had three consecutive normal test results. The Pap test is not 100% accurate as they can have false positives and negatives. If there is no doubt, other evidence should be used, including blood tests. If in doubt, insist on new evidence.

If you have any abnormal physical condition, not a hero, talk to your doctor. This is especially true if you have a family history of cancer. The hereditary predisposition is also inheritedgenes and lifestyles, especially as regards the management of food and stress.

If you have been diagnosed with cervical cancer, we know that cancer is growing and opportunistic in situations where the "climate" that support it. inadequate nutrition and emotional stress are the precursors of this disease. Refined sugars and starches that are converted into sugars, a fact that supply the tumor, so the establishment of a healthy diet is a must if you have apositive. What the mother does not suffer from growth in these conditions to give up their demands for energy foods their children eat and sleep enough, no? to serve your family.

During stress, the natural functioning of the body's immune system is compromised, allowing the cancer to grow and prosper. Fortunately, reversing the "climate" can support the favorable treatment that the doctor can also successfully treatdisease alone.

Lifestyle plays an important role in the formation of all cancer cells, and changes in lifestyle to successfully treat cervical cancer, with or without treatment. The doctor can not agree with the argument that diet plays an important role in successful treatment. Some know this truth and not others.

If you are a mother and she has cancer, please go to meet their needs first. This may mean that children can go live with his grandmother for a 'time. This may mean that someone else do the laundry, shopping, cooking, etc that give you the attention that a successful recovery. the successful treatment of cancer is a project for the whole family.

As with any cancer, was first detected and treated, the greater the chances of success. Do not take anything for granted and visit often. Having a well planned diet is one of the keys to helping your bodyCancer> fighting nutrients. Feeding the body with vegetables and fruits rich in antioxidants such as acai berries and other alkaline substances will greatly benefit the rich. It is important to consult a doctor before starting any diet.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

The dangers of ovarian cancer revealed!

Many people do not realize that there is a strong possibility that you are suffering from ovarian cancer and not even know. This is because it is one of the most common cancers in circulation. One of every 55 women in the United States suffer from ovarian cancer and a large number of them are metastatic. Totally unaware of the symptoms of ovarian cancer in silence. Yes, there are many people who are under the impression that the cancer has to show howsome kind of dull, but you may be surprised to learn that many women do not recognize the symptoms of cancer in its early stages.

Please do not let this happen to you. Like any other cancer, ovarian cancer means that abnormal cells have begun to multiply in ovarian tissue. Therefore, there are some very subtle symptoms, you should be aware and take into account. These symptoms of cancer may give a clue that something is wrong with the ovaries or other parts of your body, for that matter ..

Remember that if the symptoms last more than 3 weeks, is absolutely essential to go see a doctor immediately. Cancer, when taken in very early can be cured and treated. Most of the time of treatment in the early stages, is a great success. And that is why it is imperative to recognize theseSymptoms>:

· Have you suffered from vaginal bleeding, sometimes, they have nothing to do with the menstrual cycle?
• Are you suffering from nausea and swelling?
· Been feeling pain during and after sex?
• No heaviness in the abdomen and pelvic region?
• There is an unexplained weight loss or weight gain in the last two weeks?
· You felt the need to urinate a lotoften?

One or all of these symptoms or signs of potential ovarian cancer may be due to an infection in the ovaries or in the worst case, the manifestation of ovarian cancer. Go to your doctor immediately and tell all about these symptoms. You will have a biopsy of ovaries, if needed, which means she's going to take some cells of the ovary and evidence for the presence of cancer cells. It s only after we can saythe presence of ovarian cancer, which is in the process, the extent to which it has spread (metastasized) and will recommend medications to control tumor growth and, hopefully, cure.

We would like to know some of the risk factors that can increase your chances of getting cancer. If there is a history of breast cancer in the family, you should look out for symptoms. Other than that, if you withOvarian cysts may be more likely to be vulnerable to ovarian cancer. These are just some of the risk factors that could predict the presence of ovarian cancer.

On the other hand, there are some actions that will reduce the likelihood of developing ovarian cancer. One of them is dysmenorrhea, which will suffer from severe pain in the uterus during the periods. Being a mother of twins or more than one child in childbirthis also a factor that will reduce the chances of developing ovarian cancer.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Ovarian Cancer: Symptoms, Risk Factors and How to Detect It

Cervical cancer symptoms

Today I will talk about a killer to many women. This is one of the cancers that threaten women's life because in many cases it is asymptomatic

Let's talk in brief about the "ovaries". The ovaries are glands present on the sides of the uterus. The ovary has 2 functions:

1. To produce hormones (oestrogen and progesterone)

2. During child-bearing period, it releases an egg monthly

After menopause, the ovary ceases to release eggs but continues to produce hormones but at a lower rate. This cancer occurs when cells in the ovary start to multiply and grow rapidly.

In many women who have ovarian cancer, there are no symptoms. And if there are symptoms, they are non-specific.

Symptoms include:

- Abdominal discomfort or fullness
- Dyspepsia
- Pelvic pain
- Constipation
- Back pain

Because the symptoms are non-specific, usually patients present when spread has occurred. That's why it is a "silent killer."

There are risk factors for ovarian cancer, such as:

- Low parity
- Delayed childbearing
- High fat diet

Genetics can play an important role. A gene known as BRCA 1 gene is associated with breast - ovarian cancer syndrome.

Our goal is to detect it as early as possible and that will be by doing a routine yearly pelvic examination in the pre-menopausal and post-menopausal women. Besides a periodic ultrasonography coupled with CA-125 can be used to screen ovarian cancer

Once diagnosed, the treatment options will depend on its type. There are many types of ovarian cancer and each one has it's treatment.

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Causes and Symptoms of Cervical Cancer

Cervical cancer symptoms

Cervical cancer attacks the cervix or cervical region caused by a viral infection of HPV (human papillomavirus) which did not recover in time. If the immune system decreases, the HPV infection will dangerous and can lead to cervical cancer.

The symptoms are not too visible at an early stage, that's why the beginning of cervical cancer HPV infection is considered as "The Silent Killer".

Some symptoms can be observed although not always an indication of HPV infection. Whitish or spend a bit of blood after intercourse is little sign of symptoms of this cancer. In addition, the foul-smelling yellowish fluid in the genital area can also be an indication of HPV infection. This virus can be transmitted from one patient to another and infect the person. Can be transmitted through direct contact and by sexual intercourse.

When there is this virus in a person's hand, then touching the genitals, the virus will move and can infect the cervical region or neck of your womb. Other modes of transmission are in the closet in a public toilet which has been contaminated by the virus. A cancer patient may use a closet, the HPV virus in patients who have moved into the closet. If you use it without cleaning it, it could be a virus and then switch to your genital area. Poor lifestyle a person can become supporting the increasing number of patients with this cancer. Smoking habits, consuming less vitamin C, vitamin E and folic acid may be the cause. If the consume nutritious foods will make the immune system can ward off increases and the HPV virus.

The risk of cervical cancer are women who have sex active since a very early age, which often change sex partners, or who have sex with men who like to switch pairs. Another factor is the use of oral contraceptives for long periods or was from families who have a history of cancer. Often, men who showed no symptoms of HPV infection that are spread to their partners. A man who had sex with a woman, who suffered from cervical cancer, will be the media of these virus carriers. Furthermore, when this man to have sex with his wife, the virus was able to move to his wife and to be infected.

