
Saturday, April 30, 2011

The symptoms of ovarian cancer - the 10 warning signs women should know

Cervical cancer symptoms

Most women diagnosed with underlying conditions, was alarmed to learn that ovarian cancer. This example may be because the information is wrong and what is called "the silent murderer." Many are experiencing bowel syndrome, stress and depression, but a misdiagnosis. The early warning signs are worse with digestive disorders and occur after eating certain foods. Do not let that happen. Is there something you can do to improveprognosis as before.

Here are some clinical research, which most of the symptoms:

Feeling of fullness and pressure in the abdomen
urinary urgency or frequent urination
Pelvic pain or discomfort
digestive disorders and changes in bowel movements
unexplained loss of appetite and nausea
Fatigue or tiredness most of the time
Shortness of breath that affect breathing passage.
Low back pain
Changes in menstrual flow and abnormal vaginal bleeding
Unusual pain during intercourse

These signs may be symptoms of other health problems that are not very serious. However, it is important to consult a doctor if there is any suspicion, as the pressure in the abdomen for over three weeks now. Early detection is the best opportunity to treat any type of gynecological cancer. Routine annual review should be taken into account. After the tests were carried out as a bimanual rectovaginal examination (by inserting afinger into the vagina to feel the bumps), transvaginal ultrasound (using sound waves that reflect the image of the body) and CA-125 test. CA-125 is a protein found in the human body and the levels of the cancer cells often produced.

The saddest thing is that there is no comprehensive resource available today, the fact remains that most women are diagnosed with end results of a mortality rate much higher. Recent studies show that half the proportion of women who took three months to supportpain before consultation with doctors and 11% in one year. Denial swallowed people to accept the fact that a mere indication of their health status may lead to signs of a deadly cancer.

Health News Journal has reported that based on these signs alone is unreliable in detecting disease earlier. According to Mary Rossing, a member of the Epidemiology Program at the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center, the indications are limited. In a study of 100 women whose sensibility the same symptoms, only one ovarian cancer in early stage. On the other hand, American Cancer Society says that nine out of ten women who have been detected in vivo shortly after the first 5 years of diagnosis and only 20% of the population in general are separately shortly.

This is an ongoing challenge for research to identify and determine the exact causes of this disorder. To resolve this problem, in 2007, American> Cancer Society, Gynecologic Cancer Foundation and the Society of Gynecologic Oncologists issued a statement that doctors should pay more attention to the simple signs of ovarian cancer and to conduct more comprehensive screening techniques.

Friday, April 29, 2011

About cervical cancer

Cervical cancer symptoms

Cervical cancer develops from pre-cancerous condition called dysplasia. It begins in the cervix, the lower a woman's womb or uterus. The vast majority of cases of cervical cancer are caused by human papilloma virus, known as HPV. If untreated, it slowly spreads to other body parts literally take years to do so, in most cases. People with cervical cancer usually do not care about ituntil it has spread to other parts of the body.

The symptoms of cervical cancer are:

* Continuous discharge of the vagina. These tubes are usually pale, watery, pink, brown, bloody or smelly.
* Abnormal vaginal bleeding between menstrual periods, after intercourse or after the woman has gone through menopause.
* A definite change in weight and length of periods of a month.
* The occurrence of bleeding aftermenopause.
Loss of appetite.
* Unexplained weight loss.
* Frequent fatigue sometimes inexplicably.
* Pelvic pain.
* Back pain.
* Swelling in one leg.
* The urine or feces from the vagina.
* An increase in the tendency to experience bone fractures defined.

Cervical cancer is one of the main reasons why it is so important that women have regular Pap tests. Dysplasia is easily detected and easily treated. Mostcases of cancer are the result of women not taking adequate precautions against it have Pap tests. While medical studies have shown that this type of cancer as the third most common form of cancer among women globally large, it is very rare in the U.S. Today, thanks to Pap smears and appropriate follow-up when the dysplasia is detected.

Doctors are quick to assure us that the presence of cervical cancerdoes not mean that the cancer itself or the surgical removal of the same will result in a woman is incapable of having children. There are different ways you can use surgery to remove the tumor successfully do no harm to the cervix or any part of the uterus in any way. These include the procedure LEEP, which uses electricity to remove any abnormal tissue, cryotherapy, in which abnormal cells are frozen and laser therapy in which light isused to burn the tissues that are abnormal.

The best way to combat cervical cancer is to follow the advice given to medical professionals and have been tested regularly for it to be stopped before it ever chance to start.

Thursday, April 28, 2011

A vaccine against HPV was less likely to cervical cancer by 44 percent

In case you do not know, HPV (Human Papilloma Virus) is usually found in sexually active women. E 'was also found that women's bodies more healthy anti-virus itself and be able to eliminate the virus without any medical intervention. The only risk of developing cervical cancer is the case for the persistence of re-infection.

So why are we blowing up ads on television and media, with government mandatesyoung school children? The Journal of American Medical Association stated in its August 2007 found no reason for this vaccine and there was no reliable evidence that he did what he wanted to do this was to prevent cervical cancer.

How many doctors actually read their medical journals regularly to get this information? If you --- maybe you should ask about your personal information on the effectiveness of thistreatment.

Now add in the group of women who have persistent re-infection when the vaccine is 44% higher risk of precancerous cervical lesions and there can be no clear reason why any woman or child should receive this vaccine. The report of the FDA in support of this information was given by the manufacturers of the same HPV vaccine - Merck.

And the adverse effects of the vaccine? Have you read any statistics? Probably not as such (asI know) have not been in every newspaper and TV ads. The public interest group, Judicial Watch released documents obtained from the FDA, which has reported 1,637 adverse reactions before May 2007. There have been numerous reports of fainting, seizures, nausea, swelling of the eyes of injection, etc. There is also a report on the number of deaths. Both reports can be downloaded from the links on its website.

The FDA report of the Merck page 13, shows the statistics thathave re-persistent infection. Should be very interesting for everyone to consider this vaccine to any of this information has been given the coverage that the current vaccine has been given promotion. You can read the full article by clicking the first link to this page on the website of Natural News.

Do your own research before giving this vaccine for their daughters. What is the justification for a vaccine mandate for someone who never could become "sexually active"?Or someone who is sexually active, but is now celibate, and your body will take care of the problem, taking into account the time needed to heal himself?

Do not fall for the advertising campaign of television commercials. Intentionally pulling your heartstrings to make you feel as if you were doing the right thing. Their motives are entirely financial. Some of these vaccines (three are recommended), at a cost of $ 360. If you can get all the women and child vaccinated women, as profits arepulling for the pharmaceutical industry that produces it? You or the end of her daughter's health is not what you have in mind.

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

How to reduce the risk of cervical cancer

I've never heard of the Pap test? What about cervical cancer? Yes, cervical cancer is classified as a type of cancer, which can cause death. His threat is equal to its counterpart common cancers, breast cancer.

Women can do a few simple steps to reduce their risk of developing cervical cancer. Lifestyle minor adjustments, combined with medical care, go a long way in preventing> Cancer of the cervix.

1. Become a regular review of the disease

Get a regular Pap test is an extremely effective way to reduce the risk of cervical cancer. There are other ways. Do this every year and pray for their safety. You have been warned.

2. The practice of safe sex, always

There are emotions to be used as an excuse here. "HPV (virus responsible for causing cancer) is a common sexually transmitted virus and isthe root cause of most of these cancers. You can reduce the risk of being infected by using condoms during sex. If you suspect bad, so please get the morning-after pill to be safe and not sorry later in the future.

3. Limit the number of sexual partners

Having multiple sexual partners increases the risk of being infected by 'HPV. "

4. Get vaccinated against "HPV"

Vaccination against the virus reduces the riskinfections with types 16 and 18 (responsible for 70% of all cervical cancers) as' high risk HPV. This vaccine can provide good protection against high-risk strain of "pre" cancerous cervical changes. "HPV" vaccine is best suited for girls who are not yet sexually active. But research has shown that vaccination provides antivirus protection until the age of 45 years of age.

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Cervical cancer - Stage precancerous

Precancerous STATE - Pap test

We will discuss the precancerous stage of cervical cancer.

What is the cervix?

The cervix is ​​the part of the uterus that connects the top of the uterus (womb) and vagina.

What is cancer?

Cancer occurs when cells in an area of the body grow abnormally. The growth of body cells is normally controlled and limited to a particular area. The growth of cancer cells, if left unchecked, it spreads to otherareas of the body and cause damage.

What is the pre-cancer?

These are abnormal cells that have the potential to develop into cancer. Pre-cancerous lesions are not cancer. Pre-cancerous lesions can return to normal, but may become cancer. The cancer can develop after 10-20 years under 2 years.

What causes pre-cancer and cancer of the cervix?

The main cause of cervical cancer is a virus calledHuman Papilloma Virus (HPV).

What is human papillomavirus (HPV)?

HPV is a large group of viruses that are related to abnormal cell growth in humans. There are over 100 types of HPV, but types 16 and 18 have been identified as the main cause of cervical cancer in 99.7% of cases.

HPV is transmitted skin to skin genital contact. penetrate relationship is not necessary to be infected. Up to 80% of sexually active women become infected with HPV at some pointlife. Fortunately, most infections resolve naturally and effectively destroyed by the body's defenses (immune system). persistent infection with HPV types that cause cancer is the necessary cause of cervical cancer.

What are the predisposing factors?

-Type HPV 16 and 18 municipalities with
The first sex-
"More sexual partners.
Recurrent sexually transmitted diseases.
State -Hereditary/Immune
Folic acid-deficit

What are the symptoms of pre-cancer?

