
Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Cervical cancer treatment options abroad

Understanding Cervical Cancer

A form of cancer that affects the cervix (ie, part of the female reproductive system) is a slow growing cancer, usually caused by infection with Human Papilloma Virus. Other predisposing factors include early sexual activity, multiple sexual partners, long-term use of oral contraceptives, infection with sexually transmitted diseases and smoking. Pap smear, a screening testdetection of cervical cancer, it is recommended among sexually active women. To confirm the diagnosis by colposcopy, punch biopsy or cone of cervical tissue is made. other imaging techniques such as computerized tomography, or PET X-rays can be used to assess the extent of metastasis and stage of tumor growth.

Surgery Cervical Cancer

The only surgical treatment option depends on the stage and location of the tumor.There are different forms of treatment available, which include hysterectomy (removal of uterus and cervix), radical hysterectomy (removal of uterus, cervix, vagina and surrounding lymph nodes), pelvic exenteration (removal of the cervix, uterus , vagina, ovaries, lymph nodes, lower colon, rectum and bladder). Cryosurgery and laser surgery are the options that are available for pre-cancerous conditions and smaller tumors.

Chemotherapy and radiotherapytreatment

In the case of metastatic spread beyond the cervix, and when surgery is not considered adequate to eliminate chemotherapy and radiation therapy is recommended. The treatment is also given before (neoadjuvant) and after (adjuvant) surgery to improve surgical outcomes. Both treatments were accompanied by several side effects as hair loss, fatigue, nausea, loss of appetite, weight loss and increased susceptibility to infections,diarrhea and dysuria.

Treatment Options for Cervical Cancer abroad

With the rapid evolution of technology, international quality standards and protocols for medical and surgical care, and international accreditation from JCI and ISO Jach, countries like India, South Korea, Turkey, Jordan and Mexico have won the reputation of the main destinations for the treatment of treatment of cervical cancer. Low cost of treatment and the huge cost savingsopportunities has led to an increase in the number of U.S. patients considering traveling abroad to seek high-quality care at low cost

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