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Ovarian Cancer: More Deadly Than Breast Cancer

Cervical cancer symptoms

A few years ago I was asked if I knew what the most deadly gynecologic cancer was and I answered "Well, breast cancer of course." Oh, how I was wrong. The American Cancer Society estimates that the average five year survival rate of breast cancer at any stage to actually be 89 percent. While no cancer is good that's a pretty good rate. The correct answer to the question is ovarian cancer, and its five year survival rate (estimated by the American cancer society) is only 46 percent. We need to find out why this cancer is so deadly.

Cancer is a dangerous and mysterious thing to people that don't know much about it. Well, everyone is made up of cells, cells are what make up tissue and tissue is what makes up our organs. Normally when a cell gets old and tired it dies just like we do and a new cell takes its place. Our body produces these new cells by growing and dividing healthy cells. Sometimes our body overproduces cells and this is when tumors (mass of tissue) are formed. These tumors aren't always cancer; when they are not they are called benign tumors. When they are cancer they are call malignant; these are the ones that can be life-threatening. Both types of tumors can be removed but the cancerous ones are more likely to grow back and only they also can spread to different parts of your body. When this happens the cancer cells are breaking away from the original tumor and entering the blood stream to use it like a highway to travel around your body. When the cancer cells spread like this it's called metastasis and the cancer can start to go new tumors. If these cells reach any of your organs and start to go new tumors and this is when damage can be done.

They call it ovarian cancer because the tumor first starts at the ovaries and is made up of over productive ovarian cells. The ovaries are part of the women's reproductive system and are attached to the uterus by the fallopian tubes. When a malignant tumor starts to grow these areas can also be affected because of their close proximity to the ovaries. When this tumor starts to shed cancer cells the cells typically go to the abdomen first because it's closest to where the reproductive system is located. Then as I said before the cancerous cells can start to affect your lymph nodes and enter your blood stream to travel to different organs.

Ovarian cancer is so deadly because it's very hard to detect. Every year more than 14,600 women die from ovarian cancer in the United States. This may not seem like a lot when you think of all the billion people that live here but when about 20,000 women are diagnosed with ovarian cancer each year that number seems like a lot. So this means that on average 7 out of 10 women will die from this disease and this is all because it is so hard to detect. In order to detect it you have to know what the symptoms are. The most common symptoms are pain in the abdomen, pelvis, back or legs because of where the cancer is located in your body. You can also have a swollen or bloated abdomen because it can fill up with fluids. You will also feel very tired all the time and would have some nausea, indigestion, gas, constipation, or even diarrhea. Some less common symptoms would be shortness of breath, the urge to urinate often, and unusual vaginal bleeding. Now these are pretty general symptoms and many other disease or illnesses can cause them and that's why it's so hard to detect because ovarian cancer is not typical the very first thing we think of when we have one or more of these symptoms.

Most women would think if there was a problem that it would show up on their Pap test which is a once yearly screening that women get from their doctor. However, a Pap test is only screening for cervical cancer and it cannot be used to diagnose ovarian cancer. When women do go in to your doctor for the Pap test he or she should be doing a pelvic exam as well, during this they will feel your ovaries and organs in close proximity for any lumps or changes in shape and/or size. More often than not the doctors will not be able to feel a tumor until they are a substantial size. This is why we look to other testing as well as the pelvic exam to diagnose this cancer. If women who have abdominal bloating or pain and would go to the doctor, they may check your abdomen for fluid buildup. If they some find some a sample can be taken to test for ovarian cancer cells as part of the diagnoses. There is also blood testing where your doctor would check your CA-125 level to see if it is high. The CA-125 is a substance that is found on the surface of the ovarian cancer cells but also on some normal tissue, this is why a high level might indicate cancer. Unfortunately this test cannot be used as the only test for diagnosing ovarian cancer. It is mainly used for monitoring a woman that has already been diagnosed and is going through treatment or as an early detection for the return of cancer after treatment has been completed. The next way to get diagnosed is by having an ultrasound done. There are two different types of ultrasounds that can be done; the first is the less invasive of the two. This is where they take the ultrasound device and press it up against your abdomen and the sound waves that it produces bounce off the organs to produce a picture for us to see. By using this they would be able to get a picture of the ovaries to see if there was a tumor or any abnormalities. The second type of ultrasound they can do is a transvaginal ultrasound and it does the same things as the regular one however this device is inserted into the vagina for a much better view of the ovaries. The last test to help diagnose this cancer is a biopsy. They will only do a biopsy if blood test and one of the ultrasounds have indicated that there may be a tumor. A biopsy is when they take a sample of tissue or fluid to look for cancer cells. Once they biopsy has been done a pathologist will look as the sample under a microscope for any cancer cells. If there are some found then they will be described as either grade 1, 2, or 3 and this is based off of how abnormal the cells look.

Once the doctors have determined that there are cancer cells present they have to determine what stage the disease is in before they can start any treatment. In order to find out what stage the cancer is in the doctor must know grade the tumor is which we discussed earlier and they also may need to run a series of more test such as a CT scan or a chest x-ray. The CT scan is where they would give you some contrast material and the machine would then take several pictures to get a clearer picture of your pelvis and abdomen to see any tumors or abdominal fluid. The chest x-ray is used to see if the cancer has spread to your lungs and if there is any fluid buildup there as well.

There are four stages of ovarian cancer; the first stage is called stage 1. Stage 1 is where cancer cells can be found on one or both ovaries or in abdominal fluid. Only 15 percent of the total women diagnosed have stage 1 and they have a 5 year survival rate of 93.8 percent (statistics). Stage 2 is where the cancer has spread to other reproductive organs such as the fallopian tubes and the uterus. It can also be found in abdominal fluid as well as other tissue in the pelvis area. The 5 year survival rate for stage 2 is 72.8 percent and only 17 percent of women diagnosed have this stage. Stage 3 is where the cancer has spread to the lymph nodes and can be also found on the outside of the liver. This is the most common stage that women are diagnosed (62 percent) with only a 28.2 percent survival rate or 5 years (statistics). The last stage is stage 4 and this is when the cancer can be found in the lungs or in any other organs. So, at this point it has traveled out of both the pelvic and abdominal areas. This has the lowest survival rate of 27.3 percent and the lowest percent of women diagnosed at 7 percent (statistics).

Once the doctor has determined what stage you are in you can start treatment accordingly. Most women will have surgery to remove cancer cells and also both ovaries and fallopian tubes, your uterus, any nearby lymph nodes, as well as the omentum which is a thin fat pad that covers the intestines. If you only have stage 1 sometimes the doctors will leave the uterus intact and only take one ovary and fallopian tube but this depends on your age and whether or not you would like to become pregnant and have children. If the cancer is one of the other stages (2, 3 or 4) then they might have to go in further and remove as much cancer as they possibly can. They can also do chemotherapy as a form of treatment. This is when "anticancer" drugs are given to kill the cancerous cell. The drugs can be given by either inserting them into the vein (IV), intraperitoneal (IP) which is given directly into the abdomen through a very thin tube, or by mouth via pill form (ovarian cancer 13). The side effects to the chemotherapy can be hair loss, vomiting, and diarrhea. This is because the drugs also harm normal cells, so it can damage your hair cells (hair loss) and the cells that line your digestive tract (vomiting and diarrhea) but it can also damage your blood cells and make your body bruise easier and you would be more susceptible to get infections because your blood cells are what help fight infections off.