Seldom symptoms directly due to cancer in the pre-and make it dangerous.

Verification of pre-cancer

cervical screening programs aimed at early detection, diagnosis and treatment of precancerous lesions associated with HPV can develop into cancer. There are several methods.

1) Pap (cytology)

This is a collection of cellstaken from the surface of the cervix and laboratory for the presence of anomalies. When abnormal cells are detected in the Pap test can be repeated, including HPV DNA testing, colposcopy (examination of the cervix through devices enlarge) or biopsy can (obtaining a tissue or analysis laboratory) are measures taken by a gynecologist. Abnormal biopsy can be reported as CIN intraepethelial cervical neoplasia. Neoplagia means an abnormal growth of cells.

2) visual inspectionAcetic acid / Venegono (through).

3) visual inspection with Lugol's iodine (VILI)

Preventing HPV infection

The prevention of HPV infection decreases the rate of 90% of pre-cancerous. vaccination is available for optimal prevention of HPV infection, the vaccine should be administered before sexual contact. Girls and women will benefit.

The pre-cancer treatment

Most abnormal cervical cells disappear over time. Thus, myths are closelymonitoring. However, serious abnormal cells are removed to prevent cervical cancer in developing methods of cancer.

1) The cone biopsy - removal of the conical section of cervical tissue for examination.
2) refl loop electrosurgical procedure (LEEP) - an electric current passes through a wire loop is used to remove suspicious tumors.
3) laser carbon dioxide laser uses a small beam to vaporize (turn into vapor), the abnormal cells.

Monday, April 25, 2011

Has ovarian cancer, and knows yet?

Growing up as the youngest of five, with two great parents, was the best experience I could have had. There was a time I remember for about six months since I felt like me.

I was in my third month of having a constant menstrual cycle, with a lot of discomfort. I started having severe pain in the lower part of my body, my stomach began to stand and had nausea 24 hours a day. I refused to tell my mom because for some reason that onlyI thought I would disappear. Well, it got worse and I had no choice but to tell you. I must say I was extremely obese at age 13 weighed 230 pounds. I will never forget the time I went to my doctor and weight loss my blood pressure was 200/110...yes! At the age of 13, he was a ticking time bomb!

My mother is scheduled for an appointment to see our family doctor, he could still kick in the butt of sarcastic comments made on the day of my first visit, he said,"There is nothing wrong with that child, except she is very obese and need to lose weight, if nothing else have a kidney infection." He never ordered the tests to verify the diagnosis and care. He prescribed a drug that was not necessary, that made me feel worse. The drug has caused the wrong situation deteriorate further.

E 'was determined by a wonderful man and gynecologist, who was both one of the best in New York. Unfortunately, he does not practice moremedicine as I never had the chance to say simply: "Thanks for being nominated as one of the gods of the angels" has sent me to the proper diagnosis and perform surgery on me to save my life.

I remember everything that happened, like it was yesterday, the pain, discomfort, comments about my sudden weight loss. I had to convince everyone that I knew was still a virgin. I had to stop attending school for the rest of my elementary school years 10 and instructed to Homemy 11 year high school. It's been a disaster! But my spirit was high and I just wanted to have everything in order to achieve this with my normal life.

Time moves so slow for me, the pain increased, my weight dropped from 135 pounds. and I thought it might have been nine months pregnant. I was weak, at times, but never left my home school and passed all the exams to qualify as a senior next year and the latest in high school.

My friends wereconcerned and perplexed by my condition. Rumors flew around me is pregnant and put the baby up for adoption. I've had enough of the medical examinations, tests and false accusations.

It was December 1981, I remember the night before I was to be admitted to the hospital, my mom was talking on the phone crying and praying while I thought something had happened and that we would hear bad news about someone else. I heard her conversationconsisted of more tears than words, and finally fell asleep. I was hospitalized the following day. The surgery was performed immediately after wards. I woke up to a flat stomach, hips and murderer of a wonderful life.

My doctor and his team came to visit every hour. I've become so popular in the hospital and did not know why. The day was discharged, I visited my gynecologist and had a very nice heart heart, he said: "You are very young and stronglady and you are here for a reason. Taking care of yourself. You must understand that in the future can not have children because of past problems, but remember you can always take and it will be a great mother. "At that time, the idea of ​​having a child was the farthest thing from my mind. Eventually in February 1982 and was admitted to hospital to have my right fallopian tube and right ovary removed.

Now I was on my mind, great! I went from a size24 to 14. I felt better than I did and I looked great! I've always been very insecure about my appearance as a child, but my family has always made me feel good about myself. So to experience this "Extreme Makeover" was a blow to my confidence level.

About eight weeks after the second surgery was scheduled for a follow-up appointment at New York Hospital.

It was a Monday night and after several tests before that week, my parents and I were sitting in this smallMD office with a very nice, I gladly informed us that all cells and tissues tested were normal and no signs of anything ever being there. My parents broke into the arms of another and MD also had a strange expression of amazement on his face.

Twenty years later, I was at work and eat my lunch I called my mom and I were talking as usual and asked me if I had taken one of the doctors who worked in my case, now a professor in a City university of New York 'permission to use my case study for students. That's when I said I am a survivor of ovarian cancer. I actually had ovarian cancer and I do not know. I shudder every time I think about it.

All my family, friends and doctors agreed that it was better that I do not know the details of my illness at the time of my life. I wanted to be a boy with a zest for life. Could be mind over matter? I have never had chemotherapyand still no sign of cancer cells in the body, determined by taking an annual CA-125 blood test.

I have been blessed with two beautiful (biological) children, a wonderful husband and a family of heroes to be so grateful.

Now I am considered high risk, my gynecologist recommended a hysterectomy to prevent recurrence. I was willing to undergo a hysterectomy and did so in 2008. It's the best thing that could have ever done, so far no negativeside effects and I feel good mentally, physically and spiritually.

I really think this was the way of the gods to give me another chance to live longer without having to worry or deal with this disease as my family, friends and doctors did when I was a child.

Above all I have to thank God again and again, I used to make another miracle.

Please make regular gynecological exams for you and the year of their loved ones. Taking care of yourself. Itwise and good.

Sunday, April 24, 2011

the ovarian cancer surgery abroad

Like most other treatments of cancer, ovarian cancer surgery abroad costs are very affordable and reduce the financial and emotional burden on patients. the ovarian cancer surgery in India is conducted for the tumors or metastatic tumors that affect infiltration into the surrounding healthy tissue or other organs. Many Americans prefer the treatment of ovarian cancer in Mexico, the country is located near the U.S. and discomfort reducedTravel. However, the treatment of ovarian cancer at affordable prices in Turkey offers great opportunities for cost savings. Many patients travel abroad for surgery for ovarian cancer in Jordan, due to the advantage of international standards of quality and highly qualified medical staff.

High-risk factors for developing ovarian cancer

One of the predisposing factors is a strong family history. Clinical studies suggest that the familyhistory of cancer, including breast, colon, rectum, ovary, or is a factor in the high risk of developing the disease. Patients with a family history suggests they have regular gynecological examinations and medicine.
Similarly, a personal history of breast cancer or colon or rectum also significantly increases the chances of developing cancer.
The risk of ovarian cancer is highest among women who have never conceived. This is attributed to the lack of protective effectprogesterone, which increases during pregnancy.
Randomized clinical trials have shown that hormone replacement therapy, taken by more than 10 years is known to be a potential agent that causes cancer. Women who seek to cope with menopausal symptoms with hormone replacement therapy are also at high risk.
Obesity has been shown to be a risk factor for ovarian cancer.
Surgical treatment of ovarian tumors

A cancerous tumoraffecting the ovaries, which are female reproductive glands located in the pelvic region is best known as ovarian cancer or ovarian cancer. There are several techniques for the development of ovarian surgery, depending mainly on the stage and extent of metastasis . Some of the main techniques are

unilateral oophorectomy, only one ovary was removed. This is done in cases of low-grade tumors of the ovaries, which were detectedin the early stages.
Oophorectomy: Both ovaries are removed, especially if cancer cells are detected in both glands of the ovary.
Salpingo-oophorectomy: to remove the fallopian tube with the affected ovary / ovaries. It is common practice, especially when metastasis
Total abdominal hysterectomy: a more radical, in which the fallopian tubes, uterus, cervix and surrounding lymph nodes are surgically removed, along withovaries. This procedure is performed when metastases in other surrounding tissues is observed.
Office surgical technique: In this procedure, the maximum amount of malignant tumor removed. This procedure is used in advanced stages of cancer in which complete resection of the cancerous tissue is not feasible
Range fee: A variant of the above procedure, when the repetition of the dough is made after the initial procedure. This procedure aims to eliminate cancertissue that remained after the first procedure of-mass. This procedure is accompanied with intermittent chemotherapy and radiation to shrink tumor growth and tumor tissue.

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Misdiagnosis of Cervical Cancer

Cervical cancer affects women is the lower part of the uterus or cervix. Each year over 11,000 women in the United States are diagnosed with cancer. If diagnosed early, treatment can be successful. Moreover, misdiagnosis may lead to delay in treatment. Without proper treatment, the survival rate is very low and can lead to death.

There are lawyers who represent victims that doctors had amisdiagnosis of cancer. Talk to a lawyer for the credit, but evaluate your case free of charge.