As of right now we cannot explain why one women may develop this cancer and another will not but there are some women that are at higher risk. If you have any women in your family that has had ovarian cancer, specifically your mother, daughter, or sister you or a family member are at a higher risk. But, also if you or any other family members have had uterus, colon, rectum, or breast cancer you or a family member will be at a higher risk. Most women that are diagnosed with this disease are over the age of 55 and have never been pregnant. If you or a family member is at an increase risk you want to talk to your family member to make sure they are aware of these risks. Then I would encourage those at risk people to consult your doctor and see if anything can be done to make sure if you would so some signs of cancer, it could be detected early.

They may recommend genetic testing to see if you have a certain mutation of the BRCA 1 or BRCA 2 gene which has been linked to ovarian cancer and breast cancer. If you go and have this testing done you will have to provide a detailed family history and also give a blood sample. They will test they blood for mutations in your DNA, specifically looking at your BRCA 1 and 2 genes. When you get the results back they will let you know if they found a mutation and if they did you know that you for sure are at an increase risk. If they don't find a mutation they will still put you into an at risk category based on your family history. This testing has been very important in determining the links between certain mutations and ovarian cancer. The more data we can collect the better off we are on finding a connection.

The most important thing to remember is that this is the most deadly gynecologic cancer with very nonspecific symptoms, 15,000 women die from this cancer every year. If you or anyone you know are having any of these symptoms you should talk to them and encourage them to contact their doctor in hopes of early detection. The earlier the detection the better chances you or a family member has of not becoming one of the 15,000.

Friday, March 18, 2011

7 Tips to Prevent Cervical Cancer

Cervical cancer symptoms

Cervical cancer is a disease that is dangerous and frightening for women. Cervical cancer is preventable but still there are thousands if not millions of women in the world diagnosed with this disease. To avoid this disease there are several ways of prevention can be taken include:

1. Do the best inspection

Many cases of cervical cancers caused by HPV infection, is a type of virus that attacks through sexual intercourse. There are about 90% of HPV recover without treatment. Conversely, if not, will be potentially the formation of cancer cells.

To detect these cells, Pap smear examination is still the standard. But some research revealed that screening for HPV can more easily stop the cancer. If the HPV test results show positive, your doctor will consider more carefully about the changes in the cervix and remove precancerous cells that may exist.

2. Avoid Smoking

Cigarette smoke can weaken the body's defenses so that HPV infection can last longer in women who smoke compared with nonsmokers. Besides that, you must also belief smoking can cause other diseases that also harmful to health.

3. Use a lubricant intimate organs

Use of organs intimate lubricant made from carrageen an, a thickener compound derived from seaweed can stop the HPV survive in healthy cells.

4. Eat broccoli and their relatives

Plant compounds in broccoli, cauliflower and so may help the cells that are infected with HPV self-destruction. This method is very natural to kill cells that are not healthy, so reducing the risk of this disease.

5. Perform routine inspection Pap smear

Always consult with your doctor. There is a possibility you are advised to undergo examination Pap smear every year or every 3 years, depending on your risk factor for cervical cancer. Consult with your doctor in more detail about what you feel and the things that must be done to reduce the risk of this disease.

6. HPV Vaccine

HPV vaccine can help prevent this disease. For more details, ask your doctor to get more detailed information about the vaccine HPV.

7. Know more about cervical cancer

Find out information about cervical cancer; you can do this by looking for information on the Internet, newspapers, television or through forums, seminars and others. By knowing more about it, you will certainly understand how the ways to avoid and prevent this disease and may help your relatives or friends they are challenged to communicate to the dangers of this disease.

Thursday, March 17, 2011

How to Detect and Prevent Cervical Cancer

Thanks to widespread screening, the incidence of cervical cancer has decreased significantly. Pre-cancer lesions can be detected and removed before they become malignant. In 2010, approximately 12,200 patients are estimated to be diagnosed with cervical cancer in the United States. An estimated 4,210 will die of this disease.

Screening tests include either conventional Pap smear or liquid cytology, with or without HPV (human papilloma virus) DNA test. The current recommendations from the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists for normal-risk women are as follows:

1) Pap smear to start at age 21
2) < 30 years of age: every 2 years
3) > 30 years of age: every 3 years
4) Stop screening at age 65-70, after 3 normal tests during the last 10 years.

Screening is more frequent for high risk women. High risk conditions include previous cervical cancer, exposure to DES (diethylstilbestrol) as a fetus, and immunocompromised conditions (by organ transplantation drug, chemotherapy, steroids, or HIV). Please keep in mind that the screening recommendations above apply to "asymptomatic" patients. If you think that you have new symptoms, such as abnormal bleeding, unusual heavy discharge, pelvic pain, pain during urination, etc, discuss with your doctor.

With the recent development of vaccines, cervical cancer is now also a potentially preventable disease. The American Cancer Society recommends HPV vaccination for girls starting at age 11 up to 18. It is not yet clear whether vaccination for the age range of 19-26 is beneficial or not. The Gardasil vaccine prevents infection of four strains of HPV. Strains 16 and 18 cause 70% of cervical cancer cases and strains 6 and 11 cause 90% of genital warts cases. The Cervarix vaccine protects against HPV strains 16 and 18. Neither vaccine offers absolute prevention of all types of cervical cancer-causing HPV. Therefore, vaccinated women should still see their health care provider for routine cervical cancer screening. It should be noted that recently the FDA also approved the use of HPV vaccination for boys and men ages 9-26 for the prevention of genital warts.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Cervical Cancer Prevention Measures You Need to Take

Cervical cancer symptoms

The prevention of any illness can be primary or secondary. The previous involves taking action on the determinants of the illness to prevent it from occurring. The second involves the early detection of disease, followed by acceptable interventions to stop its progression.

there has been substantial media PR about the prevention of cervical cancer during the past half a year. Almost all of it has focused on the human papilloma pathogen ( HPV ) vaccine, which has been called a cervical cancer vaccine, though there isn't any such vaccine available anywhere in the world.

Cervical smears have led to a steady decline in the incidence and mortality of cervical cancer in developed countries which have introduced population wide screening programmes.

Yet cervical smears have scarcely been discussed in the media target cervical cancer prevention. This is despite the indisputable fact that only 43% of Malaysian women have ever had a cervical smear in their lives ( national Health and Morbidity Survey 2006 ) although cervical cancer is the second most typical cancer in women ( countrywide Cancer Registry 2003 ). There is an overuse of cervical screening by ladies who are younger and/or who are at low risk.

The beginning of cervical cancer begins with changes in the squamocolumnar junction of the cervix where the flat squamous epithelium of the exocervix meets the columnar epithelium of the endocervix. The proportion of the cell nucleus to the cell size is increased in the epithelium in the pre-cancer phase of the illness.

There is a correlation between the induction of these changes and HPV infection. The pre-cancer changes are called cervical intraepithelial neoplasia ( CIN ). CIN is graded as mild ( CIN 1 ), moderate ( CIN two ) or harsh ( CIN 3 ). The CIN moves on from mild to moderate to dreadful illness and then invasive cancer over seven to twenty years. There are customarily no symptoms during this progression, which can be perceived by cervical smears.

Cervical cancer has a pre-cancerous phase lasting about 7 to 20 years before the standard cells change to cancer cells. As the danger factors of cervical cancer are known, behavioral interventions can be brought to prevent its development.

Regular pelvic exams and cervical smears would detect most pre-cancerous changes in the cervix. With treatment, the development of aggressive cancer would be stopped. Even if there's aggressive cancer present, it is going to be perceived at an early, curable stage.

The cervical smear is a screening test that uncovers pre-cancerous cells. This enables doctors to refer those with unnatural changes in the cervix for further inquiry and treatment. It must be emphasized that the cervical smear isn't a diagnostic test.

It involves taking a small sample of cells from the cervix using a brush or spatula. The cells are placed on a glass slide or into a container and sent to the lab for minute examination.

Cervical smears are recommended for all women, although if the woman hasn't had sex. The likelihood of cervical cancer in such girls is thought to be low, but it can still occur. Regular pelvic exams and Pap smears should be done once sexual activity starts. The frequency would rely on the findings and the woman's risk profile.

The use of cervical smears in widespread population screening in many developed nations has ended in a marked decrease in the incidence of cervical cancer. It's critical that patients and/or their mom and pop are informed the vaccines provide cover against certain HPV types and not cervical cancer.There are a couple of vaccines available. One vaccine acts against 4 HPV types and the other against 2. They prevent development of the HPV infection. As HPV infection is a big risk allow for the development of cervical pre-cancer, vaccination would forestall some of its development.

Behavioral interventions have an important role to play and they are comparatively economical. Yet they don't seem to be given the same press as that of HPV vaccines. The misconception of many patients and/or their mom and pop that HPV vaccines are the wizardry bullets to get shot of cervical cancer needs to be addressed by health messages that reflect the actuality of cervical cancer prevention.

In short, there needs to be bigger stress by policy makers and healthcare execs on the proven systems of cervical smears and behavioral interventions if there is to be any important impact on reducing the incidence and mortality of cervical cancer.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Ovarian Cyst Cancer - How Do I Know?

Ovarian cyst cancer has always been difficult to detect as the presence of cysts seemed to not cause any physical symptoms, and so the cancer was often only discovered late into its development. The number 1 question on the mind of ovarian cysts sufferers is "Do I have cyst cancer?"

I'm glad to inform you that less than 1 in 10 of ovarian cysts is cancerous. In fact, the latest research has shown that cysts are often quite harmless. That been said it is vital for you to understand the particular type of cyst that you have to enable you to understand the likelihood of it being cancerous. So, if you think you have an cyst, please go see your doctor as only a doctor can tell you for sure if you do in fact have a cyst.

The most common types of cysts are little fluid filled sacs that form when the follicle that surrounds the egg either fails to dissolve after the eggs is released or fails to release the egg altogether. The likeliness of this happening is relatively high, considering how many eggs are contained within ovaries combined with a monthly release of egg during a woman's menstrual cycle. This will occur at least once in most women. This in itself is not something to worry about, as often the follicle will eventually dissolve without causing any harm.

However, if the follicle does not dissolve, it can cause complications, such as ovarian torsion. Ovarian torsion often causes discomfort and a lot of abdominal pain.

If you experience either of these, either the follicle not dissolving or letting the egg be released, rest assured that these problems can be easily treated and also they are not causes of cancerous cysts. At the end of this article I show you a natural treatment for these complications that is less intrusive than other forms of treatment.

The other types of cysts that are less common are ones that contain solid matter, commonly known as complex ovarian cysts. Let's be clear and state that while not all cysts that have solid material in them lead to ovarian cyst cancer, the presence of these solid materials does increase the chances that they might be cancerous.

These complex ovarian cysts are treated best through surgery as they can be completely removed. The surgical procedure used for this is 'laparoscopy'. This form of surgery is a type of minimally invasive surgery (MIS), also known as keyhole surgery, to cause as little disruption as possible through small incisions. However, if you have a complex cyst with a diameter of 2.5 inches/6 centimetres or larger, the laparoscopy procedure cannot be used and traditional abdominal surgery is required.

Thankfully, only a very small number of women suffer from ovarian cysts that can be classified as complex and therefore need surgical operations.

If you believe you may have a form of ovarian cyst, the most common symptoms women suffer from are;

pelvic or abdominal pain
trouble eating or feeling full quickly
urinary symptoms, such as urgent or frequently needing to go

These symptoms could easily be caused by things other than an ovarian cyst, however if any of the above occur suddenly, quickly become more severe, or are consistent over a long period of time then it is advisable to see your doctor as soon as possible as they can carry out further checks for cysts; the earlier the better.

Monday, March 14, 2011

Cervical Cancer and Disorders

Cervical cancer symptoms

Cervical Cancer is defined as a malignant growth of the cervical area. Vaginal bleeding may be indicative of this disease buy symptoms may not show themselves until advanced stages of this illness. Papsmear screening can indicate precancerous growths and speed up treatment and provide different options of treatment.

Human Papillomavirus (HPV) is an infection that is a factor in almost all cervical cancer cases. This disease is knows as the "common cold" of sexual transmitted infection and affects more than 80% of all sexually active adults, whether they have symptoms or not. Women or men who have many sexual partners are of greatest risk.

Genital Warts are also caused by various strains of HPV and are not relevant to this cancer, however it is possible to have multiple strains at the same time, those that cause warts and those that cause cervical cancer. The American Cancer Society deems that a patient must be infected with HPV to develop cervical cancer, but most women with this high risk HPV do not develop this disease. Use of condoms can reduce but does not always prohibit the contraction of this disease. Likewise, skin to skin contact with infected areas can spread the HPV virus.

Carcinogens from tobacco heightens the risk for many forms of cancer including cervical cancer and smoking doubles the risk to that of a nonsmoker. Low immune systems from not consuming the adequate amounts of fruits and vegetables is also another high risk group. Increasing these actually decreases the risk and/or the persistence of this disease.

Worldwide, this cancer is the twelfth most common cancer and the fifth most deadly cancer in women.

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Treated Cervical Cancer Which is Caused By HPV

Currently there is no proven treatment for HPV (Human Papillomavirus). For majority of people who have HPV, the body's defenses are enough to clear the virus. It is possible ti treat some of the possible consequences of HPV infection, including abnormal cervical cells, cervical cancer and genital warts.

Genital warts are flesh colored growth that are most often caused by certain types of HPV. Genital warts often appear on the external genital or near the anus of females and males. Less commonly genital warts can on the cervix. It is estimated that approximately 10% of men and women will have genital warts in their lifetime.

Genital warts often do not cause symptoms. In some cases however, they may cause burning, itching or pain. A healthcare professional can usually recognize genital warts just by seeing them. Sometimes they are discovered in follow up visits after an abnormal Pap test.

Genital warts sometimes disappear on their own without treatment. However, there is no way to tell if they will disappear or grow larger. A healthcare professional may choose to apply a special cream or solution to the warts. Alternatively, some genital warts can be removed by freezing, burning, or using a laser treatment. If these treatments don't work, they may be removed by surgery. There is a chance that genital warts can reappear after treatment since th HPV that caused them may still be present.

What are the options?

- Regular pap test.

- Abstinence from all sexual activity.

- Maintain monogamous relationship with someone who has had no other or few sex partners.