How are diagnosed with cervical cancer

Sexually active women should have regular Pap tests to go. While Pap smears are not a diagnostic test used to identify abnormal cells. If abnormal cells are present, more tests are ordered to make a positive diagnosis. Some diagnostic testsinclude:

Colposcopy - an instrument called a colposcope is used to examine the cervix and see more clearly the areas of abnormal cell growth
Biopsy - a sample of abnormal tissue from the cervix for testing
endocervical curettage - a tool used to scrape the lining of the cervical canal, an area the doctor can not get with the colposcope
Cone biopsy - a cone-shaped piece of cervical tissue
It is a diagnostic test or surveillancemisinterpret the results may delay treatment options for success and the consequences can be fatal.

How I can check misdiagnosis

Incorrect or missed diagnosis of cervical cancer can occur for the following reasons:

The doctor does not recognize the symptoms of cervical cancer and therefore do not perform the necessary tests to diagnose
The doctor can not obtain a complete patient history is important to identifyrisk factors such as the Human Papilloma Virus (HPV)
laboratory results are misinterpreted
A laboratory error causes patient outcomes to be confused with another patient
There are many types of misdiagnosis. Delayed diagnosis, misdiagnosis and the wrong diagnosis may each have their own accordingly. For example, an erroneous diagnosis of cancer when the patient does not have a person can mean the treatments are not necessary. Also, if the cancerunanswered, a patient does not receive the treatment they really need to live.

Have you been misdiagnosed?

If you have been diagnosed with cervical cancer, there is no legal action can be taken and with the help of a lawyer, a doctor, it can happen. The negligent party can be responsible and the victim can recover some compensation for the damage lost. This may include lost wages, medical expenses, pain and suffering.

Contact an attorney to learnmore information about legal rights if you received an incorrect diagnosis of cervical cancer. We will evaluate your case free of charge and advise you of your rights.

Friday, April 22, 2011

Stages of cervical cancer and prevention

In general, cervical cancer affects women who are their middle age or beyond, but can be diagnosed in women of reproductive age. Learn about the stages of cancer is very important because it is the strongest predictor of patient survival and with proper treatment, because treatments are based on the stage of cancer or how much the cancer has spread.

the cervical tumors are classified as pre-invasive whichthe lower third of the epithelial cells become abnormal or invasive in that the entire thickness of the epithelium contains abnormally proliferating cells. established cervical cancer in the lining of the cervix is the lower part of the uterus or womb, which enters the vagina. This cancer spreads not always, but usually only if it spreads to the lungs, liver, bladder, vagina or rectum.

The cancer begins to develop from alterations in cellIt is caused by human papilloma virus or also known as HPV, is spread through genital skin to contact the skin during sexual activity. cervix cancer seems higher than most women smoke. Having many sexual partners a person has a history of sexually transmitted diseases and sexual intercourse at an early age, are some examples include the risk of HPV infection and HIV. In early stage cervical cancer can becompletely asymptomatic. Loss of appetite, weight loss, fatigue, pelvic pain, back pain, leg pain are some of the symptoms of cervical cancer.

Women with low fruit and vegetable diet may increase the risk of this cancer. When a woman takes oral contraceptives for a long period of time increases the risk of cancer, but can get up when a woman stops taking the pills. To prevent this type of disease,preferred to take certain vaccines against HPV and cancer. Also, how to prevent cervical cancer, an individual must add a little more vitamin A, vitamin C, vitamin E, folic acid and diet, eat more fruits and vegetables are also the You can avoid this type of disease.

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Alternative treatment for cervical cancer

Scientists are making new discoveries every day are amazing. Discoveries seem to come every time, but we still have common people still suffer from diseases such as cervical cancer and together suffered the pain, both physical and mental health. Like most people in search of answers, I know I came here in search of alternatives for the treatment of cervical cancer. What I would like to present to you is an alternative treatment for the mind, whilebeing treated for cervical cancer and also give a warning about "charlatans" on the Internet that sell all kinds of "care."

The anguish and pain experienced by people, even if you only discover they have cancer is that people who have not experienced can not be compared. You have terrible thoughts and visions of death and suffering during the process. To beat his disease, you really need to go to find the strength within you more thanNever had before. Chemotherapy can cause great pain and nausea and only their mental thoughts will be sufficient to lead to despair. To overcome this, you need a strong mind and will, and we need it now.

Doctors and scientists are still puzzled why a person survives and why not, even if you can say that they have identical symptoms and are at the same stage at diagnosis. Scientists are still baffled as to exactly why a person feels more pain and then another, even ifpain should be the same. I know it has something to do with the mind. If you have thoughts that are going to die, and not winning this battle then sorry to say that probably will not win.

Hypnosis can make an incredible moment of change in mentality. You can give a positive result you need now. While doctors work hard in the physical body, you really need to work hard on your mind, your thoughts and is free of all negativity tothat all possibilities of survival. If you really think he believes everything that comes into your life, then you really know the power of your mind and how your mind can have a major influence on the recovery of the disease.

I know you probably have heard of cases where people decide that they will not go under or their doctors prescribed chemotherapy and searched for alternatives and cured successfully. I mean right nowThese cases are few and far between and personally, I like to bet my life either way. Leaving my doctor treat my physical body to deal with the best in my opinion, I will give it a try. Alternatives such as acupuncture are also great for search while undergoing chemotherapy will help clean the toxins that chemotherapy gets into your body.

At the beginning of this article I mentioned that believes everything that comes into your life. I know it'sdifficult concept for many people understand and it took me long to conclude that it is true. Now we know how our minds are very powerful. The thoughts that we believe may be toxic or can be good for our wellbeing. One of the best ways to help your mind is through hypnosis. It s definitely an alternative treatment. There hypnosis mp3 that can be used in the privacy of their homes that have been created especially for patients with cancer. Thesedownload can help with life, positive nausea and pain control in cancer and its treatments has created. today, take action and help you and your doctor to give your body the best chance of physical struggle in dealing with the mind today.

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

How can you survive the fourth stage cervical cancer

A diagnosis of stage 4 cervical cancer is not something that everyone wants to feel in their lives. However, it can happen and you're probably reading this because it happened to you. Or maybe a loved one has been diagnosed. Or maybe you just want more information of personal interest. In any case, knowing the information contained in this article may be useful.

patients with cervical cancer stage 4 can bedivided into two categories. The first category is known as VAT stage cervical cancer means the disease is confined to the pelvis and surrounding organs. Furthermore, the IVB cervical cancer are diseases point distant organs of the pelvis. Unfortunately, it is now possible only treatments to successfully treat patients in the first category, while drugs can relieve pain and symptoms than thosethe second category.

Regarding the processing of the first category, the main street to control the disease through a combination of radiotherapy and chemotherapy. Radiotherapy involves using high energy x-rays to kill cancer cells in the body. In essence, consists of placing small capsules of radioactive material near the cervix.

Chemotherapy involves the administration of drugs to kill cancer cells and often most effective when workingmade with radiotherapy. While these treatments are known to be able to increase survival rates of patients who come with various side effects such as anemia, hair loss, nausea and vomiting, to name a few.

Stage 4 cervical cancer is not a good disease to have, but it is comforting to know that modern technology means that you can hope and defeat this terrible disease.

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Nutrition and cervical cancer

It is important to eat well during cancer treatment. Eating well means getting enough calories to maintain a good weight and enough protein to maintain its strength. Good nutrition often helps people with cancer feel better and have more energy.

But eating well can be difficult. You may not want to eat if you feel uncomfortable or tired. In addition, treatment side effects (eg, lack of appetite, nausea, vomiting or mouth sores) can be a problem. Some peoplediscover that the food does not taste good during cancer treatment.
The doctor, dietitian or other licensed health care providers may suggest ways to maintain a healthy diet.

One thing you can look in the fight against cancer food. These foods are natural properties of cancer prevention. What will these foods is to help strengthen the immune system, allowing the body to recover faster. You may also want to consider drinking herbal tea, especiallysuch as green tea has many antioxidants that help cleanse the body of toxins and promote overall health. Other foods to consider are the berries (like strawberries or blueberries), green leafy vegetables (lettuce, for example) and all that is high in fiber, like whole wheat bread.

Eating well and healthy you do more then just "feel good". It will go a long way to prevent cervical cancer and will also make itsrecovery time should be diagnosed, which is much shorter.

Monday, April 18, 2011

Ovarian cyst cancer - What Every Woman Should Know

The condition of ovarian cysts has resulted in a serious spate of deaths among women in the United States. In 2009 alone, there were more than 21,500 new cases of ovarian cancer. Unfortunately, 14,600 died from the disease last year. It's called "silent murderer," but there are ways to prevent this from happening. Meet this cancer and what to do about it is the key. forms of ovarian cancer in the tissues of the ovary (one of a pair female reproductive glands in which, or eggs, the eggs are formed), and according to the National Cancer Institute, there are three types of cancer, ovarian cysts:

1. epithelial ovarian cancer or tumor cells that forms on the outer surface of the ovary.
2. The malignant germ cell tumors or cancer cells comprising the egg.
3. Stromal tumors formed by cancer or the production of tissue from the woman's hormones (estrogen and progesterone).

L 'symptoms> of this disease is very common for this reason early diagnosis is important. Abdominal and pelvic pain, frequent urination, changes in bowel movements, loss of appetite, enlarged abdomen, dyspareunia or painful intercourse, stress and changes in monthly menstruation some evidence of cancer cysts time ovaries. threshold of a woman in pain is truly remarkable and tend to downplay the discomfort felt until it is too late. Not taking into account aunusual abdominal bad as it could cause you to lose your life.