- Limit the number of partners you have and choose your partners carefully. The fewer partners your partner had, the less likely he or she is to have HPV.

- Condoms may help reduce but is not fully protective against infections.

- Vaccination with HPV vaccine.

The Pap test looks for cells changes caused by genital HPV. It finds cell changes early, so the cells can be treated before they turn into cancer. This test can also find cancer in its early stages so it can be treated before it becomes life threatening.

Currently vaccination is available to prevent HPV infection and may reduce the risk of cervical cancer and HPV related diseases caused by certain types of HPV. Ideally females should get the vaccine before they are sexually active. This is because the vaccine is most effective in women/girls who have not yet acquired any of the HPV types covered by the vaccine.

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Ovarian Cancer - It's Curable, But Women's Awareness is Very Low!

Do you ever experience any of the following?

* Bloating, abdominal swelling or loss of appetite

* Fatigue, indigestion or heartburn

* A change in toilet habit or unexplained weight change

* Constipation or diarrhoea

* Abdominal or back pain

* Irregular vaginal bleeding

* Pain with intercourse or poor bladder control

Anyone is likely to experience these symptoms from time to time. But for some women they may be the earliest indications of ovarian cancer.

The reason the fatality rate is as high as 50 per cent is that 70 per cent of women are diagnosed at such an advanced stage that successful treatment is difficult. If diagnosed and treated early, ovarian cancer is 90 per cent curable, but since most women's awareness of it is low, detection is often too late.

Some women believe their Pap smear will check for all gynaecological cancers, but it only checks for cervical cancer. There is no routine screening test for ovarian cancer, although your doctor may do an internal examination as part of the Pap smear and may be able to detect pelvic masses. However, early changes are unlikely to be detected.

An ultrasound can give a better idea of the state of the ovaries and a blood test which looks at tumor markers such as CA125, Inhibin or CEA can also help with diagnosis.

The risk factors of ovarian cancer are:

1. Increasing age. Around 80% of cases occur in women over 50.

2. A family history of ovarian, bowel, breast or uterine cancer.

3. Having never been pregnant or having had few pregnancies.

4. Having never taken the Pill.

5. Having had endometriosis.

6. Being overweight.

7. Having multiple exposures to fertility drugs.

8. Being of Ashkenazi Jewish descent.

9. Genital contact with talc or asbestos.

Ovarian cancer is not that common, so don't panic if you have any of these symptoms. However, if you experience any symptoms persistently for two weeks or more, you should consult your doctor.

Friday, March 11, 2011

Understanding Cervical Cancer

Cervical cancer is the second most common type of cancer in women worldwide. It is also one of the most preventable types of cancer.

Cervical cell changes are often caused by a sexually transmitted virus called the human papilloma virus or 'HPV'. Most HPV infections will clear on their own once the immune system has dealt with it,and not lead to cervical cancer. Often, a woman infected with HPV will never know that she has been infected.

When a woman goes for her annual Pap test, the changes in the cervix are detected. A doctor is not usually alarmed by slight changes, as this can be caused by irritation or inflammation of the cervix, and will recommend retesting in 6 months. If, however, the changes do not revert back to normal, further testing is required to deal with possible precancerous tissue.

As long as regular testing is done, precancerous cells can be removed usually with no long term problems for the patient. Thankfully, truly invasive cervical cancer takes years to develop, but it is best to have it treated as soon as possible for peace of mind, and to avoid complications down the road.

Call your doctor if you have any of the following symptoms, as they may be a symptom of cervical changes or cancer:

o Vaginal bleeding after sexual intercourse

o Pelvic pain

o Pain during sexual intercourse

o Unusual vaginal discharge

o Abnormal bleeding or spotting between menstrual periods

Do not be afraid to tell your doctor anything that concerns you. It is your body and you have a right to protect your health. They've heard it all before, please don't feel embarrassed!

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Early Signs of Cervical Cancer - Medical Science Article

The cervix is a part of female reproductive system. It is the narrow base of the uterus which connects the uterus with the vagina. During labor it dilates and the fetus passes from uterus to the vagina.

Early Cervical Cancer Signs:

The development of signs of cervical cancer takes place very gradually over a period of several years. The cells on the cervix change from normal to abnormal during this course. This change to abnormality is the first indication of cervical cancer. The abnormality of cells on surface of cervix can be of different types which include:

Dysplasia: This is a term used in pathology to refer an abnormality in maturation of cells in tissue. Usually it is increase in immature cells and corresponding decrease in number and location of mature cells. In cervix cancer this occurs only in the mucosal surface but does not invade through basement membrane to reach the deeper tissues. Hence it is called 'Epithelial dysplasia'.

Squamous intraepithelial lesions: The cervix is made up of squamous epithelial cells. Sometimes these cells appear very atypical under microscope. This condition is called squamous intraepithelial lesions (SIL). This can be either low-grade SIL where the abnormality of cells is less and cells appear almost normal or else it can be high-grade SIL where the abnormality of cells is very mature. This sign indicates high risk of cervix cancer and sometimes referred to as 'carcinoma insitu'

Pre cancerous changes of cervix don't usually produce symptoms and thus remain undetected unless a PAP test is performed along with pelvic exam.

PAP test: PAP smears are best screening technique for evaluating the cells on the cervix. These test results which can be categorized into 5 classes, indicate the presence of cancerous and precancerous cells in cervix.

Class I: This depicts that the cells are normal and no scope of cervical cancer at present.
Class II: It indicates presence of inflammation and irritation of cervical cells.
Class III: This shows that true cervical epithelial dysplasia is present which can range from mild to severe.
Class IV: This says that cervical cancer is most possible as it reflects the presence of carcinoma insitu.
Class V: Invasive cervical signs are present in this class of results.

Class II and Class III results suggest taking a second opinion before blindly rushing to surgical methods. Because the cause of cervical dysplasia can be more common one like viral infection by HPV( Human papilloma virus), unwanted sex, progesterone deficiency spermicide, estrogen dominance, oral contraceptives, tampons or condoms.

Normally early cervix cancer doesn't produce any signs. So, in many cases it remains undiagnosed. This factor leads to advancement of cancer indicated by vaginal bleeding after intercourse, pelvic pain, bleeding between periods which may become harmful and finally to fatally dangerous. Because of this the women are advised to undergo regular checkups starting when slightest of signs first occur.

So the knowledge on the signs of cervical cancer and regular PAP tests are needed to identify it at early stages preventing its progress to perilous stages.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Serious Cervical Cancer Stages and Treatments

Serious cases of cervical cancer can be successfully treated, although it is best to catch cervical cancer early. The best way to do this is with regular, routine and periodic paps tests. In the invasive stage more drastic measures need to be taken to stop the spread of cancer and even in this case if the cancer has not moved beyond the cervics there is nearly a 90% rate of survival. Forty years ago we couldn't say that, so things have come along way. By getting paps tests abnormal cells are found early and removed or treated very easily.

There are many ways used to treat later stage cervical cancer. Hysterectomy surgery in the invasive stages is one of the more popular ways to treat cervical cancer and is used often inn younger women, because it preserve the ovaries. Hysterectomy removes the uterus and cervix thus removing the cancer in the process. Hysterectomies in more serious cases include removing part of the vagina, cervix, uterus as well as any lumph nodes in the region.

Radical trachelectomy can be another method used to preserve fertility, this would remove the cervix and lower part of the uterus, but the rest of the uterus is left for bearing the fetus. Lymph nodes are also removed in the pelvis and there is further surveillance to see if cancer has spread. Chemotherapy anti cancer drugs can also be used to enter the patients bloodstream which can increase the effects of radiation to treat cervical cancer. Radiation treatment is also possible to shrink the tumors killing the cancer cells. This prevents the cancer cells from reproducing.

The less serious cases are treated with a simple hysterectomy or radical trachelectomy, which would first choice in invasive stages. Sometimes in later stages a combination of any of these will be used. If you have periodic paps tests you can prevent this level of treatment and even if you have to go through any of these levels of treatment you most likely will end up a cancer survivor like Lance Armstrong. So talk with your doctor, stay informed, do your own research and think on this.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Cervical Cancer: Is It Deadly?

Cervical cancer symptoms

Cervical cancer is a malignant tumor that is formed in the cervix- a female's reproductive organ which connects the uterus and vagina. Usually, it is considered as a slow-growing tumor that may not have signs and symptoms at first but can be detected by regularly having Pap Tests, a procedure in which cells are scraped from the cervix and viewed under a microscope. It is mainly caused by a virus known as human papillomavirus or HPV and it can be of two types.

The squamous cell carcinoma which arises in the squamous epithelial cells that line in the cervix.
Adenocarcinoma which arises in the glandular epithelial cells.

Cervical Cancer Facts:

There are certainties about this type of cancer.

It is one of the most preventable of all types of cancer.
Getting a cervical smear test every three years is a woman's best way of protection. There is also a vaccine available, ask your doctor about it.
It cases are caused by the Human Papillomavirus.
It is said that about 90 percent of all cancer of the cervix cases are caused by human papillomavirus or HPV which is a common sexually transmitted infection that almost all people can acquire at some point in their existence.
Only a persistent infection caused by four kinds of HPV if left untreated turns into cervical cancer.
There are numerous of HPV types but only a persistent infection triggered by four kinds of HPV is to turn into cancer of the cervix if the infection is left untreated.
There are several symptoms of this type of cancer.
Symptoms include bleeding or spotting between and after menstrual periods and after sexual intercourse, persistent pain in the pelvis and pain during intercourse and vaginal discharge that changes color, may be heavy, and with a filthy odor.
Treatment depends on the stage of the cancer.
Treatments depend on the stage of the cancer. This may include surgery, radiation therapy, and chemotherapy.

Monday, March 7, 2011

Risk Factors of Cervical Cancer

Today, we are going to discuss some of the risk factors of cervical cancer. They are many that it will not be possible for us to exhaust all of them, but let us see how far we can go today.

1) HUMAN PAPILLUM VIRUS INFECTION (HPV): This is the most important of all the risk factors associated to the cancer of the cervix. Doctors believe that before a woman can develop cervical cancer, she must have been infected by HPV. Some types of this HPV are classified as "high risk" because they are the main causes of cervical cancer. These types include HPV 6, HPV 18, HPV 31, HPV 35, and HPV 45 and many other. About two-thirds of all cervical cancers are caused by HPV 16-18.

2) SMOKING: Women who smoke are more likely to get cervical cancer than women who don't smoke. Smoking exposes the body to many cancer-causing chemicals that affects not only the lungs, but other parts of the body. The lungs will first of all, absorb these harmful substances, and later transfer it into the blood stream throughout the body. The by-products of tobacco have been found in the cervical mucus of women who smoke. These substances damage the DNA of the cervix cells and may equally lead to the development of cervical cancer.

3) IMMUNOSUPPRESSION: Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) is the virus that causes AIDS. This virus damages the immune system of the body completely and makes women to be more at risk for HPV infection. This is one of the causes of increased risk of cervical cancer in women with AIDS. The immune system is very important in destroying cancer cells, and slowing down their growth and spread. A cervical pre-cancer is likely to develop into an invasive cancer faster in women with HIV.

4) CHLAMYDIA INFECTION: This is a very common bacterium that can infect the reproductive system. The spread is mainly through sexual contact. Women whose blood tests show past or present Chlamydia infection are at a higher risk of cervical cancer, as against women with normal test results. This type of infection often shows no symptoms in women. Unless a woman goes for the examination of her pelvic region, she may not know that she is infected of Chlamydia. When this stays long in the body, it leads to pelvic inflammation, which also leads to infertility.

5) DIETS: Diets low in fruits and vegetables can increase the risk of cervical cancer. Also, overweight can equally lead to cervical cancer.

6) BIRTH CONTROL PILLS: The usage of birth control pills for a long time increases the risk of cervical cancer in women. The longer these pills are used, the risk goes up, and goes down after it is stopped.

7) MULTIPLE PREGNANCIES: Women with many full time pregnancies have an increased risk of the cancer of the cervix. This may be because some of these women may have been exposed to unprotected sexual acts which have therefore exposed them to HPV infection. This is because the immune system of the pregnant woman is weak, which allows for HPV infection/ cancer growth.

8) LOW SOCIO-ECONOMIC STATUS: Many women with low income don't have access to adequate health care services, including pap tests, and the implication of this is that they will not be screened or treated for pre-cancerous cervical diseases.

9) FAMILY HISTORY: Cervical cancer runs in some families. If your mother or sister has cervical cancer, your risk of developing this disease is higher. Women from the same family as a patient already diagnosed of cervical cancer may be more likely to have one or more of the other non-genetic risk factors previously described in this section.

I will love to hear what are your own views or opinions on this post.

Sunday, March 6, 2011

What Are the Symptoms of Cervical Cancer?

Cervical Cancer is the leading cancer that affects a feminine reproductive system. It is highly associated to a sexually transmitted infection called human papillomavirus (HPV). Various strains of this infection play a huge role in the occurrence of cervical cancer. The HPV virus is usually contained by the woman's immune system and does not easily cause harm. This is not the case in all women since in some the virus is able to withstand and start converting some normal cervical cells to cancer cells. The cervix which links the vagina and the uterus of a woman starts to develop atypical cells on its superficial layer also called the cervical dysplagia. When it is left untreated it spreads to other cells of the cervix. This is usually the beginning of a well dreaded disease by many. On a brighter note it is important to note that one can have a pap smear done and get vaccinated against cervical cancer.

There are several factors that increase chances of getting cervical cancer. Since HVP is sexually transmitted, most of these factors are sexual related and include having multiple sexual partners, having a partner with multiple partners, having sex at an early age and HIV/AIDs. Some nonsexual factors include smoking and taking some medications.

Early cervical cancer has no visible or describable symptoms but as it grows, one starts to note some observable symptoms. One of the major one includes abnormal bleeding. This abnormal bleeding may manifest itself in many different forms which include bleeding which occurs in between an ordinary menstrual cycle, bleeding after a sexual encounter, a pelvic examination or douching. It may also manifest itself in extremely long and very heavy menstrual cycle- heavier than a normal heavy bleeding. One may also experience menstrual-like bleeding when they have cervical cancer. Abnormal bleeding is its most recognizable symptoms and one should always consult a medical doctor as soon as one notices something abnormal about their bleeding.

Apart from abnormal bleeding, there are other possible ways that it may manifest itself which include increased virginal discharge and pain during intercourse and pain in the pelvic part of the body.