Currently, no one knows how this type of cysts develop. Some scientists speculate that it may have formed before and during ovulation, because there are high levels of hormones involved that can cause abnormal cells. But since this condition was causing serious damage to human mortality, cysts, ovarian cancer has been carefully studied to find ways to deal with it. Iffeeling or going through one of the above symptoms, make an appointment with you OB-GYN/Oncologist immediately. No need to prolong the agony and the first to become aware of the problem, treatment can begin, and your life can be saved.

With the help of modern technology, this condition can be treated in its early stage. A surgical procedure called laparotomy can be done to control the entire tumor to see if cancer is present or not.The samples will be removed from their reproductive organs and if there is a presence, a correct diagnosis and prognosis can be determined. There is always hope. The important thing is that now you are informed about this problem and can be avoided if regular monitoring visits.

Sunday, April 17, 2011

The treatment of cervical cancer

Cervical cancer, for some people, can not be a very common type of cancer, but, unfortunately, is no less dangerous. This type of cancer ranks second after breast cancer deaths globally each year in women aged between 35 and 55. Despite its prevalence varies from country to country, depending on sexual activity, although this has not been clinically tested, about 300,000 women have different phasescervical cancer worldwide.

The cause of cervical cancer is much less complicated than breast cancer and undergo screening by regular Pap smears, it is often easy to detect cancer in its early stages, when treatment is more effective and less invasive. The most common cause of cervical cancer has proved to be the human papilloma virus (HPV), transmitted by sexual contact. This virus could induce lesions in the cervical cells that can develop into cancer. However, proof of a Pap test can effectively detect early signs of pre-cancer changes in these cells.

Unfortunately, despite the simplicity of this cancer, many women do not realize until the final stages when the cancer has spread throughout the cervix and sometimes of nearby organs. This could be due to the fact that changes in cancer> Cervical cells covering a long period of time and often without symptoms. While this is good first, because it can effectively treat the condition in the pre-cancerous, but it is also wrong, on the other hand, because it remains in the body for a very long period of time without a signal, warning, wreaking havoc on the cells of the cervix and making treatment very difficult when it is eventually discovered.

Therefore, prevention and early diagnosis is very importantwith cervical cancer. Some medical reports say there is a vaccine to prevent cervical cancer. The vaccine is said to come and once took three shots in the series, is believed to be fully able to prevent cervical cancer the uterus, increasing the body's immunity against HPV. However, the vaccine must be taken before girls become sexually active to work optimally. You and I know that the best form of treatment is prevention, ifare daughters, sisters or friends who are still sexual children, helping them to get this vaccine would be the best help you can do. Ask your doctor for more information about the vaccine.

In the early stages of development of cervical cancer is usually treated with chemotherapy or radiation, or sometimes a combination of both. Chemotherapy involves using drugs that enter the bloodstream. These contain chemicals that can identifyand destroy cancer cells without harming normal body cells. Even if these drugs come with some negative effects, but the body can obtain these after treatment was completed. Radiation is the use of powerful electromagnetic waves to shrink the tumor, destroying cancer cells in the process. During the trial, the body's other organs are protected from radiation.

However, in advanced stages of cervical cancer, surgery is usually theonly alternative. Depending on how far the cancer has spread, treatment may require partial removal of the cervix and uterus, known as the partial hysterectomy. This substitution of the ovaries and other parts of the female genitalia.

If the spread of cancer has reached various parts of the uterus and cervix, radical trachelectomy might be an alternative treatment. This involves removing the cervix and uterus down to several lymph nodes in the pelvis, whichmight have been infected. This treatment option is intended to preserve fertility.

However, in the worst cases of cervical cancer which has spread outside the uterus cancer, radical hysterectomy is the only option. This involves removing the cervix and uterus completely, ovaries, vagina and lymph nodes in the region. This is a radical treatment and very often the last resort when the cancer has gotten out of hand. Becausethe ovarian hormone values, removal of the ovaries often have serious health consequences for women. Pay attention to your body, especially the cervix, regular Pap tests and a healthy lifestyle is all you need to make sure they do not suffer as a result.

Saturday, April 16, 2011

What women should know about cervical cancer and HPV

Cervical cancer is a malignant tumor tissue, which attack the cervix (organ connecting the uterus and vagina). There are some types of this tumor. The most common types, the SCC (squalors cell carcinoma), the leading cause of cervical cancer with the percentage of 80-85 percent. HPV infection is a precipitating factor in the development of this cancer.

Other types of this cancer, as adenokarsinoma, small cell carcinoma,adenosquamos, adenocarcinoma, melanoma and lymphoma, a cancer of the cervix is rare and usually not associated with HPV. Several types of cervical cancer latter can not be avoided, as the SCC.

Signs and symptoms

Early stage cervical cancer are asymptomatic.

advanced cervical cancer has shown symptoms of vaginal bleeding, back pain, urinary symptoms, such as dyisuriadisorders (difficulty or pain on urination) and dark urine, and digestive, chronic constipation and tenemus (yet to hear a piece, even if you have a bowel movement).

On the other hand, pain is when the vaginal discharge and sexual intercourse is also a symptom of advanced cervical cancer. Less common symptoms include loss of appetite, weight loss, fatigue, leg pain, leg swelling, and loss of urine or feces from the vagina.

Carcinoma in situ (CIS orCIN)

Pap tests can detect cancer in situ (CIN) in cervical and treatment can prevent cancer development. NIC is a mass of pre-malignant cells is still "in situ" or "in situ" and did not move from its initial position and has not spread to other parts of the body. Fortunately, Mexico and other developed countries, the use of cervical screening program has reduced the number of patients with invasive cervical cancer.

Women areencouraged to perform a Pap test once a year after their first sexual relationship and continued until they were around 70 years. If two or three years, the results were normal Pap test, women may decide to reduce the frequency of two or three years. However, women at high risk (see below) are encouraged to continue every year.

Not all women with HPV infection in patients with CIN, and not all women with CIN to cervical cancer. Most HPV infectionsdisappear quickly countered by the immune system, like any other infection.

However, some types of HPV in the cervix tend to settle for a couple of years, genetic change, so that the cells of the cervix, and causes dysplasia (abnormal cell growth). If not treated immediately, severe dysplasia and usually can become invasive cervical cancer.

NIC usually show no symptoms. This is a good time to analyze the treatment of cancer, because it wasalmost always results in a complete recovery.

People at risk

All women engaged in sexual risk for cervical cancer to be. However, women who have many male friends to have sex (male or one of his friends had a lot of friends to have sex) increased risk. Women who began having sex before age 16 without security risk.

He developed an effective vaccine against HPV types cause 70-85% of all cervicalcancers.

HPV vaccine for girls and women between the ages of 9-26 years because the vaccine only works if given before infection occurs. However, this vaccine can be administered to women is still a later onset of sexual activity. Prices are expensive vaccines sometimes cause disgust. However, given that this vaccine covers only certain types of HPV high-risk women have regular Pap tests, even after vaccination.


Although the Pap test is an effectiveexploration of this cancer, confirming the diagnosis of cervical cancer or cervical cancer this requires a biopsy. This is often done through colposcopy, a visual inspection of the cervix with a magnifying instrument, the acid solution to help highlight abnormal cells on the surface of the cervix. This is a 15-minute outpatient procedure and is painless.

Further diagnostic procedures such as cone biopsy, LEEP (Loop Electrical Excision Procedure)(Cone biopsy), and punch biopsies.

Stage and treatment

International Federation of Gynecology and Obstetrics (FIGO) classification of cervical cancer based on exploration in CIN I, CIN III, CIN III is the direct precursor of cervical cancer. In the top of CIN III, which has transformed into cancer cells, and are classified as stage 0 (tumor confined to the area of skin) to 4B (a relative had spread so far).

AEarly stage patients can be treated with conservative surgery for women who wish to maintain fertility, while other patients are advised to remove the entire uterus and cervix (trachelectomy). Generally you should wait at least a year before applying for a pregnancy after surgery. Because of the possibility of cancer spread to lymph nodes (lymph nodes) in an advanced stage of cancer, the surgeon may be necessary to increase the lymph nodes around the uterus diseaseevaluation.

This tumor is very rare residual tumor has relapsed again if cleaned with the trachelectomy. However, it is recommended for patients in the prevention and treatment continued, including analysis of Papanicolaou (Pap test).

The early stage cancer can be treated with radical hysterectomy (removal of uterus) with removal of lymph nodes. Radiation therapy with or without chemotherapy can be given after surgery to reduce the risk of relapse. Cancer early stage cantreated with radiotherapy and chemotherapy great. In addition, hysterectomy can be performed for local control of cancer better.

advanced tumors (stage 2B, 4B) should be treated with combination chemotherapy and radiotherapy.


With treatment, survival rates of patients with cervical cancer after 5 years was 92% in the early stages, 80-90% for stage of cancer and 50-65% for Phase 2. Only 25-35 percent ofwomen with stage 3 and less than 15 percent of cervical cancer patients in the fourth stage are alive after five years. Consequently, the scanning / detection and early detection of cervical cancer is very important.

See your doctor immediately if you experience the following symptoms:

Vaginal bleeding
Back pain
Painful urination or difficult urination and cloudy urine
Constipation and knotted buddies, even if the stool
Upsetwhen to have sex and vaginal discharge
Swollen feet
The loss of urine or feces from the vagina

Friday, April 15, 2011

A brief description of ovarian cancer

According to statistics, ovarian cancer is the eighth most common cancer among women and the fifth leading cause of cancer death in women in the United States. The American Cancer Society estimates that about 20,000 new cases of ovarian cancer diagnosed this year and about 15,000 women die from ovarian cancer this year.

Ovarian cancer is often called the silent murderer, because its symptoms can bethin, which delayed diagnosis and poorer outcomes. However, if ovarian cancer is detected early, nearly nine in ten women who live at least five years with the disease.

Ovarian cancer begins in cells of the ovary or ovaries. The ovaries are two small organs, which are oval, deep in the pelvis on both sides of the uterus (womb), near the end of the fallopian tubes. The ovaries are the female reproductive system.

Each month, women of childbearing age, one of the ovaries releases an egg (ovum). This is called ovulation. The egg travels down the fallopian tube to the uterus, where it can be fertilized by a sperm and become a fetus. If the egg is fertilized, is paid as part of a month.

The ovaries produce the female hormones estrogen and progesterone. Estrogen and progesterone help to control the reproduction and sexual development. As a woman agesreaches menopause, the ovaries produce less of these hormones and periods gradually stop.

If not detected ovarian cancer and left untreated can spread from the ovaries to other pelvic organs such as the fallopian tubes, uterus, rectum, colon or bladder.

In the more advanced ovarian cancer can spread to other parts of the body such as the liver or lungs.

Thursday, April 14, 2011

What are the symptoms of cervical cancer that every woman should try?

So the symptoms of this disease usually are not significant and the symptoms can still pass even if you do not have cancer. You should be careful enough to see some signs of cervical cancer and its symptoms. However, there are some cases which, unfortunately, the symptoms of cervical cancer are not clear enough until the cancer is in advanced stage because early cervical cancer isusually do not give any symptoms. That is why there is a proper selection for this, because it is so important. These are the following symptoms and signs of cervix cancer:

Abnormal bleeding: the experience of abnormal vaginal bleeding, where a light or heavy bleeding during menstruation. Even after intercourse is an event of abnormal bleeding. Bleeding can occur again if the woman had stoppedmenstruation (menopause).

Pelvic pain: pelvic pain that is not connected to the menstrual cycle. These may be suffering from a dull pain that is so strong that will last a couple of hours. This symptom can be severe or mild cervical cancer.

Pain during urination, bladder pain or pain during urination can be a symptom of advanced cervical cancer. This is usually due to cancer developmenthad spread to the bladder. Obstruction of kidney or ureter, causing problems with the bathroom. You may notice that there is fecal matter that is in you vagina. This is due to abnormal vaginal bleeding from the rectum or bladder.

Bleeding between regular menstrual periods, after intercourse, or irrigation pelvic exam: During these activities there is bleeding from the vagina. This is because the cervix is ​​irritated. Theremany situations that can occur like bleeding after sex, but the cervix is ​​healthy only had a small hemorrhage. If there is unusual bleeding, this can be a symptom of cervical cancer.

Unusual heavy losses: the increase in vaginal discharge may cause a symptom of cervical cancer. This may have mucus that is so often sticky and watery, and have a very unpleasant smell that can be foundvagina.

Symptoms of cancer are some common symptoms such as abnormal bleeding. Noting the odd times of the menstrual bleeding or anything that will get in contact with the cervix is bleeding, the possibility of cervical cancer.

It is important to report any unusual vaginal discharge with your doctor. Other symptoms of cervical cancer are changes in the menstrual cycle. After too heavy, exceptionallylight, or bleeding in his spare time during the cycle are all symptoms of cervical cancer. These are the symptoms that you have cervical cancer and most women who have experienced these symptoms, causes weight loss. These symptoms of cancer is one of the great signs of having the disease that is so risky.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

More information about the side effects of treatment of cervical cancer

Cervical cancer symptoms

After the treatment, depending on the type of treatment and the scenario that cervical cancer was more likely to experience side effects. Here are some on the basis of the three most common treatments: surgery, radiotherapy and chemotherapy.


It takes time to heal after surgery and recovery time is different for every woman. It may be uncomfortable for the first few days. However, medicine can usually control pain. Beforesurgery, you should discuss the plan for pain relief with your doctor or nurse. After surgery, your doctor may change the plan if you need more pain relief.

If you have surgery to remove a small tumor on the surface of the cervix, it is possible that other pain or cramping, bleeding or a watery discharge.

If you have a hysterectomy, duration of hospital stay can vary from a few days a week. You can also get hot flashes and menopause occurs immediately.

E 'Jointfeeling tired or weak may also have problems of a time "of the bowel and bladder. Your doctor may limit your diet to liquids at first, with a gradual return to solid food. Most women return to their normal activities within 4 to 8 weeks after surgery.

Radiation Therapy

Side effects depend mainly on the dose of radiation and the body part being treated. Radiation to the abdomen and pelvis can cause nausea, vomiting, diarrhea or urinary problems. You may lose hair ingenital area. Also, the skin in the treated area may become red, dry and sensitive.

You may have dryness, itching or burning in the vagina. Radiation can also cause the vagina to narrow.

Although side effects of radiotherapy can be painful, your doctor may find ways to alleviate them.


Side effects of chemotherapy depend mainly on the specific medication and dosage. Drugs in tumor cells and other cells that dividequickly

Chemotherapy can cause poor appetite, nausea and vomiting, diarrhea or sores in the mouth and lips. Chemotherapy can cause hair loss. Hair grows back, but can be a little "different in color and texture.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Symptoms, causes and diagnosis of ovarian cyst

In general, most of the cysts have no symptoms, are small and benign. Problems can occur if you have large cysts. Times may change, become irregular, lighter or heavier than normal, you may feel discomfort in the lower abdomen, or even pain. Sometimes, this pain is stronger after having sex.

Cysts may put pressure on the bladder or intestines, the decision to go to the bathroom more often, or sometimes can cause abnormal productionamount of hormones to start. Of course, other symptoms may appear too, especially if you have polycystic ovarian syndrome or endometriosis.

Cysts can cause other problems. A cyst may burst, resulting in the appearance of a huge pain in the lower abdomen. The intensity of pain depends on factors such as whether the cyst is infected, or if there is bleeding, and it depends on what the contents of the cyst. If this problem occurs, you willimmediately to hospital for treatment. Another problem that can occur when the cyst is growing on a stalk of an ovary. In this case, the mother can become twisted and cause intense pain in lower abdomen, since the blood supply to the cyst will stop.

A functional ovarian cysts occur more often. The follicular cyst occurs when, after releasing the egg, the follicle does not shed its fluid, or if the follicle releases an egg. Continuing to fillfluid, the follicle becomes a cyst. This is the most common cyst can reach five or six inches wide, and usually disappears within a few weeks without treatment.

Otherwise, it is not as common as the follicular cyst is the corpus luteum cyst. Appears when the corpus luteum fills with blood or fluid. This type of cyst can grow up to six centimeters wide and usually disappear within a few months. Although cysts can divide and cause pain and internalbleeding.

Another type that can appear both in the dermoid cyst. It develops from cells that produce eggs in the ovaries, and may contain tissue such as skin, hair and teeth. This cyst usually occurs in young women, and may require surgical removal.

Cystadenomas are cysts that must be removed, although usually not cancerous. They can become very large, and are often related to an ovary. Some of them are full of mucus, and others with aaqueous fluid.

Polycystic ovary syndrome is the cause of the appearance of small benign cysts, which will grow if the hormones produced by the ovaries are not exactly balanced. Endometriosis can also lead to the development of ovarian cysts.

In general, an ovarian cyst was found by chance during a physical exam. This is because a lot of ovarian cysts have no symptoms. If the doctor suspects you have an ovarian cyst, is being sent to the gynecologist. L 'gynecologist will perform a vaginal examination to see if there is inflammation, and usually also have an ultrasound. Another method is to follow your doctor may place a small round tube into the vagina to examine the ovaries. After the ultrasound, the doctor will know if the cyst is functional or not, information on how dense it is, but you need to have more than CT or MRI as well. A blood test is another way to see ifThere is a type of cancer. The doctor is the treatment of CA-125 protein level is due to a high level can be a sign of ovarian cancer.

Ovarian cysts are common, and rarely become the media of ovarian cancer. About 95% of ovarian cysts are not cancerous.

Monday, April 11, 2011

All about cervical cancer

Cervical cancer is the leading cause of death in women. In the recent past there has been a great effort in raising awareness of staff. Today, more women and girls are more aware of the disease. This is a cancer that affects the bottom of the uterus called the cervix. Cancer is a disease that manifests as abnormal multiplication of cells in the body. In this case the cells of the cervix is ​​increasing faster than can be controlled, leading to tumors.Cervical cancer is a very devastating disease. According to statistics, in 2006, American Cancer Society has registered 9,710 cases of the disease. From the observations, 3,700 women die. This is a high proportion and something must be done to ensure that victims are reduced.

First, you must have some knowledge about cervical cancer. The Internet is a reliable source of resources that are surely going to finduseful. As a woman, you
Want to know some of the symptoms that may proclaim the disease. Unfortunately, like many cancers, symptoms occur when the disease has already developed, sometimes very invasive. Symptoms are as follows. is abnormal vaginal bleeding is an important indicator. This type of bleeding is not due to monthly periods.

The bleeding occurs after menopause and between periods. Womenaffected bleeding after sex. Bleeding may be heavier and more durable. Another symptom is a smelly exhaust. This type of discharge is defined as the cause of the nature of the foul odor. There are several risk factors and causes of cervical cancer. It was a virus that is found to be responsible for much of the disease. This is the human papilloma virus. There are over 100 types of virus. Many of these causes or papilloma watts arebenign or cancerous. There are more than 6 such viruses that cause cervical cancer. The first sexual intercourse has also been found as a risk factor. Another factor is the use of snuff.