In its earlier stages, it can be treated through several methods. One who has symptoms of this form of cancer should see a medical professional for a pap smear or HPV test and other advanced tests will be done which includes coloscopsy and biopsy. The best way to control this disease is prevention. This means that ever woman should have a pap smear done within the first two years of sexual activity and should not wait later than 21 years of age. There are different methods of treating this cancer which include vaccination against HPV, LEEP process where electrical current is used in the elimination of abnormal cancerous cells or even cryosurgery which involves killing cancerous cells by freezing them. It is important that when you get any manifestations that are similar or close the above mentioned cervical cancer symptoms you should go to a qualified medical professional for instructions.

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Ovarian Cancer Stages

Ovarian cancer is deemed to be the most deadly gynaecological cancer and is the fifth leading cause of cancer related deaths is the United States. Claiming close to some 15,000 lives each year, it is one form of cancer difficult to recognize because it displays no symptoms till it has advanced to a very high level. Ovarian cancer stages are dependent on the size and spread of the tumor inside the body. The further treatment of ovarian cancer is dependent on which stage it has progressed to. To classify stages, doctors take help of a simple rating system from 1 to 4. Stage I is the lowest on scale whereas Stage IV is close to being fatal and is the highest on the scale. Other than that, there are also borderline tumors.

A borderline tumor consists of low grade cancerous cells which have just started growing and multiplying. These have not yet affected the ovary in any way by growing into or damaging the ovarian tissue around them. This is not considered to be a bonafide ovarian cancer stage but is still treated as one with surgery. Stage I of the disease means that it has spread to the ovaries. This may be limited to one ovary or could be present in both ovaries. A further form of stage I shows up if the cancer has spread to the surface of the ovary or found inside of the abdomen during surgery. For stage I of ovarian cancer, surgery is the most effective way to dealing with it and preventing any sort of recurrence.

Ovarian cancer stage II usually means that the cancerous cells have spread from the ovary to the fallopian tube and/or uterus. A further form of stage II occurs when the cancer moves on to the pelvic region and cancerous tissue is seen in the rectum and bladder of the body as well. After which we come to stage III, where the cancer has definitely spread from the ovary to the abdominal region and can also be seen in the lymph nodes around the womb, crotch region and the upper part of the abdomen. The growths start becoming larger in size, measuring close to 2 cm and above, present in the lining of the abdominal cavity and causing many abdominal problems. These two stages usually call for chemotherapy to supplement the surgery done to remove as much cancer as possible from the body.

At the top is the ovarian cancer stage IV. This is the last stage of growth and often fatal for the patient. Survival rates at this point of treatment are pretty low and life expectancy after recovery is not very high. The treatment itself for this stage can be quite risky, especially for elderly women. At this stage, the cancer has spread from the ovaries and the abdomen to other parts of the body like the liver and lungs. After reaching here, radiation therapy is the best treatment available for the patients but is very dangerous for the elderly. A combination of surgery, chemotherapy and radiation is used at this point, often enough effectively.

Friday, March 4, 2011

HPV and Cervical Cancer - How Much Do You Really Know?

Cervical cancer symptoms

"I wanna be one less, o-n-e-l-e-s-s!" Is this song permanently lodged in your brain? Do the words "Tell Someone" have new meaning? You have pharmaceutical company Merck to thank. These slogans are from its commercials aiming to raise awareness about the link between HPV and cervical cancer and Merck's HPV vaccine, Gardasil.

Before this connection was discovered, we didn't know what caused cervical cancer and the only way to know you had it was through a pap test. Kim, 43, was diagnosed with cervical cancer in 1993. Throughout her treatment, there was no mention of HPV and it wasn't until years later (after beating the cancer) that she realized the cause. "I didn't even know HPV caused cervical cancer until I saw those commercials; my doctor didn't even tell me when I had it," Kim says. "I had never even heard of HPV until the commercials and I read an article about it and said, 'Oh, I guess that's what I had.'"

Many women don't know much about HPV until it affects them, even though as many as 80 percent will acquire HPV at some point in their lives.

In a 2005 Health Information National Trends Survey, only 40 percent of women respondents had heard of HPV and less than 20 percent knew it could lead to cervical cancer. Think back to 2005, before the commercials worked into your consciousness, how much did you know about HPV? Probably nothing, which is scary, considering about 10 women die from cervical cancer in America everyday, according to the American Cancer Society.

There are women who develop cervical cancer who have only had one partner and women who have had several partners. Discovering the link between a virus and cervical cancer is extraordinary, but it shouldn't lead people to believe those who develop cervical cancer were reckless with their sexual health. Here are some facts about HPV and cervical cancer the 30 second TV commercials don't include-but you should know:

1. What are the ways I can get HPV? HPV can be contracted through almost any sexual contact, sometimes even oral sex. Condoms decrease the risk by about 70 percent, but since any genital contact can spread HPV, the skin not covered by a condom puts you at risk. Most people with HPV show no symptoms. This means that practically anyone-from your husband to your one-night-stand-could pass along HPV.

2. What strains of HPV cause cervical cancer? There are about a hundred different types of HPV, but only a few cause cancer. Most cases will clear up on their own with no treatment. Gardasil protects against types 16 and 18, which cause about 70 percent of cervical cancer cases, and types 6 and 11, which are responsible for about 90 percent of genital warts cases.

3. How can I protect myself against HPV and cervical cancer? Condoms can help protect against HPV and the Gardasil vaccine will be a big help against it as long as you don't already have the strains that cause cervical cancer.

The American Cancer Society outlines other risk factors for catching HPV and developing cervical cancer as well. They include smoking (which weakens your immune system), having sex at an early age, many sexual partners, a partner who has had many partners, sex with uncircumcised males, HIV or Chlamydia, poor diet or family history of cervical cancer. Doctors say women will not develop cervical cancer without first contracting HPV, so the best line of defense is to not get HPV at all.

4. What's the deal with the HPV vaccine? Gardasil was approved by the FDA for girls aged 9-26. They recommend getting vaccinated before you're sexually active, since the longer you wait the more likely it is that you'll already have HPV. The vaccine is given as three separate shots over six months and costs $360, not including the cost of the doctor's office visit. Most insurance companies cover the costs, but check before you are vaccinated. Merck also has a plan for qualified women to be vaccinated for free. So if you're uninsured or your insurance doesn't cover it, talk to your doctor about this program. Many Planned Parenthood centers also carry Gardasil and the price will depend on your insurance coverage.

5. I'm over 26, can I still get vaccinated? As of right now, Gardasil is only approved for women aged 9-26, so your insurance company most likely won't cover it if you are older than 26. Further testing is being done for other age groups so in the future that might be expanded. Talk to your doctor if you are over 26 and still interested in being vaccinated to find out if he or she will vaccinate you.

6. I already have HPV, so Gardasil won't help me, right? Actually, there are many strains of HPV, so, even if you know you already have it, talk to your doctor because you can still get protection from the other cancer-causing strains with Gardasil.

7. I'm only sleeping with one person. I don't need to be vaccinated, do I? It's not a bad idea. It's entirely possible that your husband or boyfriend could pass HPV on to you from a previous relationship. Also, I know we hate to think of these possibilities, but Gardasil can be helpful if your partner cheats on you or if you are raped by someone with HPV.