Women who smoke are at high risk of developing the disease than those who do not smoke. Women who used diethylstilbestrol who suffer from this condition more. This is the drug administered to pregnant women to prevent miscarriages.

Prevention is always betterthan cure, there are several things you can do to prevent this condition. All women of childbearing age should go for the vaccination of human papillomavirus.

The vaccine was found to destroy 70% of the different types of viruses that cause disease. The vaccine is approved by the U.S. Food and drug administration. One difference between the sexes at an early age. Women should go for regular checkups. The Pap test is done to diagnose. Attention!
LVL has the disease, early treatmentmake sure your life is prolonged. You can completely eliminate the disease in cases where the treatment works.

different treatments can be administered to patients include chemotherapy, radiotherapy and surgery. Each case is unique and usually the doctors will advise the appropriate treatment regiment. Above all, keep a positive attitude by allowing the disease. In general the death of the disease has declined and the future looks brighter.

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Risk factors for cervical cancer

Today we will discuss some of the risk factors for cervical cancer. There are many who will not be possible for us to fulfill all, but let's see how far we go today.

1) HUMAN PAPILLUM virus infection (HPV): This is the most important of all risk factors associated with cervical cancer. Doctors believe that before a woman can develop cervical cancer, which must have been infected with HPV. Some HPV typesare classified as "high risk" because they are the main causes of cervical cancer. These types are HPV 6, HPV 18, HPV 31, HPV 35 and HPV 45 and many others. About two thirds of all cervical cancers are caused by HPV 16-18.

2) SMOKE: Women who smoke are more likely to contract cervical cancer than women who do not smoke. Smoking exposes the body to many cancer-causing chemicals that affect not only lungs, but in other parts of the body. L 'First, the lungs, absorb these harmful substances, and then transfer to the blood throughout the body. The sub-snuff products have been found in cervical mucus of women who smoke. These substances damage the DNA of cervical cells and may also lead to the development of cervical cancer.

3) immunosuppression, human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) is the virus that causes AIDS. The virus damages the immune system of the whole bodyand causes women to have an increased risk of HPV infection. This is one of the causes of the increased risk of cervical cancer in women with AIDS. The immune system is very important in destroying cancer cells and slows their growth and distribution. A pre-cancer of the cervix is likely to become invasive cancer faster in women with HIV.

4) Chlamydia infection: This is a very common bacteria that can infect the reproductive system. Disseminationis mainly through sexual contact. Women whose blood tests show or present infection with chlamydia are at increased risk of cervical cancer compared with women with normal results. This type of infection often presents symptoms in women. Unless a woman is to examine your pelvic region, you may not know they are infected with chlamydia. When this is long in the body, resulting in pelvic inflammatory disease, which also leads to infertility.

5) Diets: dietsin fruits and vegetables is low may increase the risk of cervical cancer. In addition, being overweight can also lead to cervical cancer.

6) the contraceptive pill: the use of birth control pills for a long period of time increases the risk of cervical cancer in women. The more you use these pills, the risk increases and decreases after being arrested.

7) multiple pregnancy, many women with full-time pregnancies are at increased risk of cancerthe cervix. This may be because some of these women may have been exposed to unprotected sex acts, which are then exposed to infection with HPV. This is because the pregnant woman's immune system is weak, which allows HPV infection / cancer growth.

8) State of low socio-economic: Very low-income women without access to adequate health care, including pap smears, and the implication of this is to be tested or treated forpre-cancerous diseases of the cervix.

9) Family history: cervical cancer runs in families. If your mother or sister with cervical cancer, the risk of developing this disease is greatest. The women of the same family of a patient already diagnosed with cervical cancer may be more likely to have one or more of the nongenetic risk factors, other previously described in this section.

I'd love to know what their views orcomments on this post.

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Cervical cancer: Pap Based on only for the prevention of cancer can kill you

Although the test itself usually leads to no harm, you do not know about Pap tests and excessive dependence on reassuring results may be seriously harmful to health. This, in fact, can kill. The reasons for this apparently surprising statement and other basics that a clever woman should know in relation to the prevention of cancer are the subject of this article!

Let's take a brief historical detour just to see why. The Pap test, abbreviatedPap test is a scraping of cells from the cervix with a small spatula and brush. These cells are then scraped review under the microscope for abnormal or precancerous cells. The Pap test has been around for about 50 years and was a breakthrough in preventing cervical cancer. Even today, as nearly 50% of cervical cancers in the United States occur in women who have never been subjected to 60% of cases develop in women who were not selectedat least 5 years, an argument that was made ​​popular periodic review of all women would further reduce the overall incidence of cervical cancer, and possibly eliminate it. "And true that each type of test is better than no choice at all.

But unfortunately, even when the Pap test is readily available, this can not alter the results. In one example, the projection was made ​​in 63% of women under 45 years died of cervical cancercancer in Scotland from 1982 to 1991. Other reports note that up to 20% of women with severe pre-cancer or invasive cervical cancer had normal Pap test in the previous year. It therefore appears that the standard Pap test may not be sufficient to prevent cervical cancer. Many women have symptoms and up to half have been recently examined with Pap tests at least standard frequency.

The conclusion is that, despite its largecontribution to the prevention of cervical cancer, we now know that the conventional Pap test has its limitations dangerous. Using biopsy as the gold standard of best available, the ability of the Pap test to take an early pre-cancer and cancer may be as low as 20% - 30%. In other words, up to 80% of pre-cancerous changes can be lost if based on the Pap test alone. Used alone, is simply a technology of yesterday or the last century.

By the way, if you areexperienced symptoms such as abnormal bleeding bleeding between periods or after sex, please call your doctor immediately. A biopsy is needed for evaluation and possible, not Pap tests or other screening tests. Research is defined as the search for disease in asymptomatic patients. If you have symptoms, it is past that point. While abnormal bleeding is usually due to many possible reasons for benign non cancerous, you owe it to yourself to be completelyevaluated.

It is very important to detect cervical lesions when they are still pre-cancerous. When abnormal cells are scraped from the cervix with a Pap test and looked at under a microscope, it usually means that there is an area of ​​dysplasia or cancer of the cervix before. In some cases it may also be an early cervical cancer. Cervical cancer rarely spread directly from one area to normal. Instead, it develops over time, usually years.The cells become increasingly anomalous and, lastly, invade or begin to grow more than the normal cervical tissue. When these cells invade, are not pre-cancer and invasive cancer is already present.

Once found, before they become invasive or cancerous lesions are not a threat to life and are usually treatable with minimally invasive therapies. In other words, hysterectomy and more drastic treatments such as radiation and chemotherapy are avoided.

CriticalStatement: We now know that there is a sexually transmitted virus called HPV or human papilloma virus-which is largely responsible for almost all cervical cancers, and we have a simple test for this painful! Not perfect but fairly accurate.

HPV is actually quite common, and most (up to 75% or three out of four) women who were sexually active tend to be infected at some point in their lives.

There are two types of HPV: low risk and highrisk. There are several subtypes of each category, but the important thing to remember is that persistent infection with high-risk HPV that put them at higher risk of developing pre-cancerous condition or cancer of the cervix. The good news is that relatively low-risk HPV rarely causes cancer, but can still cause problems such as the cervix, vulva or genital warts, which can be difficult to treat sexually transmitted. The most positive news is that HPV infections are transient. In other words, they go on their own, usually within nine months to a year. However, since this is a sexually transmitted virus, may become infected by contact with an infected person or a promiscuous lifestyle. Therefore, especially if you are enjoying the active sexuality, this is very important.

The bad news is that persistent infection with high-risk HPV is the most important factor is a condition that can develop cervical> Cancer. Note that not all persistent HPV infections develop cervical cancer. In fact, most women do not develop cancer or precancer. However, the increased risk and should put a red flag is important to carefully with your doctor. Actually diagnosed and treated for pre-cancer or cervical cancer in the past, this is proof that you have had a persistent HPV infection and thereforemore likely to have recurrent infection and / or disease.

The second bad news is that there is no currently approved treatment for HPV infection risk. However, since they usually disappear spontaneously this bad news is not so bad for most women. In addition, a commercially available vaccine has just been made available. The ideal time for vaccination is before sexual activity begins, so that between 8 and 13 years is ideal. However, although there is no agreement on the incompletethis, women under 26 years can benefit from the vaccine.

Women who are infected with HIV or are immunosuppressed for other diseases or medications are less likely to have HPV infections disappear spontaneously. Therefore, have an increased risk of descending to the pre-cancer or cancer of the cervix.

The HPV virus is sexually transmitted, as indicated. Contact with the genitals in some way has to happen. However, given the variable length of time requiredto clear the infection spontaneously, the infection does not mean that your partner has been unfaithful. The virus can live on inanimate objects for a short period, contact with sex toys or other forms of indirect contact sexual transmission is possible.

Like everything else, there is an advantage and a risk associated with HPV testing. The main advantage is one of tranquility. If HPV is negative, the risk of dysplasia or cancer is extremely low. The main advantage is secondone of convenience, since the detection range can be easily extended to three years instead of yearly visits. However, to be complete, there are other reasons to go to a doctor once a year for the care and women. The main risks of the HPV test are related to anxiety and psychological stress to know about HPV infection and wondered how he had the infection, since it is primarily a sexually transmitted virus.

Critical Statement: Warning: Ifare one of the first pre-cancer can disappear on its own under medical supervision. During the treatment is possible and can lead to scarring, pain and infertility. Of course, the treatment of HPV infection alone (ie no abnormal cells detected) by surgery (including burning cutting and freezing) is not effective and may lead to more harm than good. Discuss the risks and benefits of treatment with your doctor. If you are not satisfied with the answers, get a secondOpinion!

Critical statement: condoms do not prevent male-female sexual transmission of HPV. The reason for this is that the virus may be living in the scrotum of sexual partners. Moreover, an anti-spermicide nonoxynol-9 has no effect against HPV.

Critical statement: As for other gynecologic cancers are concerned, the Pap test has been designed and promoted to detect these. Period. End of story! Do not let anyone tell you otherwise.The HPV test is only intended as a tool for cervical screening. Technology ovarian cancer detection and uterus are being developed, but are woefully inadequate.

So what cervical screening test (s) should ask for more?

The following information is based on recommendations from the American Cancer Society, it includes my review of the literature and practical experience. In all cases, this means that theserecommendations are as aggressive as it is reasonable to obtain the best prevention. The truth is that what you need is a little individual and depends on age and personal medical history. There is no single answer "cookie-cutter for every woman and you should discuss the details with your doctor.

Can be tested more often than the recommendations given below, but there was no benefit on the basis of extensive medical studies. And there can be some damage. Why? WhyCervical cancer screening is not. Rather, it is pre-cancer. Because of this, usually are not years of built-in time to change events of pre-cancer to cancer, or not. Remember that some of these pre-cancerous changes disappear by themselves. Then, an excess of detection and drug treatment can lead to more harm than good. This is very different from the recommendations on breast cancer screening, where the goal of annual mammographyis to detect cancer early, no pre-cancer. In this situation, the first detection and treatment faster, the better the results. Breast cancer is not going away by itself. Therefore, you see there is a big difference, depending on what you are looking for the detection or prevention.

If you are under 30 years:

You should have your first screening test for about three years after the first sexual contact, regardless of whether or not vaginalpenetration occurred, or 21 years old
You should have a Pap test every 3 years, while they are under 30 years
If the result of the Pap smear shows atypical cells of undetermined significance, also known as ASC-US, you must be screened for the virus high-risk human papillomavirus (HPV) should be
If you are between 30 and 65: both cytology and HPV testing should be obtained yearsIf three has more than 65 years, routine testing is not recommended if you haveadequate screening with Pap smears and testingIf recent and / or HPV had a total hysterectomy or total (which means the cervix is ​​removed):

If the hysterectomy for benign reasons, screening is not recommended vaginal
If the hysterectomy was performed for cervical precancerous results, three tests on consecutive Pap screening should be done before stopping other controls.
If the hysterectomy was done for cervical cancer, thedetection times and frequency of follow-up examinations and vaginal individualized and should be decided in consultation with the gynecologic oncologist.
If you have received treatment for precancerous lesions of the cervix and has not been removed:

Pap and HPV testing was performed 6 months after treatment and repeated after 2 years. If it is normal after these two tests, routine screening depends on the age as mentioned above can be resumed. If you have HIV or who are immunologicallysuppressed by disease or drugs: annual Pap test and HPV test should be performed.
What happens after an abnormal Pap or HPV test?

If cytology is ASC-US and HPV is negative:

Repeat after two years
If it is normal at this time, you can return to routine screening depends on the age, as mentioned above.
If the Pap test is normal, but HPV is positive:
Repeat every year for two years
Is it normal after these two tests, you can return to the old routineselection of employees as mentioned above.
Another visual test called a colposcopy, biopsy and possible, is / are recommended if:
Pap smear shows cells that are worse than ASC-US
Pap test showing ASC-US and HPV is also positive
The HPV test is often positive, the Pap test has been, and remains normal. There is some controversy in this situation, with some expert advice before evaluating other great visuals. In many cases, not found, but alsoa visual security and biopsies may be useful. In these situations, it is best to discuss all the risks and benefits with your doctor for a long time.

Summary of recommendations:

Getting tested
Be tested using a combination of Pap and HPV testing with the above guidelines
Report any abnormal discharge or bleeding symptoms to the doctor early, and insist on an explanation
I do not think that the Pap smear, HPV testing and routinepelvic examination reliably prevent other types of cancer
All the above information is designed to help you make informed decisions about the detection, prevention and health. Not intended to replace the relationship between doctor and patient, as each individual situation is different for health. If you do not have a doctor who can discuss these issues, get one! His health continued to depend on it!

Friday, April 8, 2011

Ovarian cancer survival rates - Information

Cervical cancer symptoms

Several studies have shown an exponential increase survival rates of ovarian cancer in the last 35 years. During the period between 2003 and 2007, a survey showed an increase of five years and survival rates of ovarian cancer, with a rate of 70 percent and 41 percent, respectively, of a previous rate of 42 and 21 percent.

This incredible increase in the survival rate of ovarian cancer is highly due to advances in modern medicine. The huge increase of 1survival statistics for the year due to the use of platinum-based chemotherapy, while the increase in 5 years due to new treatments that might be good to give women suffering from ovarian cancer.

The age has always been a very important factor when treating cancer of all kinds. Further analysis showed that young women have shown that the improved performance of older women. The survival rates of ovarian cancer in women 16 to 35 years of age in a five - yearperiod reflects a survival rate of 80%. On the other hand, women who are over 40 years and older have a survival rate significantly lower than 60%. A study in the UK has shown that ovarian cancer is less likely to be identified as they age. This is a very important factor in relation to the survival statistics for ovarian cancer among older women.

Stages of cancer are also a determining factor when it comes to ovarian cancersurvival rates. When cancer cells begin to spread to other body systems, survival decreases the chances that the cancer has spread due to infection. Although there have been studies that have shown a significant increase in survival by stage. In the years prior to 1987 and 1991 only had a survival rate of ovarian cancer in the first phase was only 80%, while it increased to 92% between 2004 and 2008. There was also a slight increase inReport of survival of the third or fourth stage of the disease in previous years.

There have been many comparisons in many countries with respect to the statistics of this type of cancer. The good news is that with our technology today, many options are available to provide accurate and useful methods for terminal cancer-free women. All women should know is that a large number of people who lived through the nightmare of the past for the samedisease, and should not give up their struggle.

Thursday, April 7, 2011

As the human papillomavirus can cause cervical cancer

If you study will be broad and deeply know that the human papilloma virus (HPV) the virus is very dangerous and is a form of a combination of more than 100 types of HPV. These viruses are called papillomaviruses because these viruses can increase the occurrence of genital warts or papillomas, which are considered benign and no. However, as consultants to the health, HPV, which amplify the appearance of common warts are completely differentWarts found on the genitals.

The tumor is also known as oncogenes cancer risk-high heat. Primarily it has been shown that HPV attacks the body through sexual contact. Patients infected with HPV infected if you have a physical connection with it. As for the human papilloma virus cervical cancer is concerned, it was found that HPV plays an important role to play in the papillomavirus origin of cervical cancer in humans.

In 2007 he wasestimated that about 11,000 female couples in the U.S. alone have been diagnosed with Human Papilloma Virus and cervical cancer was also estimated that 4,000 are facing death due to the more severe form of human papilloma virus to cervical cancer. According to health advisors, HPV increases the probability of occurrence of cancer in certain areas of the vulva, anus, vagina and penis.

HPV infection acceleratesdevelopment of oropharyngeal cancer that attacks the oropharynx, which is located in the center or the central part of the throat and soft palate. HPV instigates certainly the possibility of spread of cervical cancer and if female, it is necessary to take special measures to protect the body against cancer of the cervix.

You'd better go to physicians for review. Doctors who prescribe medication toother treatment modalities applied to improve the health of the body. If there is a change in cell mass, through the high-risk area and should opt for good protection against papillomavirus human cervical cancer.

There are other causes that develop cervical cancer causes, such as smoking and excessive tendency to have many children in a short period of time. if you have more than two partners, he hopes that the fearto be attacked by diseases due to HPV. So please take appropriate steps to protect your body from the HPV virus attacks.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Cervical cancer treatment options abroad

Understanding Cervical Cancer

A form of cancer that affects the cervix (ie, part of the female reproductive system) is a slow growing cancer, usually caused by infection with Human Papilloma Virus. Other predisposing factors include early sexual activity, multiple sexual partners, long-term use of oral contraceptives, infection with sexually transmitted diseases and smoking. Pap smear, a screening testdetection of cervical cancer, it is recommended among sexually active women. To confirm the diagnosis by colposcopy, punch biopsy or cone of cervical tissue is made. other imaging techniques such as computerized tomography, or PET X-rays can be used to assess the extent of metastasis and stage of tumor growth.

Surgery Cervical Cancer

The only surgical treatment option depends on the stage and location of the tumor.There are different forms of treatment available, which include hysterectomy (removal of uterus and cervix), radical hysterectomy (removal of uterus, cervix, vagina and surrounding lymph nodes), pelvic exenteration (removal of the cervix, uterus , vagina, ovaries, lymph nodes, lower colon, rectum and bladder). Cryosurgery and laser surgery are the options that are available for pre-cancerous conditions and smaller tumors.

Chemotherapy and radiotherapytreatment

In the case of metastatic spread beyond the cervix, and when surgery is not considered adequate to eliminate chemotherapy and radiation therapy is recommended. The treatment is also given before (neoadjuvant) and after (adjuvant) surgery to improve surgical outcomes. Both treatments were accompanied by several side effects as hair loss, fatigue, nausea, loss of appetite, weight loss and increased susceptibility to infections,diarrhea and dysuria.