8. What's the downside to Gardasil? There are some negatives to this vaccine that you should consider. First, there may be side effects such as pain or swelling where you were injected, nausea, fever or dizziness. However, the side effects are pretty rare. Also, since the vaccine doesn't protect against all types of cervical cancer, you still have to get regular pap tests (so no saying goodbye to your yearly gyno appointments). Gardasil also does not protect against any other STDs, so protection is still very necessary during sex and it will not clear up an existing infection of HPV or cervical cancer. The high cost of the vaccine can also be a problem so be sure to talk to your insurance company and doctor to find out how much it will cost before you're injected.

In the end, it's up to you to weigh the pros and cons of the HPV vaccine, but hopefully now you can do so with a little more information than a Tell Someone commercial provides.

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Treatments and Signs of Cervical Cancer

For a layman, the easiest definition of cervical cancer is that it is a cancer of cervix (the opening of the uterus that is connected to the vagina). This cancer, like all other cancers, has different stages. During the initial stage, the cells transform into something and this process is known as dysplasia. Abnormal cells take formation in the cervix and then they begin to multiply and spread in the area. It is one of the commonest types of cancers that attack females.

Signs of Cervical Cancer

It should be remembered that noticeable symptoms may occur only after the cancer reaches its dangerous stage. Following are some of the commonly noticeable signs that may occur:

-Pain during sexual intercourse or pain in the pelvic region
-Bleeding from vagina between periods
-Discharge from vagina, which is not normal
-Menstrual cycle extension in terms of duration and even heavy periods
-Bleeding after the menopause

Some of the Possible Treatments

These treatments can only help if the cancer is diagnosed at an early stage.

If not much damage has been done, then doctors focus on removing that area where the abnormal cell growth has occurred. This can be done through a number of latest scientific ways such as laser surgery, loop electrosurgical excision procedure, cone biopsy, and cryosurgery.

If the cancer has grown much and is invasive, then the treatment and its duration will depend on the stage when it is detected. Some of the options include radiotherapy, chemotherapy and hysterectomy.


-Avoid HPV infection by not forming any sexual contact with the infected person
-HPV vaccination can offer a great prevention from this cancer
-Use routine PAP test to diagnose it at its earliest (this should be done frequently after you turn 21 years of age).

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Get to Know Cervical Cancer Symptoms and Treatment

Do you know that "Cervical cancer" is one of the most silent and most dangerous diseases that may encounter by women? It is because of the unnoticeable symptoms that is just mimicking to the other ailments. Many women just ignore the symptoms for they have know that it is just a simple ovulation pain, but there is a big risk, cancer will just directly appear if it is complex. Cervical cancer does not usually show it's symptoms until the cancer is advanced and has spread out. These are the possible symptoms of the cervical cancer that a woman may notice:

Abnormal bleeding: there is abnormal bleeding of vagina and during the month the bleeding can be heavy or light. And the changes of vaginal bleeding can be noted that it is one of the signs of cervical cancer.

Unusual heavy discharge: the boost of vaginal discharge is one of the symptoms of this cancer. There is a foul smell of it and it contains watery and very thick mucus that is not normal and can be observed directly.

Pelvic pain: it is not interrelated to the normal cycle of menstrual that there could be a mild or severe pain that a woman may suffer. In which the pain that a woman suffers is so painful, from dull ache to sharp pain, and can be more dangerous if it is not associated with your menstrual period.

Pain during Urination: it is the bladder infection in which, there is pain during urination or bladder pain and could be more risky if the cancer is spreading out in the bladder.

Bleeding between regular menstrual periods, after sexual intercourse, from douching or pelvic exam: The irritation of the cervix and the bleeding will occur directly after doing sex and will also occur during douching. In menstrual periods which could cause severe cervical infection that would cause this cancer.

Cervical cancer starts on the surface of the cervix which is in the cells and there are two types of cells in the surface of the cervix: the columnar and the squamos. Most of the occurrences of cervical cancer are in the squamos cells. The cervical cancer usually develops very slowly and starts with "dysplasia" which is the precancerous condition. Dysplasia can be detected easily by a Pap smear and is 100% proven treatable. The undetected precancerous condition would develop into a cancer and may spread to the bladder, lungs, liver, and intestines.

Cervical cancer is almost caused by HPV (human papilloma virus). It is an ordinary virus that is widely spread through sexual intercourse. These are caused by having sex at an early age, having multiple sexual partners that participate in high-risk sexual activities and having weak immune system and poor economic status.

The cervical cancer can be cured by devastating and taking away the precancerous tissue. There many ways of surgeries without removing the uterus or damaging the cervix in order to still have children for the future.

Surgery types of early cervical cancer:

Laser therapy - it is the use of light to burn abnormal tissue.

LEEP (loop electrosurgical excision procedure) - it is the use of electricity in order to remove abnormal tissue.

Cryotherapy - it will freeze the abnormal cells.

Surgery types for advanced cervical cancer:

Hysterectomy - the removal of the uterus but will not get the ovaries and may be done by women that who have repeatedly undergo to LEEP procedures.

Radiation therapy - it is to treat cancer that has spread out into the pelvis, or cancer that have returned. It is either external or internal.

Chemotherapy - the use of drugs for exterminating cancer.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Can Ovarian Cysts Cause Cancer?

Cervical cancer symptoms

Can ovarian cysts cause cancer? This is a common question many women ask, especially those who have been diagnosed with having ovarian cysts, or even those who merely suspects they have ovarian cysts. If this question concerns you, let's clarify something now: ovarian cysts are very common and affect most women of child bearing age. However, they are mostly harmless and experts estimate only about 15 cases out of a whopping 100,000 (that's only about 0.015%) cases of ovarian cysts turn into cancers.

Although the percentage is rather small, it must also be noted that cancerous ovaries tend to hide any symptoms until they are larger. This makes it very important for women to check with their doctors early if they suspect that something is amiss. It is also a very good practice to have annual pelvic examinations as this will allow your doctor or gynecologist to detect any ovarian cysts, polycystic ovaries and even possible cancers early.

One of the tests that doctors use to determine whether an ovarian cyst is cancerous is a blood test called the CA-125 test. However, it is important to note that sometimes, some cancer growths in the ovaries do not produce enough CA-125 to be detected by this test so it is not foolproof. And even if CA-125 is detected, it may be also caused by other non-cancerous health conditions.

In some cases, not only can ovarian cysts cause cancer,they can also cause other possibly life threatening complications, especially if they develop further into PolyCystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS). These complications may take the following forms:

1. Cardiovascular disease - linked to insulin resistance, decreased fibrinolysis, increased C-reactive protein levels and increased carotid intimal thickness.

2. Diabetes - linked to insulin resistance and exhaustion of the pancreas.

3. Pregnancy related problems - linked to hypertension and pre-eclampsia.

4. Elevated LDL - bad cholesterol.

5. High blood pressure.

So, to recap: Can ovarian cysts cause cancer? Yes it can, but it is relatively rare. Cancer, as well as ovarian cysts and PCOS have been linked to an imbalanced lifestyle where people are over-stressed at work, eating the wrong kinds of food and practically living a life where their bodies are continuously challenged to maintain its balance. Practitioners of holistic healing and natural living believe that it is when this balance is lost that disease and health complications arise. To complement your current healthcare, you may want to explore natural remedies to reduce or prevent the occurrence of ovarian cysts, PCOS and cancerous cysts.