Treatment Options for Cervical Cancer abroad

With the rapid evolution of technology, international quality standards and protocols for medical and surgical care, and international accreditation from JCI and ISO Jach, countries like India, South Korea, Turkey, Jordan and Mexico have won the reputation of the main destinations for the treatment of treatment of cervical cancer. Low cost of treatment and the huge cost savingsopportunities has led to an increase in the number of U.S. patients considering traveling abroad to seek high-quality care at low cost

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

The symptoms of cervical cancer

Cervical cancer symptoms

Cervical cancer is one of the most insidious types of cancer because it may seem that the symptoms of the disease or the symptoms may appear only once the disease has established a woman's body. This makes periodic inspections of increasingly important health and Pap test once a year is essential for all women. Security is first an excellent motto.

And another of the unpleasant aspects of cancer is that symptomsFor other problems, such as ovulation or premenstrual pain are common to many women. These pains may mask the symptoms of cervical cancer.

But while there may be no obvious symptoms, there is evidence to suggest that the disease is present. These signs may include one or more of the following:

or heavy or light vaginal bleeding during the month is a possible symptom of cervical cancer

or pelvic pain that is not part of normal menstrual pain. The pain can range from a short, sharp pain sufferers for a long boring. The pain can range in severity from mild to severe.

or painful urination. This often means that patients in the cancer has spread to the bladder of the discomfort during urination.

abnormal vaginal discharge, or take the form of a watery substance, mucus, which can be thick and / or odor. The type of discharge can vary a lot, because every woman andCervical Cancer> is different.

bleeding or sometimes bleeding between regular menstrual periods. This can occur after having sex, irrigation and a pelvic exam. Cervical cancer that is irritated by certain things, such as those mentioned and often bleed as a result of this activity.

It is important that one of the above symptoms are also other problems and does not mean that the woman in question, in fact, cervical cancer. However, the point can not be often enough that there is an urgent need to see a doctor as soon as possible if these symptoms. It is not uncommon for a woman experiences a change in the color of your urine be severely fatigued for no apparent reason and pain after intercourse. Although these symptoms are common to people diagnosed with cervical cancer, it is possible that these> The symptoms are the result of problems of lack of cancer.

Many women speak of "knowing your body." They believe they have an innate sense of when something is wrong. Some women diagnosed with cervical cancer believe they feel that something was wrong even before they had a medical diagnosis.

So it is true that there are many symptoms that suggest that a woman has cervical cancer. But unfortunately can not contract the disease andhave no symptoms at all clear for some time. The best advice is to tell your doctor as soon as possible any abnormal bleeding, pain, and discharge or Pap test regularly.

Monday, April 4, 2011

The early warning signs of ovarian cancer

Ovarian cancer is called a silent disease, because it usually is not until it is advanced. In most cases, by the time the cancer is detected and has spread to other parts of the abdomen. However, there are some early warning signals can help detect ovarian cancer before it is too late.

Doctor, I do not know what percentage of ovarian cancer cases are warning signs. Most women who arediagnosed with the disease often showed symptoms. However, since most women who had been diagnosed at an advanced stage, it is impossible to determine how many of them had symptoms before the cancer began to spread.

Another fact is that many cases of ovarian cancer often take many months to diagnose. Nearly half of all cases of ovarian cancer to take more than three months and some require more than a year to diagnose. Therefore, it is possibleA number of women with early warning signs.

The most common first symptom is abdominal bloating and flatulence. Although this is often ignored, as only a little extra weight. However, not all women have the same symptoms. Therefore, it is important to know all the warning signs as possible, so you can recognize and get to the doctor before it is too late. Other warning signs include pelvic or abdominal pain, gastrointestinal symptomssuch as gas, bleeding, urinary problems, fatigue, fever, back pain and breathing difficulties.

While most of the time these signs will not be a consequence of ovarian cancer is important to them marked. Thus, if you have ovarian cancer can be taken early and have a better chance of treating it.

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Cervical Cancer - 3 ways in which early detection

Cervical cancer symptoms

In previous years, women 60 and older were more likely to cervical cancer. However, with the 2009 report, an alarming 58% of these cases were women in the age of 40 and 50 only. With these statistics, it is important to know the signs of cervical cancer so that its symptoms can be contained. advanced cases of this type of ailment can become invasive, which means there is a good possibility that thetumor cells> affect surrounding tissues and muscles as well.

But what are the most common signs of cervical cancer?

1. Abnormal vaginal bleeding. abnormal bleeding or unusual signs of blood stains is one of the most common signs of precancerous lesions of the cervix stages. You can come in different shapes, such as spotting between periods, heavy and light attacks menstruation, vaginal bleeding after sex, blood stain after menopauseand even vaginal bleeding after douching. In some cases, women may experience unusual discharge from the early period.

2. Pain during intercourse. Vaginal bleeding is often preceded by pain during sex. This may be due to increased sensitivity or inflammation of the tissues and muscles of the uterus. In advanced stages, the pain in this area is an indication that the cancer has already spread to the surrounding area.

3. Pain duringnormal body functions. Two other signs of cervical cancer include pain when urinating and defecating. The pain caused by urinary tract infection or urinary tract infection is another indication that the muscles of the reproductive system is in a phase of hyper-sensitive.

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Know the symptoms of cervical cancer

Cervical cancer symptoms

Women should know the importance of how cervical cancer is dangerous. It 's the most dangerous disease that begins in silence with symptoms. The early recognition of symptoms is the only way to start with early treatment before the worst. The first treatment, the greater the chance of cure. But how do we know that the symptoms of cervical cancer? Cervix is the part that connects the uterus to the vagina in the bottom of the uterus or womb. And "the neck of the uterus which stretches during labor. Know that cervical cancer and its stages is essential for women to distance themselves from the dangers of this disease.

In the treatment area must be the importance of knowing the stages of cervical cancer. There are tests and examinations to discover the stages of this cancer.

These are the different stages of> Cervical Cancer:

Tis - is the cancer cell in which research can only be detected in the cervix is the surface, but in the deepest parts of the tissues.

Phase 1 cervical cancer (T1) - the growth of cancer cells in the uterus and attaches deep in the tissues of the cervix. Cancer in this condition is not fully entered into the cervix and uterus.

Stage 2 Cervical cancer (T2) - can be dangerous becausecancer cells are beyond the uterus and cervix and is not a great chance to damage the top of the vagina. During this phase, the spread of it is not attached to the pelvic wall or bottom of the vagina.

The stage 3 cervical cancer (T3), at this stage, it is the spread of cancer cells to the pelvic wall and / or to the bottom of the vagina. There is a great opportunity to block the ureters and the tube that carries urine from the kidney tobladder.

This disease causes great pain to the sufferer, abnormal bleeding can be light or heavy menstrual period. No bad smell, watery mucus, thick in the vagina that is strong unusual discharge. The pain of acute pain during the menstrual cycle and may be mild or more severe. The pain is so painful urination, urination usually give no consolation. And the cycle ends menstrual bleeding and bleeding after sexreport. A person suffering from this dangerous disease can occur due to extreme anemia bleeding from the vagina and are not causing pelvic pain in the back and legs. While you will be using the bathroom, but note that there is stool in the vagina due to obstruction of the ureter and kidney. This is the result of the abnormal opening that occurs in the rectum or vagina to the bladder. Most people who have suffered from this disease lose their appetite for weight loss because of cancertreatments.

Know the symptoms of cervical cancer is the best option to be free from the danger of this fatal cancer risk. The awareness of this silent disease, which could be fatal should have appropriate information, knowing the proper procedures to keep free of the disease, know the symptoms and stages of the disease and treatment to correct this. With this information you will know how to be free of this diseaseand gives an awareness of all cervical cancers are so deadly.

Friday, April 1, 2011

The symptoms of cervical cancer The Battle - What every woman should know the symptoms of cervical cancer information on

Now that you have been diagnosed with symptoms of cervical cancer, where it begins to take care of themselves? It is important at this time, perhaps more than any other time in your life, take care of itself. What are some ways you can help reduce and eliminate?

Attitude - Your attitude is a little to do with your body fights the symptoms y. Try to stay positive and optimistic, you are giving your bodythe immune system added strength and encouragement in the fight against cancer and disease. Many studies have found a direct correlation between a positive and healing.

Exercise - Although it is often difficult even to want to exercise when you are fighting a disease, can significantly increase the efficiency of the immune system. A simple exercise such as walking has health benefits that I have for you all the time, if you are suffering from cervicalThe symptoms of cancer or not.

Eating well - the food can have a major impact on how the body and this is especially true when fighting the symptoms of cervical continue eating. Foods rich in vitamins and natural minerals and nutrients in their natural state as possible can help the immune system is working efficiently, so your body can naturally fight the symptoms of cervical cancer to help treat cervical cancerchoice that the doctor has chosen.

Choose a doctor - a doctor who knows of a treatment of cervical cancer is very important, but having a doctor who can talk is even more important. If you think you or your need to be taken seriously, then you might want to reconsider your choice. The symptoms are not something that disappears quickly, so you want a doctor to treat their condition withcomfortably.

Ask questions - If you are not sure why you are taking a particular drug or a certain test, then ask. Asking questions is the only way to learn more about the symptoms of his cancer, so a patient can be more informed. This can have a significant impact on the severity of their symptoms and cervical cancer can be a big impact on the health perspective.

Having this type of cervical cancer not You are an instant death sentence. The fight against all possible ways we can help you make the most of his treatment of cervical cancer, so you'll have all the tools to beat cervical cancer symptoms.

You can find more details on my web site (cervical - cancer symptoms information -.) I did with my own experience.
You can always contact me in roxann.park @ write about cervical cancer - Cancer -Symptoms>. info and jumped as soon as possible.

Roxana Park
